The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

OANDA USERS. Anyone able to help me setting up demo accts in Oanda? I have the live mt4 account, and both live and demo in Oanda’s web java app but it would help a ton not having to switch back and forth. Anyone know how to set up Oanda pratice mt4 account? Thanks a lot.

  • Go to Forex Trading | Currency Trading | OANDA fxTrade Europe
  • Click on “Sign into fxTrade”
  • Click “FxTrade Practice tab”
  • Log in…
  • Create subaccount
  • Fill in the details as requested, open Advanced options and check “Enable this account for use with Metatrader 4”
  • Write down the account number and remember your password

Now open OANDA - Metatrader 4

  • Go to “File” > “Login”
  • Fill in the account number and password you set up (above)
  • Done, it should be working :slight_smile:

Lol, thanks for the vote of confidence bro! :stuck_out_tongue: I will take that opportunity with both hands, God-willing of course :wink:

To be honest, I’ve set myself the goal of upping the account balance once I reach a 50% gain on the current one… Still paying off wedding / honeymoon debt remember :wink:

PM, thanks a lot for the response. I went back and followed your instructions exactly, but then when I try to login through the Oanda Metatrader 4, it says invalid account. My live account works fine, but the practice acct does not. From your response, at least I know that I am doing the right things, so thanks again. I’ve emailed Oanda so maybe I can get to bottom of it Monday.

every body should check out the pics of people its interesting to know what ev3eryu body looks like and by all means post ur own.

I do understand your view point, and especially during the first few weeks after stumbling across ICTs threads I would have hoped to see some Live results to strengthen my hopes and to fuel up my eagerness to dive into ICTs material even more than it already had at that point…
While I am still a newbie and still have a lifetime of learning ahead of me… I do not really see the point in sharing information about live accounts anymore… Maybe I just don’t fully understand the purpose of myfxbook… but at the end of the day I am trading for myself and my family, and I frankly have a hard time understanding why someone would give a rats a$$ about my account size?
I am happy to share my performance expressed by a percentage of return… But I would feel incredibly uneasy about publishing regular updates of my funds - just like I wouldn’t want to publish any information about my funds on any bank accounts…Especially not in a public online forum;)

While I only started trading Live a month ago on a small amount (low 4 figures) and I am planning to increase funds to my originally planned account size, once my performance shows me that I am ready to do so… and I am hence, maybe ignorant about many aspects of trading and this community, I do believe that it should be more interesting to see the performance based on %.
If there is a way of publishing myfxbook without revealing the account size, I’d might considering setting one up after all… so if thats the case and for some strange reason anyone would care to double check my monthly performance shared on this thread, then let me know;)

Personally I am way too busy improving my own trading and in the spare time I luckily still have a life, So researching other people’s accounts are not really that high on my priority list;) BUT I do really enjoy seeing everybody on this thread doing well, and to read about members achieving double digit percent returns, makes me always extremely proud to be a part of this community, and I am sure ICT is delighted to see each and every one of us succeed - But I doubt if he cares much about if we are trading with a 50$ account or a 500k$account… I could be wrong

Maybe I misunderstood your post, I am sorry if that is the case mate!

Obviously many people are probably only sharing their good trades, or are simply lying or exaggerating… But I wouldn’t bother too much. After all you are trading for yourself.

I do assume that by trading your account up into bigger dimensions (from 3 figures to 7 figures or so) our psychology should have enough time to adopt (I hope…) to lose 500k in one trade would probably lead me to the next bridge to jump from, in my current state of mind… but luckily I still have time to adopt until I get to that level;)

I wish everyone a good start into the new week and
happy hunting

Nice excursion to fundamentals. I think worth to see…


Per Video Comment… :57:


I have plans this evening folks that require my time and energy elsewhere. The video is still processing so give it a bit of time in Youtube servers to polish up… then play. I have Cable review Monday with Fiber as well.

Keep posting those pics on the other thread… Groovy! :wink:

[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

" Aussie to go lower "

I think you just gave bobmaninc some wet dreams :stuck_out_tongue: LOL!.. I expect him to be all over that!

Just thought id drop in my 2 cents…

While i agree there is a ‘niche’ market for people having a transparent 4 digit + myfxbook account and showing consistent profits, the sad fact is i dont think many people here will be able to fill the shoes here…

To me personally, the size of somebody’s account is all relative. I agree a $50k account is different to a $500 account, but at the same time its very subjective. One mans pocket change is another mans riches. I agree obviously there is a significant difference in actual value, but its about how that value is perceived per person. The fact is, some people here will have different values of money compared to others. So again, depending on the person, whether they are running a 4 digit account or not, it can still be looked at as a lot of money - to them…

The ugly truth is this, no matter how amazingly generous ICT will be in sharing tools to work the markets, to be quite honest thats only 50% (possibly less) of your actual game plan. I can pretty much garuntee the exact same trading plan can be passed around different people, and the results wont be consistent, because its not the strategy that makes the trader, its the trader that makes the strategy.

Hand on my heart, as much as i would love to see every single person here succeed and do this on the long run, i dont think every one will - or should i say can. It takes a certain type of mindset to be able to stick to a trading plan with discipline and patience, it takes a certain type of mindset to trade as per their risk management, it takes a certain type of mindset to be able to take a loss and come back level headed.
Im not implying in anyway that i am those things - because by a long shot im not, but i hope i have the determination to get there some day…

Like they say, the truth is always ugly, and like ICT says, trading isn’t a team sport. As grateful as we all are that ICT shares what he does, there is only so far up the mountain he can take us, but after that, its up to us finish the climb and reach the peak - and thats usually the point where most of us will stumble and fall…

Serious question - Why?

You should be analysing those charts anyway. Just drop them on yourself as part of your analysis.

I redo my lines every day, keeps them fresh.

1 Like

If you want to save 14 minutes, just do what Larry Williams suggests, and leave the fundamental supply and demand analysis to the professional teams hired by the Commercials.

I know
I was just wondering if there is an indicator

Thank you

ICT’s trinity indicators will give you previous daily weekly and monthly highs and low as well as the fib retracement levels in between. U can download it on the first page


Can someone please tell me, what is the indicator that ICT used for plotting Open Interest?

Thank you so much.


You do NOT have to publicly show your account balance with myfxbook, you can limit public visibility to percentage gain/loss, as well as other factors such as pips gain/loss. For me, I see it as another tool to analyze my trading, and not so interested in the public view ability. But that’s just me, i mostly lurk.

I really liked the idea of redrawing them everyday. I should be doing that too.
Thank you so much for your suggestion

thanks, in that case I might look into it!

nice judas + OTE on fiber :slight_smile: