The joery's description

Hello everyone,

I’m Joery from Belgium and I’m 21yrs old. I know about trading since 3yrs ago but really started to trade at the age of 20yrs. I trade stocks as well as forex. When I trade stocks I follow the portfolio from Warren Buffet but I choose my entries and stop losses my self. With forex I trade every currency pair. I trade weekly charts with the 200 sma to see what the trend is, I use the MACD indicator for entries and the ATR indicator to know where to set my stop losses.

Last year I have made roughly a 100% return. I have good trading method and plan. I’m disciplined and mentally very organized. I don’t overtrade nor overanalyze. I set and forget.

Recently I’ve found zulutrade. I am one of the signal providers at this site. Lots of the traders on zulutrade or scammers or traders who are really risky and lucky. If you’re not doing well in trading and you wan to invest your money wisely then I suggest you to look at this page -> ZuluTrade | Next Generation

What do I want do at babypips? Very simple! I want to learn new traders or traders who are not succesfull to make them succesfull. If you’re not good at trading let somebody else do this for you!

Good luck!

That sound good! I add you to signals I follow and hopefully you will grow my accounts as much as others. Very generous for giving us opportunity to make much money from you. Zulu trade is good and I advertise it for as many people as possible so that they can make money and make the signal provider money with the commission from good trading and advertising. Very good!

Only thing I want to say is that you have to be carefull which SP you pick at zulutrade because some of them are risky and greedy with loads of luck combined. Never choose SP’s who are ranked in the top 10 because they are commission hunters

well not that I disagree with you, but wanna add - you can follow the top ten and you should, however follow with smaller lots and trades - this way you will limit losses. And no matter what you do, always zuluguard!
So, guys, who are you following these days?

The only person I trust to follow is myself. Whatever you can do yourself, you’ll do better :wink:

Hell yah, if I follow myself this will be disasterous, meaning I will loose whatever the other’s have earned me.
You know some people are simply not made to be manual traders!

At the beginning of my trading carreer I really thaught the same like you do. ’ I could never trade like that because they make huge profits ’ I said to myself that I would prove myself I could do it and here I am saying I can.

It al started with the education my parents gave me. They brought me discipline, they brought me patience, they brought me confidence. They brought me all you needed in real life. I’m using my education to trade and make a living of.


Great to see you here, thejoery! I have a question. How long do you usually hold your trades when you use the weekly charts? Thanks! :slight_smile:

It depends, sometimes I keep them open for a couple of months sometimes for 6 months and longer. When the trend is up and the MACD gives a buy signal then I buy, When the trend is up and the MACD gives me a sell signal then I get out of the trade and take the profit or loss.

My longest trade I have ever had was 1yr and 2months. I also do stock trading and I don’t know why but those trades last longer then the forex ones.


Hehhhh thejoery, not everyone is like you.
But I did try to learn to trade manually myself, I even did some trades here and there, but it was more of a beginners luck of hit&run more or less. After the second loosing trade, I gave up and went back to my follower’s account. Like it or not, some people (myself included) are simply not done for trading, I also have and limited time. So, thank god there is an alternative!

I totally agree with this post! :wink:

Finally!! So, glad to find supporters at last!!
thejoery, how are you trading forex friend, are you also on zulutrade?

Yes I am. ZuluTrade | Next Generation My account is 14 weeks old. At the beginning I tried something at Zulu what many others do, day trading. It’s not my comfortzone and even it was succesfull I quit with it. I wanted to know how it’s possible to make money with day trading but I can’t trade with it. You have to be at your pc all day and that aint fun. So know I use my method I use on my real trading account at plus500.

Sorry I didnt get it, you have linked your plus500 account to zulutrade?

No that isn’t possible. My zulutrade account is a demo account but I do trade live in my Pluss500 account

Ohhh OK! So, if that’s the case, with which broker are you sending your signal on zulutrade?