The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Buna Vladul,

Thats a pretty indicator…where did you get it?

And speaking of indicators, is the source code (mq4) for the ICT indicators available? Or some description of the parameters?
I’m trying to work out why “ICT ADR” indicator always gives 84 pips, which is hard to do without documentation or source code.


P.S. - After further playing with the “indicator” ADR, it appears it always displays 84 when placed on to a running StrategyTester chart. When called from within code, it seems to display correct values, but the problem here is the code has its own set of display strings that conflict with what the indicator wants to show. Plus, the indicator does not return any values in code, nor set any global vars, means I cannot use it from inside code. If only the source code was available!

If I may suggest something? Why not use the traders trinity indicators for the daily monthly and weekly. The top and bottom of the indicator are the high and low of the previous session. Therefore it gives you what you seek and a little extra for free :slight_smile:

and who ever noted shorting the Aussie must be a genius. I will be looking to get short hope fully but honestly I have not been trading lately. Kind of taking a break I have had a lot going on and not had the time to invest. Heck I have not even watched most of the PTC videos yet.

The setup I was stalking since early morning unfolded just half an hour ago, long Cable at 1.5962. Reasoning:

  • OTE sweet spot (Fri low-high)
  • mid fig .xx60
  • weekly PP
  • daily MS1
  • weekly Trinity upper boundary of NoMan
  • stoch type 2 bullish div on H1
  • SMT div on M15 (Cable --> lower low; Fiber and USDX failed to post new low/high)

Anyone else in? I will be taking 70% off quickly as I’m not totally sure where will the pair go longer term.

I had it noted from the analysis I did yesterday afternoon, however I saw Asia effected the MS so ended up going short during the KZ. Took the trade to break even and then it hit my stop but then continued down slightly for the day.

Therefore I decided I would leave it for today and look for a fresh setup in the coming days.

Hope it works out for you though.


I was looking for a short scalp at LO killzone too, missed my entry by 3 pips… This one looks more convincing for me though but will see how it ends up. So far so good, approaching my 1st TP :slight_smile:

edit: End hit, 70% off, SL of the rest moved to beakeven.

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Hey! It’s not an indicator…It’s a chart showing the weekly COT reports in a graphical manner. This is the website:

Futures - Commitment of Traders Reports (COT)

Btw, i just noticed TimingCharts is available again for COT stuff

Hi youngskywalker I was stalking the exact same trade for most of your reasons in addition to it being the new york open.
Can you or someone else tell me what the weekly PP and weekly trinity upper boundary of Noman is or where I can watch a video on it? Thanks in advance.

Also, thanks for posting the reasons for your trade because it gives me insight on what others are thinking or looking for and by the way -great trade

Have a look at that buddy.

See it had a nice move back up :slight_smile:

Although I wasn’t in it, as a beginner its nice to be recognising the setups.

If I hadn’t traded LO I wouldn’t have cancelled the limit order.

There’s always another day.

Thanks tommieL I’m on it

Thank you so much


:35:hi all)))

Hi ramil, welcome to the thread, if you haven’t already, I highly suggest go to the first page of this thread and click on the title “What every new & or aspiring forex trader still wants to know”, I’ll try to post the link below

I think its [U]imperative[/U] to watch and try to understand all of the material presented there before trying to catch up over here. Also, if you’re really interested after watching all of those videos, our mentor, ICT has a youtube channel and there are additional videos to watch there as well. Don’t feel bad if you have to watch the videos a couple times before you understand it, I find myself watching his videos 3-4 times before I truly understand what ICT is saying.

Aside from that, as one newbie to another, I feel if you watch all of his previous videos, and his youtube videos, understand them all as best you can and [U]hours upon hours of chart study[/U] on your own to reflect what you’ve learned watching his videos, my opinion is that you can get up to speed with what everyone here is talking about.

Aside from that I wish you the best and welcome you to the thread

Thanks for the link!

Did a short GBP @ 1.6020 for the following reasons with 1% risk:

  1. SMT div
  2. Turtle Soup
  3. OTE
    4)Stoch div
  4. USDX Div (USDX lower lows, GBP Lower Highs)

Edit: closed the trade at +12 pips… wasnt confident of it going any lower due to OTE on recent swing low to high…

I’m in a similar trade but on Fiber. Intended to be a short time scalp, 1% on stake.

hey guys,can you recommend abook that go deep in the price action?
thx,keep it up!

damn I really wished I’d be in my trade with SL at BE before the German court ruling tomorrow…
Was also looking for a possible short at the 1.6020 level but luckily waited for confirmation that didnt happen…and once we broke fridays high, my power of 3 plans where instantly out of whack;) So still flat this week.

Looking at the seasonal tendencies… I’ve been waiting for that bearish retrace into september low for the past days.
Thought the court ruling could be a nice spark for the september rally up… but maybe it will instead be the spark for it to retrace lower (if it does go lower at all this year…)
I could speculate that if the court rules against the ESM tomorrow and euro falls like a hot potato, they would probably tweak around and try to make the ESM constitutional in the following days… which could still be the spark for the september rally up, once it is passed…
But thats just me trying to force-fit the news with what I see (or like to see) on my charts hahaha
maybe LC has a reversal for me…:wink:

cheers and happy hunting

I am also looking for a retracement based on seasonal for GBP FredFresh. Especially as I see a bearish stoch divergence forming on weekly chart just now as a confirmation plus we are in a LT OTE area so everything seem to be lining up for a longer down move.

Of course all this is based on my limited knowledge of a FX newb :wink:

bit of an unsettled session, my overall bias was bullish, caught the long OTE on the Fiber NYO, but closed it out after 30 pips as I wasnt sure how long the rally would last considering we’re hanging around on that 62% HTF retracement level…

but as Fred and Skywalker said, hard to know what will happen over the next few days…

still bullish for now… (but cant help thinking we’re in for large retracement soon…)