The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

I’m awaiting your reply in one year sir.

Hey come on Guys,

this is a thread for learning, there should be another forum space for playground banter, you’re clogging up the posts with this rubbish and its losing its focus.

Originally Posted by NE0
My balance is going consistently up so the jokes on you I really don’t care. have fun on micro kid.
I’m awaiting your reply in one year sir

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Does anyone in here run a chatroom or such where member’s discuss and execute the trade’s based on ICT concept’s or any idea of running such chatroom ?

Thank you so much.

Would just like to say today I brought my account back once again to break even for the umteenth time, although at the begining I wanted to make a million in a week it shows to me I can do it, although it will be a bit slower than I wanted to belive. Like you all, I have taken silly trades, ones that I should not have done but when I keep my head down and focus the results are there.

This is with a live account which I funded in the last eight months with £8ooo to see if i would blow it.

Now break even might not sound so good to most of you starting out but for me after more than a year trading it feels great.

Thanks to all who contribute there ups and downs [akeakamai sanj piphanger ect ]and to our mentor ICT
Was lucky enough to be a follower from the very start keep it up all. :}

Hey ICT!

Thank you for being so nice to offer us a chance to tell you what we want to hear about in your comming series. I would now take the chance and ask you something that really bugs my mind. Maybe it doesn’t fit in the development series, but IMHO it is a very interesting thing, and i doubt that a whole lot of us know anything about it. So:

Could you make a detailed bit about the central banks’ work?
I mean [U]how[/U] they work, and [U]what[/U] they do, and what are their methods of doing it? Why they are doing what they do (in a bit more detail than a simple “for profits” :smiley: )

How do we see WHAT they are doing by looking @ the asian range - maybe i misunderstood, because english is not my native language, - but in the asian range video, i felt like you were hinting that there [I]might[/I] be signs that show their intentions for the day during asia)

You said in a vid, that they reprice to facilitate deals on a different price level, could you elaborate on this? (after a big move up, consolidation, than a move significantly lower -> (making the deal) consolidation, then back to the previous trend up. Why is this, and how do they send money down there, and why not do the deal when price was there, why run up the price before, just to make it go lower, to let it climb back?

I am interested in the mechanics of their working, not the price action that shows what they are doing, as you have highlighted the price action many times in your videos.

I think you could give all of us some deeper insight of how the machine tries to crunch us. For me it is easier to understand / anticipate things, if I know how the thing actually works. And anyways it is something that is simply cool, and probably you are the one here who knows the most about it.

Thank you again for all your time and efforts

P.S. maybe i have just over-mystified all this in my mind, but would like to hear that too from somebody who is more knowledgeable than me :slight_smile:

I’ve wondered the same thing. HOW do they manipulate price? Just buy buy buy to make it go up? And then sell more when everyone is buying and make it go down?

Hey guys, I just wanted to illustrate my question. In the pic, you can see that the 2 and 5 yr yields are diverging not making higher highs. does this mean that we should be expecting the dollar to bounce higher? Please advise

Even the CRB looks like its in an SMT. Or no?? I trade Crude Oil Futures so I’m trying to gauge the direction of the dollar. ANY help would be GREATLY appreciated.

That would be lovely

there used to be a couple of skype groups… not sure if they are still in use…
the babypips chat is a possibility (but its for everybody… many different trading styles)
And the livestream chat was also used sometimes, I believe.

I stopped using all of them, because I was influenced too heavily by other people’s trades…
Im sure some other people are still using some form of chat… maybe one of them could guide you to it;)



Every Wednesday New Installments Will Be Added… Enjoy! :57:

My own thoughts on price being manipulated on an intra-day basis have always been that the price we get quoted is one of many prices available.
The dealers can dictate price so if we were trading at 1.5660, they might only buy at 1.5650 or within 3 pips of that figure so price drops there, then they refuse to buy and will only sell at 1.5670 and above. Market moves in their direction, street money gets crushed, instant profit.

Oh Boy Oh Boy!!!
common youtube process it quicker!
getting excited like a little kid going to disneyland;)

hope to expand my trading, which so far is based purely on cable,fiber, usdx, and some very basic COT… and hopefully after this series I will have more understanding of intermarket analysis to put into my arsenal of tools;)
thanks Michael!
Can’t wait…

yeah, I guessed the same in the essentials, but i dont think it is this simple, there are almost infinite number of entities on the market, even if we think about just one bank, there are hundreds/thousands of traders, I don’t know if it would be manageable to work in such precise and exact ways. All these players make out the price range, and also there might be banks that have different needs in the matter of price level, that would make it even harder and harder to execute the master plan. This is why I asked ICT to share his view, there is more to it, i think. but anyways the essentials might very well be what you say, just want to know some more :slight_smile: always moaaar


A couple of pages back on the thread Shaer posted a youtube link to a video that gave some insights into how the banks operate and manipulate price (real life traders). Maybe check it out.

I am still going over original videos. not only watching the videos but also studying them. i m so astonished how your teachings improved the way i look to the market and trade it in this short time. thanks for guiding us.

still not done with original thread videos but looking forward for future series.

thanks a lot michael

But ICT lays that all out in hours upon hours of videos lol

I don’t think you read his question properly… Watch the video and you’ll see what I mean.

is there anyone out there who can explain this to me?

I wish I knew the answer to that bro… If it’s valid then yes, the USD will bounce higher. Things could change dramatically this evening though, so it’s anybody’s guess.