The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

PH, chill, believe me I know how much it hurts and how frustrating it can be.

I will give you the macro answer, key levels, blah, blah, blah, blah, ocd ppd mld. GREECE, blah, blah, blah, blah, GREECE, 20, 50, 80, 00, GREECE, MR1, R1, CPP, MS1, GREECE. So I think the answer to all of your questions, as far as the EURO is concerned is GREECE. Let me look at the old Blotter here, yep, here it is GREECE, SellSht EUR/USD 5/14/2012 10:05:28 AM (no size Guys) 1.28313 and Buy EUR/USD 5/15/2012 7:40:49 PM (no size again) 1.27373. With all of the bad news, you had to know the EURO was going to dump, if you were paying attention to the news. We are not trading the news here, just paying attention to it. You can look at your own chart, I suggest 1 hr, look at the entry, look at the Swing I held through, now see if any of it lines up with anything you were looking at.

You see it is soo easy, NOT. There is nothing easy about trading, and I know this is ICTs thread but I must respectfully disagree, there is nothing easy about trading, ooops I said it again. For example, why didnā€™t I close the trade out on the spike through 2760, why didnā€™t I get out at a stop at 2860 or so. When people ask me what my Positive Expectancy is I proudly say, 58-63%, yep thats my Alpha baby, a whole, just barely above 50%. Nothing is given to you in trading, JP Morgan just lost 2 Billion, on a hedge, against a hedge, against a hedge, these people have all of the bells and whistles, terminals, servers with light fiber connections AT the exchanges etc, and they still lost 2 billion. So anyone who thinks that its not that hard is just plain wrong. Oh and what the heck is that stupid rose doing in my post???

PH, trading is hard, it takes years to gain the self control needed to be successful, clear your charts and your mind, pick up the pieces, go back to the sim if needed, look for just one trade, and try again. If it is too much for now, put it down and pick it up later. The markets will be here, your money may not. Anyway, if it means anything, most likely not, Iā€™m in your corner.

The Ever In The Little Guys Corner VIPER

Hello everyone,
I just want to leave at you Pip that, I went through the same thingā€¦
Still have less time studying ICT stuff than you but we almost do the same mistakes.
I was waiting for ICT reviews to get the LVLĀ“s that he was watching forā€¦after lossing some trades I realized that I was doing all wrongā€¦
ICT are giving all this as he plan to teach us to think independentlyā€¦so why should I wait for ICT reviews for the week? why should i trust in his analysis?
This questions make me thinkā€¦
Then I start to question my selfā€¦is this right? doubting ICT reviews?
I went through a lot of confusionā€¦but in the end of this period of time (just stopped recently) the answer came upā€¦hell yeah :57:
Because it was when I realize that that moment I started to think for my selfā€¦Independentlyā€¦questioning ICTĀ“s reviewsā€¦
Like fighting against the senseiā€¦:56:
But our sensei (like others senseis) allways will have something more for usā€¦to help us not to give upā€¦to help seeing things in different waysā€¦

PS. when IĀ“m down I try to think like thisā€¦ It can pull me down but then Iā€™ll rise again because what doesnā€™t kills me, only makes me stronger.

Just because a system doesnā€™t work for you, doesnā€™t mean it doesnā€™t. Donā€™t beat yourself up. Learn what you can, keep what you can use, move on. You knowā€¦that the majority of people on a trading forum are not successful. Hate to tell you, but successful traders do not spend time in these forums. The few successful traders on this forum should be respected. Iā€™ve learned a lot off this forum, but i never follow anyones trade. I donā€™t even trade the pairs here. What i have learned here has changed me tremendously. But it has nothing to do with the techniques. More the method.

Hey Thrax

I agree, and my top down analysis always does start from the monthly and then on the weekly and i rarely go further down than a 4 hour tbhā€¦ The monthly is mainly to determine any overall big picture trends, and then after that i start to key off the main support and resistance lines which are around the area where price currently isā€¦ I did include this in my yesterdayā€™s top down analysis but i didnt post it in the thread as yesterdayā€™s post was more aimed at the correlation aspectsā€¦

Cheers for the tip on bonds, if im honest, iā€™ve never really looked at them, ive only just started looking at the indicies not too long ago. But hey if itā€™ll give me a better view and another weapon in my tool box ill definately check it outā€¦

I am a bit skeptical about the Oanda open orders, iā€™ve never followed them on a daily weekly basis but i have had a glance every now and again and from my perspective, it seems very shakey - in the sense that sometimes the market seems to be positioned the right direction, and then other times ive seen the majority of the market being slaughteredā€¦ Hmmm

