The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Fine! If it’s just a yesterday PM thing then no worries. Most subscribers are American then if there were no posts yesterday morning?

It’s probably going to be a cautious week for most guys, just look at how many news items litter this week’s calendar, most important of which is NFP on Friday.

Yes, just two day’s trading this week, both days start with a T, Today and Tomorrow :smiley:

Thanks bud!


Good example of SMT Divergence between pairs last night. I only traded it for a scalp as it was counter-trend and because of all the news this week.

  1. Major resistance levels for both pairs. 1.2600 for Fiber and 1.5900 for cable.
  2. Cable jumps up, Fiber does not. They both drop.

Good Afternoon folks! :wink:

I just wanted to say hello and to inform you this thread will close one month after the Trading Plan Series is posted on September 12, 2012. The page length is growing large and I want the followers of our thread to have a chance to ask questions about what they see in the new series before I request this thread be closed. Now recall… we are beginning the PTC series tonight… so you are going to still see weekly reviews every Sunday night. It will be posted as a standard PTC video in the new thread. I don’t want to juggle two threads longer than 4 weeks… and it will gather everyone into one thread daily as well… which might present a giant of a thread there as well… oh well… go big or stay home huh? lol

Talk with all via the new Pro Traders Club video tonight 10pm EST :57:

Can someone tell me where I can go to watch the Pro Traders Club video tonight? Thanks in advance

Sorry guys, I think I got it. Its on the first page of this thread and there’s a link titled “visit when live events broadcast”.

I don’t think it gets any easier than that - Thanks again

if you keep posting all these bad ass videos that get my skin all prickly someday im going to end up with permanent goose bumps. ive always loved that COD commercial lol.

Thank you bobmaninc

:cool: lol I love that one too… when I watched it last year on TV I was like… hey that’s applicable to Trading! The chopper flies in fast like a Judas swing… the guy runs right into the path and the noob runs in late but trails his stop loss order too tight and gets tagged out early… and pouts over it. The bazooka over the knife is perfect overleveraged example… and the rest is simply awesome. I play it once a week I love it so much. I had so much fun mashing that one together… :slight_smile:

Men are so easily entertained aren’t we? :33:

lol yes we are. you did fit that perfectly with trading. did you shout that out? “hey thats applicable to trading” i could imagine the looks on your families faces lol.

Cool video especially the bazooka part hehe.

I have a cuestion I was locking at the “The Inner Circle Trader Trading Plan Preflight Checklist” and I sem to have missed were ICT Stinger and Ict Grail is metioned. can someone guide me to that video?


So I had been using ForexLTD for USDX charts, but as I mentioned earlier I had to do some rebooting and now I can’t get the USDX. I reinstalled ForexLTD’s platform and no dice…did they update their software or something so only the older versions had USDX? Anyone have any thoughts on how I can get my precious USDX back ; )


Mines working fine still - dont think they would have removed it…

Have you tried opening ‘Market watch’ > Right click - Click Symbols > Find USDx here and make sure its highlighted as shown…

Oh thats right! I forgot I had to go back and find it since its not in the default “new chart” section. THANK YOU!


Yield Overlay Question. Is the 5yr breaking lows and the rest aren’t? The 5yr is the darkest blue.



In your opinion, what is the best way to deal with emotions once in a trade or in the management process of a running trade. After entry, I will often doubt my setup as price is dancing around my entry point. Now I have down my home work and a proper analysis the night before and wait for premise to unfold during the london open session. Once it unfolds, I have no problem pulling the trigger and getting into the trade, as it was the exact setup i was waiting for to unfold but once in the trade doubt and emotions often come into play and I start 2nd guessing the setup which often leads to an one of the following actions by myself: unneeded stress, premature exit & take profit or micro management…

A good trader and friend of mine recommended that once I enter the trade and Stoploss at London open, that I just walk away and let it do it’s thing, right or wrong. He said more often than not, their is not much you can do to help the trade from management perspective other than just let it unfold. Then come back around 1 hour later or 1 hour before New York Open and manage the trade and then walk away again…

I would appreciate your opinion or suggestions on the subject.

Thanks - IX

GP6 if you like take a look to this alternative link: they’re easier to track.