The mmtt system

Yeah, I have a live Micro account and you are correct. I just checked and hadn’t realized I could add more pairs. Duh.

Hi Rui,

Please see attached 5m chart. Would the candle at 16:55 gmt be considered a HL?


Ed, at the time I checked them, they were all outside the daily MAs. My only reservation is any where the daily trend is downward. I know the guys talk about trading the counter/retrace, but I am not skilled enough to make that call. I did just take a Short position on EUR/AUD.

Hi Merchantprince,

May I ask you why you took a short on the EURAUD? It briefly went above the daily ma, but I cant see any HL formation?


Yeah, I got out quick when it was rubbing around the mid boll on the 5m. Just closed with 2 pips. If you have been reading the previous pages you’ll note I pretty much suck at identifying the HL/LH formations. :slight_smile:

Whatever you do, don’t take any trading advice from me. :smiley:

Having said that, I’m looking at GBP/JPY at the moment. Nice sideways daily movement, just outside the lower daily MA. The only issue I see with it is it seems at this time of the day everything just… dies. The afternoon hours in the US for forex just seem like a bunch of consolidation with tiny, crappy candles and very few pips…

I pretty much suck at identifying the HL/LH formations.

Don’t get hung up on that if you want to use BB bounce or a MA cross on the 5min to identify an entry I think your results would be similar.

I like this method because it gives me pairs and direction to trade with minimal time spent looking at allot charts and time frames.

Yeah, I figure with everything I learned in the Bollinger w/MAs thread and the Tymen candlestick threads maybe I should just look for those signals.:cool:

But I do hope to get more of a feel for HL/LHs when I chat with Rui and we all get a chance to trade together, hopefully next week.

One question that’s been nagging at me the past few days is whether we should be looking to jump in under MMTT conditions (price outside the daily MAs) if the dominant trend for the day is against our proposed trade.

And I agree with you, I absolutely love having just one chart for each pair, switching TFs as trading opportunities present themselves. I’ve also taken your advice and placed a bright green line in the overall direction of the Daily, so I don’t forget that, switching back and forth on the lower TFs (good idea!).

hi guys.

just came back from school and find out that the two exames i made this week went a A- and a B+:D

great week in trading and great week in school… very nice:D

this weekend will be long and party time… so no trade tomorrow.

but monday i will back to my desk and i will be at the chart… hope the hangover don´t interfier in the trades.

merchantprince i´m glad you´ve liked the chart session.

This looks like a potential trade setup.

This looks like a potential short setting up.

I am watching

USD has been in a strong trend I am not sure its finished yet any trades that counter that trend will be watched very close.

What program do you use to annotate your chart? It looks very professional. Is it easy to learn? Easy to use?

The Quick Change System has an indicator that shows the HL/LH bar by bar.

Going long now

Actually that is a screenshot of my FXCM Trading Station II chart, annotated using Snagit:

Screen Capture | Snagit | Screen capture software by TechSmith
(my version is older than the fancy one they sell now)

That looks sweet, but I use MT4 only as a signal service to send text messages to my cell. I’d like something like that for my broker’s platform.

Stop loss moved up to protect profit.

Moved up again :slight_smile:

Thanks for the info. Much appreciated.

Over 20 pips profit. MMTT rocks :smiley: