The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

The market flow (structure?) of cable is up trend in 1H, 4H and daily most time this week, yet someone believe it is up too high and will has a sharpe reverse, which is not the case so far. So any short would consider this and takes as counter-trend. The big adjust may come at some stage but until it comes, dont put all your eggs in one busket :slight_smile:

For me this week is quite good, I traded gj, uj, gu, aj both demo and live account.

Demo account (1 lot per trade)

live account (micro trade, until consistent, i will not increase size)

ā€œPain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.ā€ - Lance Armstrong

I have to admit that he is right. Its a bit harsh, butā€¦ at some point you gotta face this problem. And like you (AKE) said in previous post your desperation makes you make bad decisions. And at same time as you were writing this, you reentered a bad position. The only issue i see is psychological problem. I can really say i know how you feel, because trading live is not demoing. I know people keep saying that, but i realized that only after the fact even tho i thought i was ready. Wellā€¦ Just a small step back for me. And this whole month i had the same animal riding me. I wanted so BAD to make it, i wanted so bad to look cool in front of my friends as i say them that i started trading and its going pretty well. I wanted so badā€¦ Thatā€™s why i entered way to soon on some trades, not waited for LO or NYO, reentered trades which were obviously bad just like you. Not taking profits at least at 30pips, not putting my SL after it fell for ~70pips for the same 30pips. And i had a couple of good moves but i was waiting for more and moreā€¦ And eventually it would turn back, take me out at BE. I would be frustrated and look for fast enters again. And ofc then it just kept taking me off and off.

[B]One thing i have to suggest AKE[/B], as i beleave now you will only shut yourself from threads saying that those bastards keep talking **** to you and etc. I would suggest you to start POSTING daily reviews or WHEN YOU LOOKING TO TRADE - where you want to enter, where you want to exit, etc. And it has to be PRE-MOVED market. Not the braging post where you post that i bagged 50pips after the move, because most of those post donā€™t have that much VALUE as pre-market review. I beleave then you WILL see what you are doing wrong. Aswell as people will learn something. Well at least thats what i am trying to do with my blog, and posts in here.

Just trying to get an idea of where we are reaching for on the cable and Ive seen Michael draw something like this before, hopefully iā€™m not doing it wrong but just though i would share what i saw on the charts.
the red lines are the same length and show the swings up, same principle for the blue lines from a smaller swing, both lead to the 16300 resistance level which is a figure and resistance level back from 4th November.

As am currently just watching market not trading. Looked at Fiber. Will we see reversal at NYO? We are currently at OTE from yesterdays low to todays high. Ote is right on the figure.

I took a small long position long at 1.3200 but check out that unemployment claims come out in 90 mins and if the drive the price up to an ote from todayā€™s high to low and with a declining unemployment of less than 375k we may see price go down.Last 2 weeks claims were above expectedā€¦not sure if this will be the case today also.
GLGT to everyone!

Look here Shadowlineā€¦

Wasnā€™t there a more respectable manner to inquire and not seem too harsh?


hehe love it. You go ICT! Long may your teaching continue!! Shadow who? :18:

Haha ICT please can you join me in gym? :smiley: That intensity will really pay off :smiley:

Was looking at the same thing Pipjokerā€¦ also not the week open and Sunday/Tuesday Asian Rangeā€¦ the provide support at the same level. One thing I noticed against it was the retrace into a OTE short on the higher timefreames.

hey fellow traders :smiley: iā€™m in the backgrounds reading this thread and noticed something ICT said he short at 1.62, guess what i have also call it anticipated on a group skype and also shorted as well and know what? i colected someā€¦

let me say another thing in this so called long BIAS yesterday i also called 2 shorts and wanna know the results 55 profitable pips thereā€™s people in here that read me calling those trade on the groupā€¦

i dont trade based on BIAS markets i trade what i seeā€¦ i trade based on pre analisys and then is just waiting time and small adjustmentsā€¦

and BTW it took me 4years to learn to see things properly, and much much time around trheads and charts and guys like ICT helped me a LOTā€¦

