The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

That is a awesome trade , congrats

In your example I believe you should have compared the lows to confirm a long entry. You compared the highs instead which is not correct for your situation.

hello guys ,what are your plans to ensure that stuff like this succeed

Hi AK,

Nothing great yet either to report for the month on my end. I am breakeven for the month so far after 4 trades. 9 days to the month left … it ain’t over yet.

Hi ddrankin,

Can you explain more on this? I’m trying to set up a chart with’s “Relative to” feature with E/U and G/U and cant see the divergence. This is one sore spot for me (divergence and using it correctly) so I would greatly appreciate if you could elaborate more.

And also props to ICT, they get pips!!!

I suggest you watch the ICT video’s “Correlation Concepts - Inner Circle Trader’s Smart Money Concepts” and “How Professionals Use Indicators” found on the front page of
If you’ve already see them then I suggest you just take 1 element at a time and just practice over and over again until it’s concreted in your mind ie, Just practice Type 1 divergance on the Stoch osc then you’ll be able to spot a divergance on ANYTHING from across the room.
I also suggest ddrankin might want to review these vids as well, just for a refresh. :slight_smile: Unless he meant to draw them that way?


EU and GU are typically correlated holding hands as they range around. When they deviate significantly prepare for a move. Particularly around LO. Which way the move is has to be discerned. EU was above significant support. I bet on a bounce off of this support.

I overlay GU on my EU chart so that I can watch for these types of divergences. I have a 30min chart shown but during this time, late Asia/early London, I’ll be watching my 5min chart. As you can see EU was gunning down while GU was drifting up. I believe what was happening due to the divergence is what ICT calls a Judas Swing, drawing amateurs into what looks like the start of downward trend on EU near or during LO.

Hope that clarifies that for you. If you have more questions just IM me.

Regarding the “Relative to” feature on, I don’t know.

Well, I wasn’t drawing lines to confirm my entry when I made this trade. I was watching price action.

I just drew some lines on paint for you guys… incorrectly I guess. Had I been worried about drawing lines while watching price action I would have probably missed a sweet entry.

Thanks, very helpful

Thanks for the latest market review Michael, I haven’t had much input on any of your threads over the last year, feel quite selfish about that. :frowning:

But anyway, the last couple of weeks I’ve managed to get some half decent screen time after work which has been great!

The other thing that has helped me drastically is a trade plan (Noooo really?) Ha ha! I know that’s what some of you are saying. Just something simple to systematically work thru before London Open (which is a bit of a rush as I can just get home before L/O) So Thanks to whoever posted on the other thread the trade plan, it was a few weeks back. I’m looking forward to ICT’s trade plan & will make adjustments accordingly.

As for my trades, well I think Michael saw me doing the “Counter ITC trade” as it was dubbed in the chat room Lol. Just as he was making his trade of the week going long on the cable I was short on the Fiber!!! It was a bit disconcerting but I got out with my shirt still on & 27 pips! I know, pretty wild stuff… I’m sort of trading like a guy with a blindfold on swinging at a pinata on Americas funniest home videos, BUT have been profitable over the entire month which is a first for me.

I have a loooooong way to go & lots of screen time is still necessary.

Oh one other interesting point. I was shorting all week, (& was profitable) even though my analysis was suggesting otherwise. It’s amazing how someone elses view of the market can bias your own analysis, I wonder if this happened to a few of us & it shows that I need to trust my own research otherwise what’s the point? Just a thought :33:

& so you can all have a laugh I’ll post my trade journal from myfxbook;

ninesummers System | Myfxbook

HOw did you put the overlay in the main chart? I coudnt find a way to do this in a MT4 platform.

One option is an indicator called OverLayChart-MA which you should find if you google it.
I’m not sure if this is the one ddrankin uses but others on here have it.

ddrankin, thank you very much!

I rarely use MT4. My main platform is FXCMs TSII.


Make Sure You View In HD…

[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

If anyone can offer this as a download in another format that would be great.
I’m getting a copywrite warning here as the ‘music publishing rights’ haven’t been granted here :frowning:

Thnx for the review…

For those having problems accessing the the youtube video. Here s the HD direct link Download Inner-Circle-Trader-s-Marke…uTube.WEBM - - Free File Sharing and Storage

Velho2008 bro that was an awesome trade! :smiley:

Today Michael asked in Twitter if we know what the Fiber pattern was. Does anyone know the answer to this question?

Thank you.