When i got up this morning and saw the Cable and Fiber still dropping, tbh i didnt even know where to start looking for entriesā€¦ I think Michael said it best in a review i saw a while ago, ā€˜If your not riding that train wreck, then get the hell out the wayā€™ā€¦ It seems holding my short open yesterday even with a 1/4 position would now have me sitting on almost 170 pipsā€¦ Oh well, hindesight is 20:20! Iā€™m likely to be flat today and on the sidelines as iā€™ve done no real analysis for todayā€™s tradingā€¦

Goodluck to anyone else :57:

If you think back to the week where in the market review, ICT said this week he expected bearish action, and it was a bulls game all weekā€¦ He then posted and said about how sloppy top down analysis made him miss the fact that there was an incling to bullish action to comeā€¦

However, i too was swayed by this videoā€¦ I saw the bullish action happening infront of me on my charts but all i kept thinking is that ā€œICT said bearish, so bearish it isā€ā€¦ What i learnt from that week? It doesnt matter what you think, or anybody else on this forum thinks - included ICT (no offence intended). I think whats most important is that you devise [B]your own bias[/B] from [B]your own analysis[/B]ā€¦ This is what really countsā€¦ The market doesnt care what people think and what there expectations areā€¦ It really is true - trade what you see and not what you thinkā€¦

When i first saw this divergance i was also baffled, as depending on which way you looked at it, it could mean bullish and bearishā€¦ For me, i found my answer when i stopped to look at the wider pictureā€¦ I went back over and started comparing the cable and the fiber relative to the USDxā€¦ If youā€™ll note in that divergence, the fiber and the USDx made lower lowā€™s and higher highs respectively - maintaining their correlationā€¦ however, the cable made higher highs and i think that was the crack in correlationā€¦ That was the one out of the 3 that was going against it making that the break in correlation, which i took as distributionā€¦ This coupled with the fact that the 4H market flow still indicated bearish action, i went with this biasā€¦

Im not trying to be a complete a**hole when i do this, and believe me i am not trying to be patronizingā€¦ This is coming from the same person who had a break down at the end of last week and [B]blew 6% of my demo account [/B]that weekā€¦ So iā€™m not doing this to claim im a better trader or anything like that - so please bear this in mind when your reading thisā€¦

You ask how could you have made a profitable trade todayā€¦ Note this post i made yesterday:
Not ideal, but it bagged me 20 pips going [I]long[/I] in yesterday environment, granted i got taken out at BE shortly after, but i made the pips and i felt i had the analysis to go along with itā€¦

Again, note im not trying to be patronizing, i struggle just as much to make it in this market, and i felt your same frustration last week. In no way am i saying ive made it through the tunnel and i can see the light, im waiting for my next cold slap in the groin from the marketā€¦ All im saying is, coming back this week, with a fresh mindset, and ensuring i am only taken trades that i have anticipated before hand - and no longer reacting to the market has enabled me to get 3% up this week so farā€¦ And on a week like this, im damn proud of my self for itā€¦ Now my biggest battle is just to keep this upā€¦

My point really is, donā€™t listen and be swayed by others views, you really can make money in the market trading in any direction - given your analysis is soundā€¦

Anyway, keep your head up buddy, determination will get you through this - at the end of the day, this is what it comes down toā€¦ How bad do you really want it?


I took a countertrend LO trade on the Cable, long from 5940 based on HTF Fib Support + Pivot Buy Zone. Targeting 5995 and the remaining open until 15:00 GMT with a trailing stop.

EDIT: stop hit

Ok, managed to escape from workā€¦ Eyeing a setup on the cableā€¦

Got a buy set to trigger at 1.5904. Reasons:

  • NY Kill Zone
  • Buy zone pivot - S1
  • Close to big fig 1.59
  • OTE
  • Bullish SMT divergence between cable and fiber
  • Bullish divergence between cable and USDx

Cable and Fiber

Cable and USDx

Cable Entry


EDIT: Order never got filled, cancelling itā€¦ Looks like im flat todayā€¦

Interesting - although isnā€™t the teaching that you should wait for a fractal bottom to form before going long (there is nothing on 4H or daily atm)? It might be a good trade - seems like 5930 was a good daily level (that the market blew through again), but you are speculating on a low forming rather than waiting for one to be formed. If you run a fib on 1hr to the low, you get a nice short confluence at 6050ish for a short at ote/old support turned resistance, round number, S2, and its with the current bearish action -will obviously also be overbought on indis once/if it gets there.

