The Inside Bar - Free Video Course

Hi there Adam,

Is it too late to get your videos? I don’t think I have enough posts to message you. I have been a long-time reader of this forum but never registered until now.

I’ve been trading stocks (mostly the ISEQ 20) and Forex for nearly two years now. I try to dedicate a couple hours per day towards trading and learning. I fooled around with indicators for a long time but then I realized that price action is all I need and I have been slowly working my way towards profitability since then. I mostly trade pin bars and engulfing bars at support and resistance right now.

How long after starting to learn Forex did it take you to be a consistent winner? If you could share your videos with me I would greatly appreciate it; if I am too late I understand too. :slight_smile:


HEY Adam

I’ve been a forex trader for almost 3 years now… Started out blowing my account trading some of the “holy grail” indicator based green light systems from hell…
The light bulb turned on for me when i discoverd the real price action. Now im consistent profitable trading support/resistance reversals and breakouts and diffrent patterns including harmonics.

Hope you’ll allow me to learn your system.

Regards, René


You are a girl right? It would be good to have a girl on the team haha, I currently am teaching 3 lads lol.

I will message you.

It took me around 3 years to be profitable, once I was able to get the correct mindset, perfect my strategy, and get a very good win rate, I was quickly able to become very profitable, though, one of the guys I am teaching at the moment (he has posted in this thread) is in profit for this month, as far as I know, this is his first ever profitable month trading.

Once you understand how to control emmotion, have the right mindset, and know when to take a trade, and when to sit out, you will very quickly make hella money…


Hello, I recently posted a message on your profile as I couldn’t send you a message so could I get those videos as well please? you check the visitor message as well.

Hello Admin,

I have been trading FX thru demo and real account for 2 yr. Being up and down, I still can’t make even.
I like to learn your method. Regards.


Hi Adamjn,
I sent a message that am interested in the video and am quick to it but I can’t have the video yet. How do I get access to the video?

Hi Adam,

Yes I am a girl last time I checked haha. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just changed my settings to allow me to receive emails from people here. It looks like that can be accessed by clicking on my name. Which is probably the better option because it appears I need 50 posts before I can send (receive too?) private messages.

That’s pretty amazing that you did it in 3 years! I know people who have been at it for 5 or more that are still not there yet. I am pretty much breaking even as of now, so I hope profitability is just around the corner. Ever since I stopped doddering around and got serious about this I’ve been getting a little better every day.

I’m hoping you can take me to that next level! Looking forward to hearing from you. :slight_smile:


this is all I need. A good winrate and control my emotion. I hope you can teach me how to control emotion. Many said its not about the strategy but the MM that someone will become successful. But I dont always agree because someone needs a good strategy too.

I did not receive a copy of the video…did I do something incorrectly?

Hello, could you send me a link to the videos too, I tried to guess your start as posted above. I have tried traded inside day candles from a start i saw on dailyfx video, but it seems a bit lacking indepth.


i think no one received it yet. Not even one person came back here and say thank you :frowning:

I read some of the nasty comments here and felt disgusted by the way some peeps received Adam. Now I can’t let that happen.

He’s a cool lad and a very robust analyst. He is quite blunt and straight to the point. That’s how it should be. And his training offer seemed to have squeezed many nerves(don’t know how,though).

Point is, I suggest more decency from some contributors.


Great. Tell me how many of the respondents have received his video?

Most contributors on the “FREE FOREX TRADING SYSTEMS” forum, provide full details of their strategy for all to see without asking them about their trading history, as indeed Adam has done in the past. However, for some reason he wants to keep this one to himself and a select chosen few. Thats up to him, but hardly fitting of the title of this thread.

If he is the guy you say he is, he will release the video to all of those who have responded positively.



He is the one who made the video, he has the full right to give it to anybody that he like, we just missed the time and we did not kiss his assss hard enough :stuck_out_tongue:

Adam wanted to know if people are interested and people showed interest yet nobody has said anything like I have the video. If he doesn’t want to give it out he shouldn’t have said so.

Why start an open forum if it will only be for the chosen few? I was curious to see the video and replied, but I have not seen the video. Maybe he wants to be paid for the video?

Maybe he is just testing our patience :slight_smile:

I agree. It’s one thing to attack someone who is here for the express purpose of selling something. We get plenty of those folks. But to attack someone who extends his hand to help others out of his own generosity just because you weren’t one of the chosen few is rather unpalatable.

However, only picking a handful of people from the pool would not be a very good business model, would it? I don’t know Adam very well but I have seen enough of his posts here to know that he’s a genuine guy. No, he is not here to sell something.

To address the other posters here, the first post was clearly edited days ago to say “all spots filled.” If you’re still posting here and making underhanded comments, you were not selected. I doubt your snide remarks would have helped your case any if he decided he wanted to take another apprentice on board.

It’s downright laughable that some of you fellows feel that you are entitled to his videos. I’d recommend you learn from your mistakes here and don’t try to bite the hand that feeds you just because you were late to the table. Continue searching for a trading mentor. There is nothing quite like learning from somebody who has years of experience in the market. It will save you literal years of learning time.

This is my final post on this thread. Josephine has hit the nail on the head - [B]Why start an open forum if it will only be for the chosen few? [/B] Exactly, why?

Jadd you are a good guy and are totally open with your strategies, and you are right when you say [B]only picking a handful of people from the pool would not be a very good business model, would it?[/B] I counter that with, if there is not an ulterior motive, why not share the strategy with all of those who are interested in seeing it? I guess we will never know.

Best wishes to all those who have partaken on this thread, author included.


I never missed the time and I didn’t get the video. I need to know if few people got the video but it’s bad no one have it