The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

The effects of simply “doing something” in the frustrating period where we have to wait for the set ups… can bring with it a very strong desire to just get in. Think about it… once you enter the trade and satisfy the uncontrollable urge to just enter… this is more relaxing and “comfortable” than the underlying risk associated with the actual market conditions. Does this sound familiar?

The shear release of finally giving in to the impulse to trade and not be outside the market is a familiar state Traders find themselves falling into… repeatedly. I taught a seminar in the 90’s dealing with this in Day Trading the S&P 500 Index Futures and I spent more time on this topic than I did on the actual Technical Applications with entering and exiting the market.

This is that chemical reaction that takes place I spoke of in the video of mine titled… “I Know What You Are Looking For… What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader… Still Wants To Know”. It is powerful and we as humans grow comfortable to the “normal” and even if the “normal” is actually destructive in nature. For some, they are in abusive relationships and it’s easy to leave and never give themselves over to the opportunity to be abused again… yet they remain and suffer.

Some hate their jobs, and while they are trained and perhaps qualified for a higher paying job… they never take the opportunity to change their jobs and they stay in misery. The discomfort of being in the routine is acceptable and our brains perceive this as normal and thus where we arrive as a end result. After the pain is too sharp or an outside influence removes us from these conditions we reflect back with loss and regret… only to repeat the process over and over and over again.

This is a form of self-defeating thinking. You must be able to envision the process of change and patience as necessary and the new “normal”. This comes from repeated processes and exercises to first overcome the poor thought processes and harmful thinking… then eventually replacing them with empowering thought processes.

Here is an exercise you might want to try…

Every day for one week, have a record of the number of times you find yourself thinking a negative thought. As soon as you wake from sleep, the exercise begins. I think you will discover how negative thinking overwhelms us on a daily basis. Think about this… if you wake from sleep and turn on the TV before work, chances are you might watch some News… and what kind of news is it? Bad News… and when you ride to your job you are thinking how it stinks you have to go to that place and deal with those people again… and what might you listen to on your commute? The radio… playing some more… Bad News.

You spend your day thinking how it sucks to be right where you are and for as long as you have been… by this point you will likely have made 50-100 negative thoughts. We are flooding our minds and thus bodies with chemicals that are intended to be used for Flight or Fight conditions. These chemicals produce body symptoms that can result in “feeling stress or pain” on the physical level… this form of depression is only relieved by another chemical response.

This counter chemical response is experienced when we “take action” and return to our comfort zone. What is that comfort zone? The place where we have control… the one where we do something about the feelings we are experiencing. For some this is a Friday night at the bar with drinks… some drugs… others women and men in the physical sense. All of these vices are comfort zones… and while they might not appear to be “harmful” outwardly or inwardly while experiencing them… consider this…

The Married Man feeling depressed finds pleasure in another woman. What’s wrong with this? It feels good at the time but the after effects bring shame and further depression… the Married Man returns to the point of feel good and the cycle repeats.

The Woman In Need spends her days in a home with no job but uses drugs to escape the routine and feeling of being alone. She feels good when she experiences the drugs but the after effects bring with it shame and further depression… the Woman returns to the point she found nirvana to escape it again… and the cycle repeats.

The Gambler spins the wheel and places his bet… on money he actually needs to pay his bills. He is in debt and income to debt is under water… but the experience of Spinning The Big Wheel and the “chance” to win big removes the pain of living in the reality… and the pain of reality compels him to place his bet and spin the wheel. When the Wheel stops and the money is gone… the feeling of “normal” comes crashing in again like a wave taking him under once more… how does he soothe his pain?

Ante up once again…

One Hope One Dream of the Year!!!
PIPHanger’s Last Chance or Else…

I was going to wait until my return to post this but it looks like with all the noise going on today I must speak up…

I am going to take time off to clear my head until May 1st as of right now, but that date could be pushed back…

I first want to shout out to all the trolls out there that they have come barking up the wrong tree, you see even tho I don’t make any, I MEAN ANY money from ICT’s concepts and teachings, it doesn’t mean I’m going to look else were for a trading strategy. You see, everyone that has been following ICT from the beginning has a lot of trust in ICT himself. We are almost all family now and we will not be separated. If I don’t make a single dime from ICT’s teachings that is my fault and believe me I’m not going to go anywhere else and try to learn any other concept or system of trading. If I fail at ICT’s material then that is where my journey of Trading ends.

