The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Hello guys,

Techpro89 SMT means Smart Money Tool…

IT´s a selection tool for you to folow the Smart money…

When a corelated pair fails to make a new high or a new low and the other pair did…The SMT says that you should choose the one that is failling to make new high´s or new low´s…

Hope that helps!


looks good to me techpro, although for me i look at the pair first. ie - in the same example you can see the EURUSD making lower lows. at the same time, USD should be making higher highs, which it isn’t and therefore we have SMT divergence

Hi techpro,

If you are looking for the list of SMT divergences:

SMT Divergence is a crack in correlation between two closely correlated pairs like EUR/USD & GBP/USD. If the Fiber is making a lower low, while the Cable is making a higher low, this is bullish for the pairs. If the Fiber is making a higher high, while the Cable is making a lower high, this is bearish for the pairs. The same applies if you switch the pairs. ICT teaches the concept is only useful when used at a key support/resistance level.

There is also USDX SMT Divergence. You can use any pair that has a reverse correlation with the US Dollar. Unlike the Correlated Pair Divergence, you are here comparing high vs. lows and vice-versa.

If the USD makes a lower low, while the Foreign Currency makes a lower high, this is bullish for the USD.
If the USD makes a lower high, while the Foreign Currency makes a lower low, this is bearish for the USD.
If the USD makes a higher low, while the Foreign Currency makes a higher high, this is bullish for the USD.
If the USD makes a higher high, while the Foreign Currency makes a higher low, this is bearish for the USD.

I hope that’s what you were looking for. :slight_smile:

Trade hit my TP at +95 pips…
Risk 1% - Reward 2.11% :slight_smile:

This now tips me over regaining half my losses, so my next trade will be back to 2% risk :smiley:
Been an awesome week so far, 2 trades, 3.91% up, and 155 pips banked…


Hey guys, any idea what happened a 07:00 EST exactly on the fiber today ?

I was up about 38-39pips on a short and then a spike basically shot price back up and caught my SL in literally 10 sec or less. I didn’t find any news to confirm the reason for the spike.


BabyPips calendar shows this at around that time (12pm GMT if ive worked out time difference correctly)

“EU to release Convergence Report on non-euro countries’ euro eligibility”

Thanks Sanj, I see this news listed at 06:00 EST based on my timezone which is what threw me off.
Looks like I need to pay attention to news a little more … :slight_smile:


Pay less attention to daily/weekly news cycle and spend more time analyzing charts. You got caught off guard today so just using ICTs tools (all of them) identify why price moved the way it did. Also it would be good to look at historical price data for days that unfolded like today or similar, and see if the same reason/ ICT Tools that justified today’s price action applies to that day as well. This is what I do everyday, I use ICT tools to justify price action and then look for similar action in the past to see if my justification holds up there. This is universal to all TimeFrames. You will get to a point where you wont have to backtest what unfolded, because you will have been anticipating it. Trust me this is the foundation we need. Another thing that has given me a deeper perspective is profiling every market profile, from VHTF to MicroTF…

Then just start an open ended strategy. What I mean by this is don’t consider it complete at least for several years…always review and refine it on a daily basis. Dont stop looking for contradictions and adding observations…

Very often this SMT correlation crack happens because of a stop raid by the banks (smart money), they know fiber and cable will go down but they push cable up to raid stops - if higher TF trend is down it is a great set up (usually an ote will form).

Got my new book in the post from Amazon today, ‘‘The Four Agreements’’ i’ve just finished the first chapter and i already feel a little wiser :slight_smile: i think its going to be a great read.

Anyone else reading it?

What does it cover?

“If you live in a past dream, you don’t enjoy what is happening right now because you will always wish it to be different than it is. There is no time to miss anyone or anything because you are alive. Not enjoying what is happening right now is living in the past and being only half alive. This leads to self pity, suffering and tears.”
― Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

Hey everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me out with something. I have been following ICT and both his threads for about 4 months now and watched all his videos. I understand how to use all his tools; traders trinity, SMT divergence, asian range, daily pivots, OTE, etc. However, I am having a hard time tying them all together to realize when a top or a bottom is forming. I know noone can predict exactly where a top or bottom is going to be. So basically I was wondering if some people that have actually been able to make it work could break it down how they go about realizing a top or bottom. Or if you could suggest some videos for me to watch again that would be good also. Thanks in advance for the help.

I am refering to the tops and bottoms off of higher time frames like daily or hourly. Sorry didnt think I was clear on that.

sounds like a good read!
I actually catch myself, every once in a while, not living in the past, but in the future!
You know… that moment when you hang on to your dreams as hard as you can to keep you going… when you can see,feel,hear and even smell your dream with your mind… which is not a bad thing altogether, but I made it my habit to get back to the “here and now” to enjoy the journey;)

I think I’ll check out the four agreements, thanks for the advice guys.

Interested in 'The Four Agreement"! But not enough time?
Try this, 10 min video… The Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz) - YouTube

This is exactly what we (as a Greek) are doing with our country :frowning:

I went short AUD/USD at 0.9730 based on HTF bearish 3 day pattern. Price went above the open and gave a LO KZ Judas with an OTE based on 9740 resistance. I anticipate a large range day.

Same trade here but USDx seems to go down below 82.8. Hope it will reverse immediately.

Hmm… I had 2 pending orders set this morning, would have cancelled the second once one got activated but neither failed to play out… Was eyeing:

  • Short fiber @ 1.2440/45
  • Short Aussia @ 0.9765…

Was expecting more of a rally into the levels instead of the rangy motion were having at the moment… I liked the odds of the fiber trade initially, but now not so keen after seen this morning action…

Cancelling both orders and will sit out til NY…