The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

I agree, its been a while since he’s post… Not to be an all out stalker now, but i checked his last activity and it was on Tuesday… So he has logged in this week… Must have something going on, hopefully we should hear something this weekend… Nonetheless, hope everything is ok!

Okay so I have been watching these videos over the past week or so. I think we should put together a soundtrack :smiley: lol! Definitely very interesting music. I love that “call 911” track good sh**

Very busy week folks. Proms, pictures, shopping and yes Youtube limits have me at 15 mins per episode now so… It’s going to be more than 4 parts after all.


:wink: ICT the soundtrack

The song is by Skrillex, called Equinox (first of the year). His older stuff is > than his newer album but still good :slight_smile:

yea i found it and added the video

Then I guess it’s a good thing that it can be easily spliced back together into one video with Camtisa. :27:

These examples are very good and they really helped me to understand the concept.

Thank you so much.


So I opened a demo account with forex ltd and to my disappointment they don’t have usdx at least not for there demo account.

Is there another broker that offers usdx or am I stuck opening a real account with forex ltd in order to get access to the usdx? I notice on there website they offer usdx and eurdx but apparently not for demo???

[B]Okay I found it. For anyone else who doesn’t know. You can access usdx through the market watch window by right clicking it and selecting “show all” than right click usdx and select chart window.[/B]

My demo account has usdx.Check market watch/symbols/show all.

Since were on the topic… I also have the forex ltd demo account for the purpose of the index feeds… Is anybody else’s Nasdaq feeds really choppy, mine is always missing a lot of candles?..

Hello guy’s and gal’s , well you probably didnt hear much from me here on BBforuns cause i like to keep low profile and like the sidelikes, i’m a regular follower off ICT thread’s and i have to thank him cause he changed the way I know look at the market’s

but I am posting here cause Î see a lot off people strugling on the market’s and I see a lot of frustrations here,

well as you know this is not big news to you all to achived consystency we need to fight hard lot’s of hours in front off charts and all other stuff we need to live as forex trader…

i’m in this for 3 years now, and i was one of those guy’s who liked a LOt of indy’s and to have those super strong confirmations, and after a while I discovered that indy’s are good yes TO LOSE MONEY, they all lag, they lack of analisys and we as noobies dont know that and discover that fact the hard way…

As i Like to keep things simple now i stumbled on one of ICT threads looked at it and I thought imediatly “this is fantastic now i can see price action without those clustering indicator’s and all that contraditing data they were giving me” :S

But again that was no easy task i watched the vids a couple off times made my notes and begun to work with the tools, and now to be honest i was already a Fibs intusiastic and a fan of S&R so was a asy way, and now the tools I use are exactly Fibs, pivots, S&R, and top down analisys… i dont relly on market bias i just watch and see the sentiment for the day and trade acording to were they are driving us… i dont wake up thinking i GO long or short nop I let them tell me were to go… and I follow…

well all this just to say people take the tools study it UNDERSTAND it and then choose and work with what you feel confortable with …

Cheers to all


PS - sorry my bad english …

It’s not missing any candles, it’s the opening gaps.

Well dont i feel like the noob now lol!
Thanks for clearing that up…


View It In High Definition!

Tracks: Red Rider: [I]Lunatic Fringe [/I]& Golden Earing: [I]Twilight Zone[/I]

[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

This is correct most indexes have some pretty wicked gaps all over the place

see on the lower of your page :smiley:

"I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature."
John D. Rockefellar

if anyone can post a non-youtube link that would be great. I’m in Germany at the moment and the content is blocked due to the music :frowning:

I am German… what’s wrong with Germany? Red Rider & Golden Earring rock! :slight_smile:

I am certain our resident thread scribe Liftoff will mirror the video.


Looks like the Commercials seem confident in the EUR/USD as it’s reaching similar net-long extremes to the last high…Will we get an eventual OTE on the weekly… :wink:

TimingCharts seems to be a decent web-driven site offering COT data but it’s a bit slow.