I’m going to try my hardest when I come back to try and make at least a penny in my name from ICT’s concepts. That means I have to make 500.01 for me to be happy since I lost 500 in the process. At the end of the year if I can make a single penny in profit I will be the happiest guy in the world. You think that’s sad well I think it’s sad that I have spent so much time at this and haven’t gotten anything in return. It’s not ICT’s fault, it’s not anyone’s fault except for my own. For some reason I don’t get it, but if ICT says keep on trucking that is what I will do, if ICT says get down and give me 50, that is what I will do, etc. I believe in ICT 100% and whatever he says goes. He tells me to jump, I say how high…You get the picture…

Now I want to shout out to ICT…would you F’in stop trying to challenge these trolls in making money and telling them to put their money where their mouth is…It’s driving me insane. Let me ask you a question, who do you care about more, the guys who have been following you and trust in you since you have been on this forum or the trolls with single digit posts that come on here to trying to piss you off??? Do you know the time it took you to go back and forth with these trolls today you could of spent that time answering my questions I have posted for you to look at or read my e-mail and responded??? I guess I will never know the answer…

To anyone that thinks I’m a cry baby and have only spent 2 years studying forex and got pissed and left, well to that I say you don’t know the whole story…I will leave that story out of this thread since I could be here forever telling you how horrible my life has been and I don’t think anyone really could care less…We all live different life’s what is important to one person and not so important to another, what is considered a lot of money in one persons eyes is also not that much in another’s. So I have a completely different life style and different hopes and dreams, so when they come crashing down, I know someone else out there is saying man it’s not that bad…It’s all based off of how much you know about that person and you can’t say it’s not that bad unless you have walked in that persons shoes…

Now with all of that said…ICT fire up livestream, start posting material, start tweeting, etc, and lets get this show on the road…

I do kind of find it funny that ICT posted the post that he did, as I was typing up my post…

Hopefully this is a sign that I will get what I want…

Hey PIPhanger,

Base on my personal experience, I can tell you the following:

Take the time it take to clear your mind and return to the proper trading mindset.

Since mid January, I have pulled the plug. Not saying that I will never trade again.

I was not getting the ROI I was expecting. I was shooting for +/- 50% accuracy.

The analysis I made from myself reflect that I was not discipline. So, I pulled 'it. Now my fight is to improve discipline in my daily task, work etc… Which I did improve quiet well. But not enough to return to trading.

To me, trading is a combination of skill, knowledge, personality (psychology) & asset. As you say everybody is different and see things & situation trough their own personal filter & paradigm.

Take the time off, relax and think. Make a plan… Take one bite at the time.

You will come back stronger.

Cheers mate,

Change it. :slight_smile:

Hey Piphanger:

As you may know, I’ve been following ICT since day 1. I’ve been a huge fan, a huge supporter, and I’ve been working my rear-end off to try and apply his teachings.

When I first went live, almost 2 years ago now, I had a 12-in-a-row losing streak. Then, for almost the next two years, I would lose at least 3 trades for every successful trade I had. I funded my account with 3.5k, and dropped that down to $700 at its lowest point. I stopped trading for a few months as a result of this.

About 3-4 months ago, I decided to rebuild myself from the ground up. I reviewed all of ICT’s core concepts, and realized that I was making fundamental errors in my analysis. I completely reworked how I look at the charts and the market in general. This got me to the point where I was sitting around breakeven in my trading.

Fast forward to now, and I am sitting around an 80-90% success rate in my trades (which, to be fair, are only 30 pip scalps due to my trading availability, but I had to make my trading work for me), and my account is back up to $3500 (well, $3455.38 right now). I am actually thinking that within the next 2-3 months I will be able to quit my job and trade full time.

Basically, it took me three years to finally grasp what ICT has been teaching (or has it been 4? I can’t even remember). I almost completely blew out an account in the process. It’s difficult, but it’s doable, you just have to keep with it.

I’d recommend you hit the restart button on your trading, go over all of ICT’s teachings again (you get a whole new perspective on everything he’s taught once you know all the tools he uses), and start fresh in a couple of weeks. It makes a world of difference. Remember, learning to trade profitably is a huge investment -financially and emotionally - but it’s an investment that will pay dividends like no other.

Also, know that if you reach your breakeven target in the next couple months, you’ll be a year ahead of me. Bragging rights count for something, right?

edit: Also, you will know you’re on the right track when you sit in ICT’s webinars and are incredibly bored, because you already know everything that he is going to say. It was a weird realization when I figured that out, and it got me incredibly excited because realized that I finally, truly knew what I was doing as a trader!