AK & PipHanger my thoughts to youā€¦

keep in the fight dont EVER give up, train train train as hard as you can if i can help in that just tell me if possible iā€™ll helpā€¦ iā€™m not a know all guy iā€™m just part off this family off traders that share what knows and help others to achieve their porpusesā€¦

PS sorry my bad english iā€™m not native, but i think is quick understandableā€¦ you can also go see my post history yes i dont have many but that does not manner to me :smiley:

so again AK & PipHanger keep the fight in and dont give importante to those who are simple frustrated know all kind off guysā€¦ like thiis shadowwho? and the other one i dont remember theys names alreadyā€¦

Hello Guys
Thread seems too tempered. Think battle started with the bias. Anyway those of us
was looking Cable short, caught in loss (AK/PH/Other). But before blaming anything ask
yourself how many of us noted the cable up trend. (Please see the picture) from 17th April
it was in up trend as 1 2 3 daily candle ( Michael several times clearly shows in his videos daily
analysis starts with 3 candle formation of swing to direct the market), as it is up trend
why we are trying to reverse trading, at best it could be counter trade.

I think while watching market review video, sometimes Michael says like this, ā€œthis week
I want to see the price to come down here, or price may test next resistance here.ā€ Friends
please donā€™t emphasize too much these type of talking, these are the assumptions, it does
not mean price should go what ever Michael says, and he never said like that, we have to
understand the market. Like Michael was also short bias about Cable, but when he sees
long bias he notice in twitter, posts in the thread, made his review video and he also traded
long and counter trade in Cable this week and earlier week.

Sorry friends my poor English could not explain clearly, I think you can understand what i mean. :51:

Since it looks like a bunch of us are online, and I hate it when threads turn from constructive learning into flame wars, may I possibly suggest a livesession to get things back on track?

I got an hour or two free to get some learning on.

I agree with you

I am about town right now. Down town Baltimore.

About to have lunch at Shuckers in the Harbor.

Well Enjoy Lunch!

Hopefully Iā€™ll be able to hop into the next one you have.

In the last Chris Lori webinar, the guest he brought along mentioned she only started to get profitable after 3 years. Sometimes these things take time, if it was easy everyone would be rich. The ones who have patience, discipline and the hunger to succeed are the ones who stay (this applies to all areas of life). ICT teaches concepts, these concepts are tailored to him. He is used to them, he is the master. For us to flip our minds and use them takes time.

Nobody becomes a master right away. I have been doing martial arts for a while now (over 14 years). It took me about 5 years to get my black belt. I can say I am a master at it but I do things my way while other masters do them their way. We can each learn to be 70-80% of ICT, the basics are the same for all. However each has their own style. Itā€™ll take time for the most of us to use the basics and core ICT teaches with our own developed experience in a profitable way.

In the end, we are going towards a common goal, the roads are different but if you donā€™t give up. We all get to the same destination.

Just as a note There are times when ICT says he isnā€™t trading a pair, or a certain day, yet students make money using his concepts on the day he doesnā€™t use them. Goes to show that each inidividual is different and can succeed on their own if they use the concepts as outlined by ICT.

I was going to cite that tonight Sageoneā€¦ I am sure most heard of ForexMentor and their London Close course was put together by a long struggling woman and eventually she nailed it.

14000 pips later sheā€™s running strong and +90%

Consistency in general, it takes time and thatā€™s what I meant by ā€œexpensiveā€.

Ah, Shuckers Fells Point I know it wellā€¦excellent choice. When are you going to release
the ICT Maryland Crab pattern video? :slight_smile:

Those that come to instigate negative energy into a thread founded for the better good, are fueled by their own self pity. Diatribe has no place in an environment of learning. To feed on the misfortune of others, to use their despair to promote their own misguided agenda is a testament to their own success in life. Then again, this is the internet. There is a very dark side to the internetā€¦ā€œWhen you look at the dark side, careful you must be. For the dark side looks back.ā€ Yoda