[B]Advanced level 2 - Chart 12[/B] >>>

By tymen4 at 2008-11-10

We return to the 5 minute chart.

The price action has sky rocketted upwards - green candle. :slight_smile:

Time to enter again!! :slight_smile: :smiley:

The short entry was not the best since the starc bands were going down very steeply and this gave cause to believe that the best entry would be about where I entered.

Of course, if you had entered [U]only 1 amount at this point[/U], you could then have entered the [U]2nd amount[/U] at the top of the candle and hence improved your entry with the compute [U]averaging [/U]the 2 entries.

But as I said, my hands are full just doing the screen printing.

[B]Advanced level 2 - Chart 13 [/B] >>>

By tymen4 at 2008-11-10

Several candles later and and the price action falls again with the Starc bands going down.

An exit was made when the candle hit the lower Bollinger band.

The exit line is shown a little higher because of the 2 pip spread.

Now we have Entry minus Exit.
That is 99.23 - 99.17 = 6 pips.

[B]For 2 amounts, that is 12 pips.[/B]

The trade will go on to produce many more pips, but since this is a teaching example, I will finish here.

[B]Grand total pips = 58 pips.[/B]

Start time 8.15 pm.
Finsh time 9.20 pm.

Just over an hourā€™s work. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

[B]If you did a full standard lot like I did, you would have made excellent money. :)[/B]

[B]Advanced level 2 - Chart 14 - Final[/B] >>>

By tymen4 at 2008-11-10

Here is a last look at the [U]main chart.[/U]

[U]We now remove the PCI stop loss!![/U]

It should be noted that again, as in the previous Advanced level trade, the trade was never under any threat of hitting the stop loss.

[B]Now the Advanced level produced for me 58 pips.

By comparison, the Basic level would have produced 27 pips for the same range.[/B]



[U]The Strategy[/U]

Advanced level
Full Starc band trade.
1st amount - 5 mini lots.
2nd amount - 5 mini lots.

[U]The trade[/U]

25 minute candlestick main chart with Bollinger bands added.
5 minute Starc band chart with Bollinger bands added.
Dark Cloud Cover pattern.
Program used - GFT Dealbook.
Magnification - 72
Short trade.


London open.
New York begins to open.

Traded atā€¦
Perth ļæ½ 8.15 pm.
GMT ļæ½ 0.15 pm.
New York ļæ½ 8.15 am
Los Angeles ļæ½ 5.15 am.
Sydney ļæ½ 10.15 am.

[U]The Figures[/U]

S1 = 99.43
B1 = 99.27
2 amounts = 32 pips.

S2 = 99.25
B2 = 99.18
2 amounts = 14 pips.

S3 = 99.23
B3 = 99.17
2 amounts = 12 pips.

Total = 58 pips.
Compare with Basic level : 27 pips.

PCI - 99.53
Risk/Reward = Irrelevant - trade was never under any threat.

Yes, of course.

But watchout for the roll overs to see that they are in your favour.
Otherwise you could be paying out a lot of money.

Oh, and one more Q re Dealbook, what programming language does it use if you wanted to do your own indicators?

Sorry, I am not a programmer either.
But I think you can find out if you look up the GFT website.

I downloaded and read this candlestick strat. (Iā€™m learning candles) Parts of the direction seem to need a rewrite as they donā€™t clearly mean what is meant I think. Here is an example:

ā€œ1) Firstly, we get one small profit from the 1st amount.
2) The stop loss or trade closure is now moved to the trade entry point. (Break Even).
The 2nd amount has a much larger profit target, but at worst, it would retrace to the trade
entry point, giving a profit/loss of zero for this amount.ā€

Is this supposed to mean that the stoploss for the second trade (amount) is now moved up to where the first one closed? I kind of get it, but the wording needs to be worked out better by whoever wrote it. Itā€™s not clear where the second amount/trade is supposed to be placed and then stopped out?

P.S. thanks for all the candlestick tips.

Good day Tymen,

Thank you for answering the candle pattern question from yesterday.

On this trade you said you are violating your rules. I thought you were suppose to exit when the candle reaches the strac band levels? How would your known the next candle would be even lower?

Here is the original article from which the strategy comesā€¦
You can read the whole thing now.

Since here you now have the original writer, I hope that this will clarify the matterā€¦

Click on the hyperlinkā€¦

Haw haw!!

Just shows that we are all human doesnā€™t it. :smiley:

[U]The rules specifically state that when the starc bands are going down, your exit candle will be the second one touching or passing thro the lower Bollinger band.[/U]

The way I know that the next candle is [U]very likely[/U] to be lower is that when the starc bands go down steeply, the price action will walk the lower BB.

We can expect several candles to walk the bands.
This is a property of the Bollinger bands and also the Starc bands.

I have examined this carefully and concluded that after 2 candles walking the BB, an exit is a good idea.
This is a [U]general [/U]rule.

Now sometimes you get up to 3/4 candles walking the bands.

And sometimes only one.
In that case the next candle may not be as good an exit.

But in any case, any one of the above cases is a much better exit than what I did!! :o :o :o

Good day Tymen.

Good stuff!

As we move in the direction of the BB for the trade, in this case down, do you ever move the stop loss down to prevent erasing gains from previous trades?