This is just for discussion, not to influence your ideas btw.

I see where your coming fromā€¦ I agree, its an aggressive trade, going long in an environment like this, of course the shorts are a much better call at this moment

I just didnt feel to comfortable selling in a buy zone pivot area along with the confluence of the correlation divergences i foundā€¦

Price hasnt seemed to move back down my way like i hoped it would have so the trade may not even happen at all at the moment lolā€¦

Its a tricky one, in an environment like this, i guess it could go either way! Time will tell as alwaysā€¦

I have been reading this thread for some time and not posted on it yet. I am full of respect for what Michael does here and how he is trying to educate and help people. I donā€™t use his methods though because at this stage I donā€™t get it. If I tried to use Michaels methods in trying to set up a trade I would probably be looking at something like LOSMTAsainRangeKZTrinityDivergenceFIBā€¦

I continue to read the stuff but having spent a few days in the chat room I quickly realised that is as bad a place to be for a new trader.

I have had a live account for a month and it is now 4% up, I am using a ā€œI can afford to lose this but I really would rather notā€ amount of money before I put my full amount in. At one point it was 6% down.

What has changed for me is that I now get the following things.

You will not win every trade and nor do I expect to. What I do aim for is a 2:1 risk reward ratio, that allows me to lose 2 trades for every 1 I win and still break even, 33%. If I get a 50% success rate I make money. Perhaps I am a quick learner but I get that when I place a trade in accordance with the system what I am doing is controlling the loss, about the only thing I can control when a trade goes live. If I followed the system and I lost then it is still a good trade. How do I manage the trade, I donā€™t, I set my order and let it run. In the long run, as long as I can be right as often as I am wrong, ( I am hoping for it to be right more than 50% of the time otherwise I may as well toss a coin for which way I decide to bet) I am going to make money. One trade does not make or break a system, if you are trading for the next 10 years you will almost certainly have 5 losers in a row.

If you make a trade and it gets stopped out, then pat yourself on the back if you followed your system, you did it right.

If you look closer 1.5893 is a old lowā€¦that give you some probability for a bounce and it didā€¦50 pips easy! :slight_smile:

IĀ“m short but was watching that lvl for a possibel bounce for a long but since IĀ“m already in the market no more trades for me this weekā€¦

Iā€™m going to put this out there as a cheat-sheet for those trying to grasp cable, fiber and USD Index divergences.

I believe I got the text right, but I am not firing on all cylinders today so if anyone can confirm or correct the text Iā€™ll update the post if needed.

Edit: I appreciate the text is hard to read now itā€™s on the forum, but you can easily do a similar set of labels on your own charts. Iā€™m easily confused, so I need these labels to stop my goldfish memory hurting my trades.

Hey guys!
I am watching AUD/USD today

  • we have a short bias on daily and 4hour
  • Fib OTE
  • Pivot
  • round number 0.9950

negative = it is pretty oversold on daily and probably finding support in the daily fib 0.618

The thing is that even if its oversold - on intraday chances are big that it will at least retest the 0.9900 area which is about 50 pips range.

Hi you have done me favor today, I have been watching this pair for some time as the have been heading toward a support line and now broken from 2 years ago see pic. Anyway I have a bad day today so decided not take this trade, reading your post gave me the encouragement to go with it, so thank you. Interested to know why you felt strongly about it retesting 0.9900.


I agree with you JackMarkets, I try to always wait for a candlestick reversal pattern on the 4hr chart before changing my bias.

well done! :slight_smile:

they are in my ā€˜ā€˜top 3 brokersā€™ā€™ list. in fact would be my number one choice if iā€™m looking for ā€˜ā€˜regularā€™ā€™ fx broker and not spread betting (they also started offering SB recently, but iā€™m quiet happy with the present one for now).


NYO worked out much better. I entered a AUD/USD short at 0.9950 based on the 62 % Fib from yesterdayā€™s high to todayā€™s LO low, institutional price level and Mid-Resistance Pivot Level. I took 70 % off for a 40 pips profit and have the remaining 30 % running with the stop slightly below the entry level.

Hey guys, can someone help me out?
Can someone upload a picture of the previous Eur/Usd London Open session with NY time Pivots?
I think something is wrong with mine and I need to check to make sureā€¦

Pivot 27710
S1 26740
S2 26240
S3 25270
R1 28210
R2 29180
R3 29690