Good to see you are not giving up. Follow his system he gave you. If you need proof it works I will again send my trading stats from last year to date. Sure last year I did not follow this concept but a lot of the foundations were there. But if you look at them I have been shorting a bull market for a couple years now and can show profits from it. Once you learn how to short bull markets for profit dude there is nothing stopping you. If you dont believe me look at the trade log I already posted 99% short. The only longs I took I lost 100% of the time. So I only short markets. I pretty much only trade AU. Look at the weekly or monthly chart and it will show I have been wrong 100% of the time yet I profit. One day I will be right and when then happens me you and ICT will hop on my new yacht and take a trip ;). Its all about your mindset. I look at the world negativity. So I only see things going down thats how I place my bets. If you see things going down then it dont matter about the markets set your positions and manege them you will see the light. This didnt come overnight for me. Sure I never lost lots of money and never blew up an account. But I dont make lots of money because my account is not that big. Soon maybe but you got to look at it. I started this account pushing 3 years ago (couple different brokers but same cash) with 500 usd. I just moved into a new home because I got tired of wild fires in my back yard. I did not get the house I was looking to buy due to my credit score was 20 points to low. But Forex profits paid for this temporary place and the move and still has more than enough to put a down payment on my new house. ICT told you only short I am here to back that statement. It may sound crazy but it can work if you are willing to work it. See thats the herds biggest problem. They have to be right. Well how many times were you right in market direction and still lost money??? See what the herd does not understand is being right or wrong is irrelevant. Its about what you do with the hand your holding. Thats what matters. To put things in perspective I printed the trade rule you were given (or at least posted on one of these threads) and have it now stuck to my wall. It hit me so perfectly I damn near fell out my chair. So in the end ICT can not make you a profitable trader as you now know. Again I never blew up accounts or lost big money but I do know what feels like to hit the concrete. I think all traders need to at one point or another. Well Congrats to a new level of trading. Get up brush yourself off and keep pressing forward. Its what you do at this point that counts. The rest is done so take and leave it for what it was. Hope to see you on the top soon.

Dantheman53, Thanks a lot for the kill zone times I tried to thank you earlier but the thread had moved a lot further on in a not so favorable direction and then, as you know, was temporarily closed. Anyway, thanks again. To everyone else, I was trying to think of some enlightening words but alas I am not as eloquent as many on here( I mean that as a complement). So all I came up with was two words…“Peace” and “Brother”. What I mean is we are all in this life and world together, we are all on the same team, and let’s do our best to show some peace and respect to our brothers/sisters. Just as we hope they would show us the same.

As I said, not so eloquent, but hopefully you get my meaning.


It’s funny you mention a post like this… I think everybody in their life can relate to this where negative thoughts are all that can cloud somebodies mind…

I was once quite a fan of ‘the law of attraction’, while i must admit that most of the concepts initially used i do not longer follow, there is one i still like to abide by which has changed much of the outlook of my life… I think i might share it here as this little change i made everyday made a huge impact on just my outlook…

The thing i found is that too many people in life are ungrateful. They dont realise just how lucky and blessed most of us are to have what we have. I like to follow the motto ‘no matter how bad it is, somebody always has it worse’… One thing which helped me to start having a more positive outlook, and i welcome people to experiment even for a week or two and see if it has positive impact (as it did for me), is every night before bed, i would write a list of only maybe 5/10 different things that i am grateful for in my life. This can be anything from having great friends and family, to being blessed i have enough money to live off! Anything at all in your life your grateful for, list it! Then each morning, go over this list a few times…

I found that actually having to sit down only for a few mins and actually think and write out what i am happy about in my life helped me to concentrate - and be more grateful for what i do have in my life - rather than what i dont have. While i could still probably sit down all day and tell u the many things i would want in life, i would find it easier telling people what im grateful for…

So i welcome people to try this, just for a week or two and see if it shifts your mindset to being grateful for the big and little things you have, rather than the things you don’t have… Because well and truly - no matter what you are going through, there is always someone that has it worse, and complains 10x less!


Well i might get banned again for posting silly photos and wasting bandwidth…but here goes…words from my mentor…maybe you can use them…

“Clear your mind must be, if you are to find the villains behind this plot.”

“You will find only what you bring in.”

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

“So certain are you. Always with you it cannot be done. Hear you nothing that I say?”

“Try not. Do or do not, there is no try.”

“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.”

Basic tenants i learned in Dharma school growing up as a youth)))))))))

Truly some of the wisest words to date RIP Master Yoda

One last quote: in re-Rip))))))

“Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealously. The shadow of greed, that is.”