I was reviewing the enter rules for expanding and contracting BBā€™s, for expanding in particular, do we only enter long with the 3 Soliders and and short with the 3 Rosellas? Or can one go long, for example with a Bullish morning star as it rides the upper BB or a Bearish Engulfing as it rides the the lower BB?

Thank you, FX

No, the PCI stop loss should be set in accordance with the rules (3 pips away from the extreme candle) and then should not be moved from there.

When you have had a lot of experience you can, in the Advanced level shift the stop loss if it appears at an irrelevant point.
But caution, you have to know what you are doing.

Much practise first.

I was reviewing the enter rules for expanding and contracting BBā€™s, for expanding in particular, do we only enter long with the 3 Soliders and and short with the 3 Rosellas? Or can one go long, for example with a Bullish morning star as it rides the upper BB or a Bearish Engulfing as it rides the the lower BB?


Do not do that!!
At first look your suggestion seems correct.

But you must remember that the BB are extreme points, and price action from here tends to return to the centre regardless of whether they are expanding or contracting.

It is in the mathematical derivation - the upper/lower bands are a 2x standard deviation from the 20 period moving average.
Price action, therefore, tends to return to the moving average.

In choosing a pattern on the wrong BB, you are trading two opposing forces and the result is an uncertainty.

It is much [U]better[/U], and [U]safer[/U], to choose a correct pattern to go with the relevant BB.
We are not lacking that many patterns that we cannot do this.

Till now, I am still presenting Advanced level example trades.

The last two nights did not bring forth any really good candle examples.

Yes I could have done another 3 green soldiers or another engulfing - but you have already seen them.

I am looking for something that has teaching merit.

So I will look again tonight.

During the morning, I am busy with the Australian sharemarket so I am ruled out then.
Nothing much happens till the London open (my time 4 pm).

[B]The next example I post will be the last.

After that I will invite last posts and questions.

Then I shall start closure proceedings for the thread.[/B]

Hi Tymen and everyone!!! Thanks for this awesome piece of art!
Quick question about entries.

  • What happens when thereā€™s no retrace at all? Do we miss the trade?

Extra question. Iā€™ve been experiencing difficulties recognising quality candlestick patterns, when it seems like Iā€™ve finally found one the next candle forms a different pattern. Where else could I look for some information about this?.

Thanks and a lot of pips for all of us!

I take it you are talking about the Int/Advanced level.

Not at all. You seek to enter at the best place the starc bands give you regardless of whether there is a retrace or not.

Extra question. Iā€™ve been experiencing difficulties recognising quality candlestick patterns, when it seems like Iā€™ve finally found one the next candle forms a different pattern. Where else could I look for some information about this?.

I do not quite understand what you mean here? :confused:
What is this ā€œnext candleā€ that forms a different pattern?? :confused: :confused:

Thanks a lot Tymen for that answer. Sorry for my english

What I mean whit my candlestick patterns, is that, for instance, I identifty three white soldiers, I enter the trade, but i turns that the candle after the last soldier forms an engulfing pattern and thatā€™s totally the opposite of what I wanted, and that happens often, that once a pattern is formed, the first candle after that formed pattern makes a different pattern along with the last candle of the pattern. :confused: OMG I hope Iā€™m not confusing you with my complicated explanation!!

Regards from Mexico!:slight_smile:

No problems, I understand now.

An interesting question.

usually the first pattern will win out but pay particular attention to the shape of the Bollinger bands.

If these are expanding relentlessly, then your 3 white soldiers is safe.

But if after the engulfer forms, the BB contracts sharply, then it is likely that the engulfer will win out.

What happens in these cases is ā€¦

In trading the Basic or Intermediate level - you will get your 1st amount of 10 pips but no more.
In the Advanced level, you are working your trades into the starc bands, hence you have complete control, as a result you can still make good pips.

[B]My 3rd and final Advanced level trade example.[/B]

This is a trade of USD/CHF on a 35 minute main chart.
Another 3 green soldiers pattern.

In this trade I enter with 1 amount then wait to enter the 2nd amount as the price improves.
The computer averages the 2 amounts.

My skill at screen printing and filing is improving!!

Here we goā€¦

[B]Advanced level 3 - Chart 1 [/B] >>>

By tymen1 at 2008-11-13

Here you see the [U]main chart[/U] with the 3 green soldiers pattern highlighted in the blue oval.
The next candle has already started and it is in our favour since we are going [U]long (up)[/U]

The opening candle is red and going down.
This will give us extra pips as it goes up again.

[B]Note the Bollinger bands - expanding with the mid Bollinger going up.[/B]

[B]Advanced level 3 - Chart 2[/B]

By tymen1 at 2008-11-13

We now turn to the 5 minute starc band chart.

The opening red candle is the last candle on this chart.

It is going down nicely to the bottom starc bands.
An entry should be soon. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

[B]Advanced level 3 - Chart 3 [/B] >>>

By tymen1 at 2008-11-13

Here we have a long entry (buy) of only[U] 1 amount.[/U]

The entry was made at the bottom of the candle but we register 33 because there is a 4 pip spread.
That is why the entry line is higher than the bottom of the candle.

[B]Advanced level 3 - Chart 4 [/B] >>>

By tymen1 at 2008-11-13

We have already entered our 1st amount buying at 33 (B1a)

We now enter our 2nd buy amount at 28 (B1b)

The second entry is better than the first.
The computer averages the amounts to 31