The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Sorry to keep bugging about this subject, do you have his name on Skype?

Look for Clark Lai

aahhā€¦ thatā€™s why i donā€™t get it I missed ā€œWhat Every New or Aspiring FX Trader Wants to Knowā€¦ā€, I started to read ICTā€™s thread from ā€œWhatā€¦ā€œStillā€ Wants to KNowā€. :slight_smile: Thanks a lot Flying Rhino :slight_smile:


Thanks for the help, not really a Skype user so I didnā€™t realize you could search by name.


Looks like the live stream videos of Michael have been removed from livestream web site. Can someone please let me know if they are available anywhere else.

Thank you so much.


So no ones using the IRC now?

I nabbed 87 pips in the Cable for the Million account. Iā€™ll show trade review video and live statement tonight.

GLGT :57:

is that your weekly goal :50: ?

What Is Your Forex Business Plan?

Itā€™s been a while since I actually posted an article on Babypips. Many of you are looking for the next video to postā€¦ and yes they are being worked onā€¦ so donā€™t you fret. I had a thought come to mind during my morning driveā€¦

How many of you actually have sat down to plan out your business plan for your Forex Trading? No, Iā€™m not talking about what you dream of buying or the day your J.O.B. is no longer needed to sustain yourself. I am actually talking about the nuts & bolts that your Trading will require to make it long term in this business.

Have you considered your Bread & Butter Operation?

What is it that you will do more than any other approach to drive consistency in your Trading? This is where you spend the majority of your efforts and the easiest and lowest hanging fruit to harvest. Have you developed a model or Business Plan to exercise dailyā€¦ and that doesnā€™t imply actually ā€œTradingā€ everyday, mind you. However, the process or routine you employ to move you and your business forward and not backwardsā€¦ have you spent any time with this?

Are you prepared for low-end spectrum results to sustain your interest?

In other words, are you mentally and psychologically prepared to walk this journey with only the lowest results ā€“ yet profitable nonetheless ā€“ to hold your focus and discipline? This might be, for an example, taking Trades with 8% monthly returns and then letting the other portion play out as the Market allowsā€¦ thus padding out additional monthly return percentage wise.

Are you comfortable with the lean results as your Business Plan?

If you are not going to be content with the lower spectrum returns you will ā€œChaseā€ high yielding Trades and allow emotions and psychology to impact your Trading and even worse ā€“ gamble on Equity Management.

Consider our 8% monthly return for a moment. Where can you get that return in a Savings account or Certificate of Deposit? Itā€™s not going to happen. So by having a realistic perspective on the returns portion of Trading, it will allow you to focus on the Business Plan you outline on paperā€¦ and stick to it.

You can still hit homeruns but set out to fill all your bases first.

If you can reach a level where ego no longer impacts your Trading and or Trader Profileā€¦ you have obtained a mindset very few Traders attain. In a business that focuses too much on the ā€œhow much can I make this timeā€ and not more on the ā€œhow much risk does this carryā€ā€¦ it should be refreshing for you as a Trader to have a realistic Business Plan that permits your equity growth over timeā€¦ yes even slowly if need be.

If you pay yourself first monthly 8% and then quickly remove risk on any remaining Trades you still are likely to hit a homerun from time to timeā€¦ over the course of a month. However, your core focus will or I should sayā€¦ ā€œshould beā€ on exercising your Business Plan. Give yourself permission to only make 8% monthly if thatā€™s what unfolds.

Too many of you get depressed and yes it is noticeable in your forum posts, when you make a smaller return or profit than you might have hoped for initially. Or even worseā€¦ when your results are less than the other Trader sharing their results.

The largest most successful Trading models and proprietary Traderā€™s do not care what everyone else has madeā€¦ or will make. They are not in competition with the results of anotherā€¦ they are at war with the Market and the focus is on their execution of their planā€¦ not keeping up with the next guy. Believe meā€¦. There is a lot of destructive thinking in forums as it relates to this way of thinking.

Are you prepared to go the distance with the low-end results of your Business Plan?

If you have placed more emphasis - or I think a more accurate way of stating this would be - 90% of the wager on the likelihood of you hitting the homeruns versus your Bread & Butter operationā€¦ you are neverā€¦ and I mean N.E.V.E.R. will be satisfied as a consistently profitable Trader. You wonā€™t be pleased with following your plan and profiting as a result. You will spend more time looking at the left side of your charts wishing you had more and poisoning your mind with greed and regret and this will materialize in your Trading at some time in the futureā€¦ and it will do more harm to your bottom line than help.

So what is your low-end spectrum result?

How will you execute daily for this to materialize over the course of a monthā€™s time? Do you have a plan to build this Forex Trading into a viable business or is this still a video game to you?

Something to think about folksā€¦.

GLGT :57:

8% monthly returnsā€¦i call that a high-end-result. Right now iā€™m at +0,4 % for 2012.
Well, iā€™m still a newbie and have to learn and practise a lot but at least i can say that i have no problems with low-end-results. :smiley:

so Michael, the live trade is out but what about a live market analysis? Is that out also? Just showing levels of interest and market flow bias?

Mikeā€¦ Thatā€™s tonight

Is there a new livestream or twitter?

Yeah ICT give us the goods man. Come on ICT you can do it :stuck_out_tongue:

Lool. That sound like a drug addict :smiley: no offenseā€¦

ICT - i was rewatching over and over again your videos. One thing you seem to mention and one thing we are missing from your tools is the CHECKLIST. Is there anyway you can add it somewhere? Or youā€™re still preparing it?

Edit: Can someone post/skype me where the ICT livestream will happen. Thank you

Guys, I do not post much but I had to this time Please be patient. Dont push ICT for live stream and twitter and such. A few days ago, we were all in grief because we thought we will not get a chance to hear a word from him again. He showed us already that he wants to continue what he started. Let him do it in the way he deems fit. I trust that however he chooses to deliver his experience will be beneficial for us all.

Did not mean to sound pushy. I was just confused by what trade review video and live statement meant.

I am not concerned with what i bring in each month, I am concerned with consistency. I am working on my business model that makes me do the same things everyday and if at the end of the week I am on top that is what I will be focusing on aswell as refining my approach.

I analyze the charts alot with ICT tools and I am still constructing my strict plan. I like trading everyday only because I have set aside specific days, but if I do not find a good approach this way I may just focus on fractal formations and only trading when a fractal has been put in on the daily.

An amazing amount of tinkering, but the fact that I can be at this for hours and not notice the time makes me happy.

[QUOTE=InnerCircleTrader;330014]What Is Your Forex Business Plan?

Mr. H, this is without a doubt the absolute #1 post of your whole series, and it is my opinion that it should be a sticky some place. Too many people who start out trading think that the can generate $250,000.00 usd a year with a $20,000.00 usd account. I would add that if a trader is making just 3% per month, for the past 3 years they beat many BIG name Hedgies. So a big positive rattle of the tail, and much respect for this post.

Trade Well

The Ever Beating PTJ VIPER

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