The mmtt system

At what price did you get in on your trades??

we are same.but my semester just start…gud luck friend…

someon is trading out there?

gu and gj are giving pips. try to get some… or lost some:D

i work in the day, i study at night and i trade when i can… and i still get time to make my wife happy:D

my semester ends in 2 weeks, them i get almost a month of rest

i got in at 1.0187 around the 5:10 candle (using micro trading station 2) and took profits at 1.0154 around 9:05 candle. then i noticed it was going back up so i got in at 1.0171. then saw it heading back down again and took profits at 1.0193

for extra confirmation i used the resitance and support levels at 1.0217 and 1.0138, basically the same places where the price broke the 2MA on the high and the low . it was showing strong range

yea keeping an eye on them. looks like they’re just flirting around up there for now. lets see if they start droping.

y dont you just trade for a living ruilima?

just read through your whole thread i must say very very interesting. ive got some questions…

  1. if you are in a dollar trade will you get into another pair with the dollar? for example if your long e/u will you get into a g/u trade or ej gj basically will you go into more than one pair of the same base or secondary currency? more than one trading involving euros or dollars or yen etc?

  2. how long have you been trading this system?

  3. how many loses will you take in a row before you stop for the day? i know you said you took 5 in a row thats crazy :eek:

and about the chat maybe we can all get on skype or something it works great. actually great to talk to other traders on there will keep you out of some trades just because of boredom i know i have taken some of those :frowning:

i like my job, i like to study, and i still don´t believe that forex is a real business. i´m still feeling like forex is almost like a gambling game in wich you can get a hedge…

all this leverage thing is just to good to be true. a broker give you 100 dollars to invest for every dollar you have?!?!? very strange:confused:

i still need more time doing it and made withdraws and listen some pros storys to believe this is real:o

You said you already pulled out your original investment? That’s real.

anybody is trading today ?
some hints ?

ruilima you said you were watching the G/J last night. did you catch it? or should i say this morning. did anyone? a perfect entry would have been around 6:00AM EST. i fell asleep and i missed it! i caught it a little later and im still riding it down now.

i have my eye on the GBP/USD and the and USD/CAD. looks like they should both be retracing in opposite directions

no trading today. it has a very busy day.

hope someone has catch the pips.

i´ve already made 2 withdraws, but is hard to believe that a broker will let someone take 100000 dollars or a million dollars from them. or even a constant 10000 dollars every month without kiking you out

I would say there are lots of people that do that.

yes but do you know any one?!?!?!

I do not know anyone personally.

why wouldn’t the broker want you to make money…after all they make a commission or some of the spread… unless those brokers trade against you… maybe u need a new broker

you aren’t taking money from the broker, not if it’s a reputable broker. Money you make comes from other traders who loose. The broker makes their money from the spread. So the more you trade, the more the broker makes.

I do know someone who has made millions trading forex so it can be done.
It’s not easy though