[B]Anwer to Stage 6A[/B]

[U]Everyone[/U] is correct here.

It is definitely time to enter that 2nd amount now.
We have gone thro 4 candles now with the Starc rising, so we can consider that the limit of the Starc “walk” has been reached.

With the price going down, there is no time to waste now entering that 2nd amount.

[B]Stage 7[/B]

Here is the next 5 minute chart >>>

By tymen1 at 2008-06-15

As you can now see, that red candle really moved down!! :eek:

The new question is on the chart - a bit of a give away really, but maybe readers deserve a break. :smiley:
The price at the point of question is 107.94

The question on the next stage chart will be much more gruesome!! :eek:

[U]Note that there are 3 numbers 1,2,3 on the chart.
They have nothing to do with the trading. They are merely there as locators so that on the next chart you can see where you are.[/U]

[U]2nd entries so far :[/U]

Trav72 - 108.04
Vulcan Classic - 108.04

Both averaged …(107.92+108.04)/2 = [B]107.98[/B].
A profit will start to be made when the price action goes below [B]107.98[/B]

Kenneth Lee - 108.03
Neboxian - 108.03
Keitsuke - 108.03
Ericoco - 108.03

All 4 averaged…(107.92+108.03)/2 = [B]107.97[/B]
A profit will start to be made when the price action goes below [B]107.97[/B]

Sinn1 - 108.03 for 2 complete amounts entry. 1st entry closed. Credit = -10 pips.
[B]Immediate profit[/B] for Sinn1 as soon as the price drops.

Ray 1 - no post received at present.
BrianSNJ - temporary delay due to broker changeover.

Would not have exited there because the price action has not touched the lower starc band.

Please edit the price entries to 108.03 and not 108.93
Kenneth Lee - 108.93
Neboxian - 108.93
Keitsuke - 108.93
Ericoco - 108.93

All 4 averaged…(107.92+108.03)/2 = 107.97
A profit will start to be made when the price action goes below 107.97

Thanks for your keen observation Ericoco!!

I have corrected it in my post.


I don’t think I would have exited there. 4 pips profit assuming 107.94 is ask, if its bid then only 2 pips. That doesn’t get me excited. Plus it didn’t hit the Starc. Looks like a roller coaster.

We’ll see.

Price is riding center BB …and not touching lower sarc …looks like we…So-Haw! …:cool:
when price starts to ride the lower Sarc/BB :slight_smile:

I would hold there only 3 pips, looking for 10 min.:frowning:

[B]Anwer to Stage 7[/B]

No hard and fast answer here.
I see that you all decided to stay in.


I did exit but I will tell you about that at the end.

I will keep record of all the pips scores.

[B]Lets look at what the next chart brings![/B] :slight_smile: :eek:

[B]Stage 8[/B]

Here is the next 5 minute chart :smiley: :smiley: >>>

By tymen1 at 2008-06-26

[U]The numbers 1,2,3 can be seen on the chart again. These locators connect this chart to the previous chart.
The Starc bands are shaded in grey to make the problem a little easier.[/U]

The Starc bands are going [U]level [/U]at this time.

The question is on the chart.

If you did not exit 1 or 2 amounts earlier, then I guess that there is not much you [U]can [/U]do at this time. :smiley:

Unless you want to enter a 3rd amount!! (not recommended).

But watch the average if you do - you will be dealing with 3 quantities, not 2.

[U]So far :[/U]

VulcanClassic, Neboxian and Kenneth Lee all holding on with 2nd entry amount.
Others have not posted.

Sinn1 - 108.03 for 2 complete amounts entry. 1st entry closed. Credit = -10 pips.
Immediate profit for Sinn1 as soon as the price drops.

Price dropping to 107.90 gave Sinn1 a potential profit of …108.03-107.90 = 13 pips. Now 13x2amounts = 26 pips-spread (1) = 25 pips.
Finally, with credit of -10 pips, total now is [B]15 pips.[/B]

Other pips totals are still pending.

Hang on and hope for the best, if it hits my stop then oh well. Next.

123 would’ve been a good point to bail out too because it’s a definite point of support there.

I would probablly be out by now. For either break even or 1or 2 pips.