Well don’t buy the high move up then, wait for the pullback. You’ve been here long enough to know that when a currency pair attracts enough money it can move beyond everyone’s expectations. How many charts have you looked at over the past 5 years where you’ve witnessed price making [U]shallow pullbacks[/U] before re-engaging its current direction?

I bet if you revisit every situation where price made a [U]shallow[/U] pullback within a strong directional move, you’d identify a very regular pattern of play.

But small counter moves against strong directional momentum is a low probability trade isn’t it?
Trading pullbacks against potential reversals is a higher probability bet, but presumably you’ve been instructed to keep an eye on developments such as that & I presume you have a set up in place to avail yourself of those opportunities?

This morning Cable is currently reacting off one of the most commonly referred to levels on here.
It’s one of those important common levels that you discuss virtually every day on here isn’t it?
I assume you have a plan to trade on & around these common levels within the context of the current technical background?

Yeah, it probably is. Because you know that if you don’t you’re unlikely to realise the full potential of your aims & aspirations.

Not really. But you had a pretty good idea what was going to happen to that trade the second you clicked the sell button again. Which takes the conversation right back to those important levels you’re supposed to be paying close attention to.
And you don’t need anyone to remind you what they are do you!
They are traded through back & forth virtually every day of every week.
And the higher odds of success usually play out within the context of the current technical background picture.

The guy actually speaks a lot of sense.
The current trend on Cable is bullish & it rebounded straight off yesterdays low with background strength.
So the guy should be taking long trades on pullbacks, not going short at tops.

One of the things I like about trading, is regardless of people’s bias and the trend, money can be made going both ways, short or long…

While I agree with what he says analysis wise - in the sense, I’d only be looking for longs as I like trading with the trend, there’s a way to give constructive criticism, he is being more bashful than anything else…

Anyway, in the spirit of keeping the thread on topic and not about this topic which got it locked yesterday…
Bagged 70 pips in the fiber today, locked 70% profit and letting the rest ride… Textbook day IMO…
I need to stop trying to force trades everyday and just wait for the days like this…

had limit buy order at 1.3150… but price didn’t make it down there… GMT S1 was holding perfectly… the reason why I wa shopping on price reaching a bit lower were the lows of april 24th… (I tend to over analyze I guess…) So I had the weekly Central pivot at 1.3142 in mind for price to react on…
I need to work on this, as I am missing out too many trades by making up my mind on a certain price level and not being flexible enough to keep up with the markets volatility… If I have a strong reaction area market on my charts with several SRs within that area, I also tend to put my order in a “greedy” way- which often results in price never actually making it to my entry point, and instead reacting somewhere right at the beginning of my market reaction area
(kind of like: I tend to set my order at the 79fib level for OTE instead of the 61fib level… but obviously price doesn’t always make it all the way to the 79level…)

This month I took exactly 1 trade so far, which resulted in a slight profit of +0.7%.
My goal for this month was to tackle my slight overtrading and to continue working on my patience problem;) was a good lesson… But I still need to catch a move now and then hahahaha

the learning continues;)
happy hunting!

I made that about 10 reasons to go long on the E/U this morning at the LO…Just a shame this noob had to go and fix a car puncture for my sister this morning :frowning:

Anyone trading this afternoon with the US GDP figs…?

Ah, thats unfortunate with the missed entry today… Personally, i try to grab entries with the 61 and sweet spot area, 79 level would be great but think i would also end up missing too many entries… I’d rather have a 5/10 pip wider SL (adjusting risk accordingly obviously) and catch these big moves rather than miss them all together…

I need to work on my over trading problem, i think its one of my biggest flaws at the moment… Im forcing trades which just dents my account and then i catch some nice ones which recover most my losses. But if i just waited for textbook days as these and only traded them, would be much better for my account… 1 trade for the month is awesome though, i wish i had the patience for that… I think i may be nearing double digits on a weekly basis!

I think if we combined my entries, with your patience, reckon we could give ICT a run for his money :D? LOL

I went long Cable near 6160 this morning on a perfect LO OTE/Judas Swing. The 1.6160 support was broken and triggered the stops down to 6150 and probably got some breakout traders short. What followed was the OTE entry exactly at the London Open!

Stop was at 6140, 10 pips below the low. Target was hit at 6210. I took the whole position off because it’s Friday, although it may run even higher. But 50 pips in the bank, enough for the day!

That’s the delivery that warrants respect and notice. Kudos.