The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Hey ICT,

Long time watcher, first time caller here. Glad to see you’re back, and I’m one of many who appreciate all the work you’ve put in to helping us become better traders.

I’m with TradeViper on one of your best posts, to date, has been your most recent one: “What Is Your Forex Business Plan?” The part about competition between people was an eye-opener, as I am probably one of those people who gauge success in terms of how well I’m doing in relation to another trader.

Hope to chat with you soon.


I am working it into the Top Down Analysis video revamp. I promised and will deliver. Hang tight.

Can’t wait to see that! Really been focusing on the top down for my trading and the R/R has really gone through the roof. Always looking to improve though :slight_smile:

Just stick the knowledge to my veins lol

Honestly after seeing all the videos disappear I felt like a drug addict. Its ok though I got my fix. I have all the videos execpt a couple. Witch suddenly I feel withdraws kicking in :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi all,
is any participants of last ICT livestreem lesson could share key points regarding fiber analyse. I have no chance to be there due to technical issues. I need this points to check if my analyse is correct. Thank you in advance.

Would you happen to have the high probability patterns video by any chance?

I also have yet to see the high probability patterns video, it would be great if someone could help us out, please. Thanks.

Chatroom :slight_smile:

Hi bobmaninc,
May I know where can I get all the videos? I have some of the videos, just checking if I have all the complete videos or not :). Thanks.


Work sucks…
They won’t let me use chat rooms…
I couldn’t get in…
What did I miss?


[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

Yes sir I do if you want it shoot me an email <[email protected]>

Same as above there has been a torrent file going around it takes a while to download but works well.

It is so good to have Michael back. Unfortunately I missed the video live…so I am enjoying it after the fact while I eat my corn flakes… Have a great day everybody…smiley face

I have two emails with download links to all files incl. the torrent contents.

Sorry for that, must have overlooked them. On their way now. :60:

Finally got them!

Thanks! :slight_smile:


It’s very good that you are back :). I haven’t been posting much as i’m relatively new to this thread but was intensively learning you lessons. So i decided to take a chance and get the answers for some of my questions if possible :).
Generally i got the idea of entering the positions during the KillZones. But are there any exceptions from this rule? For example when the Search and Diestroy Market Profile in play or possible Judas Swing formatin or Turtle Soup etc. Or the KZ fact should always be in place?
And from the other side when you are in position which have been placed during the KZ time how long should that be kept for? For example i had many times a situation when i could be in plus 15 to 20 pips (targeting 30 p. let say) in positions traded during the KZ and was going out from this time period without reaching my 1st target. And the price comes back to your entry levels and mostly reach my stop later on. What would you suggest to do in such cases? Maybe it’s better to close the position at BE or with minimum p/l because otherwise it would be same like you entered the position (same level) out of the KZ?
Sorry in advance if i’m asking something to which you have already answered many times before. But still i couldn’t get a concrete answer from anyone so far.

Thank you in advance.

Thanks for the reply. I actually managed to get a hold of it already :slight_smile:


ICT’s methods are universal, they will work anytime of the day, however, the KZ’s give you the best odds. It’s like a bus schedule. If the bus arrives at your stop everyday at 8:00 am to take you downtown, you know that if you show up at that time and place, the bus will be there. if you decide to show up at 9 or 10, a bus may be there, or it may not be there

How long you keep your trade really depends on what session you are trading. Are you trading the Asian session for a scalp, the LO for a daytrade, or are you entering a position trade? The length of time you hold a trade really depends on when you enter and for what reason.

And for your last question, what session are you trading that gives you 20 pips then stops you out? If you are trading the LO, then you are trading in the wrong direction. If you are trading the LC for a scalp, sometimes it will give you 30+ pips, sometimes it won’t.

Sorry to be vague, but most everything depends on when you are trading