The trade is not developing in our direction , and as Vulcan classic said
there is strong support there tested numerous times… (4)

Plus I generally don’t stay in trades for this long, Over a hour and a half now.

Courios to why Tymen got out ( first reverse looking candle ???:confused: )
I guess have to wait to see…:smiley:

BB is narrowing and all pointing down ish…starc is rolling over the top bb…

price is at top of first candle of star and sitting right under our sl .:frowning:

if the next candle opens red, please add 1 more unit…:smiley:

if it goes green ,our sl will most likely take us out…:eek:

There is only one chart and where is the 71 pip mark?

Are you referring to current price as ending in .71 or something and saying sell here?

i have managed to exit both amounts at 107.94.
I am still studying the five minute chart and seeing that the starc is starting to curve around and down, and also the middle bolinger band is heading slightly down i am looking to enter two amounts right about now.
Is that ok or am i cheating

Firstly, thank you for reading this thread. :slight_smile:

The matter you are refering to has to do with [U]entries only[/U], that is , the use of the Keltner bands in the [U]entry process[/U].

The .71 pip mark you refer to in the chart you posted is the last number on the horizontal line (the full number is 2.0671).(not easy to see)

This KC entry method is [U]relevant only to Stage 2[/U] of this exercise.

The price 2.0671 was only an [U]example [/U]of the KC method being used in a particular, previous trade.

It has nothing to do with what is happening now.

Keep posting if you do not understand what I am getting at.

That’s fine Trav72. Because you are limited only to the pictures I show you, we cannot consider anything to be cheating.

I will list your score on the final stage together with the others.

Another amount Neboxian?

Thats 3 amounts…OK then! Say 1 pip down from now.

Present value 108.04 again. I will give you your 3rd amount at 108.03, if it eventuates! :smiley: :smiley:

OK then. The present price is 108.04.

Your averaged entry was 107.97.

If you get out now you will lose…107.97-108.04 = -7 pips.

With 2 amounts, this is -14 pips. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

[B]Do you really want to do this!!???[/B]

[B]Answer to Stage 8[/B]

If you had exited 1 or both of your amounts earlier, then this would be an excellent place to [U]re-enter[/U] because, with the Starc travelling [U]level[/U],
the price action need only come [U]near [/U]the upper Starc band for a retrace.

A touch is better, of course, but you do not know if the price will go up that far, and, if you enter early, the slight extra rise will not bother you.

It is a rare case for the price to keep rising and going thro your stop loss if you chose your pattern correctly and set a generous stop loss.

I am limited in keeping scores here because not everyone who participated has continued to post.

[B]I will, therefore, make some generous assumptions in setting the scores for the participants.[/B]

[B]Stage 9[/B]

Here is the final stage in the 5 minute charts >>>

By tymen1 at 2008-06-15

The question is on the chart.

[U]I will now give the current scores.[/U]

[B]VulcanClassic[/B] - still in the trade not having exited anywhere.

if you [U]do exit at the point in question [/U]then…

107.98(av entry)-107.90 = 8 pips.
With 2 amounts this is 16-spread (1) = [B]15 pips Total[/B].

[B]Trav72[/B] - exited both amounts at 107.94 earlier on.(not cheating!) Therefore…

107.98(av entry)-107.94 = 4 pips.
With 2 amounts this is 8-spread (1) = 7 pips.
With 2 amounts re-entry at 108.04…[U]your final score pending on what you do next[/U].

[B]Kenneth Lee[/B] - decides to exit at 108.04 because he is staying in too long and price is rising. :eek:
107.97(av entry)-108.04 = -7 pips.
With 2 amounts, this is -14-spread(1) = [B]-15 pips Total.[/B] :mad:

[B]Neboxian [/B]- “if the next candle opens red, please add 1 more amount” (2+1) = 3 amounts

Candle DID open red so…
107.92 initial entry + 108.03 +108.03 (generous) all divided by 3 = 107.99 as new average entry.
[U]Now your final score pending on what you do next.[/U]

[B]Keitsuke, Sinn1, Ericoco and Ray 1[/B] have not continued to post, so their trades are in limbo. :stuck_out_tongue:

[B]BrianSNJ[/B] - temporary delay due to broker changeover.

A 1 pip spread cost has been used.

[B]It is now very important that you answer this final stage so that I can give you your final pip scores.