The mmtt system


Myfxbook utilizes read-only access to FXCM, which is permissible. No passwords or other sensitive information is exchanged.

Where are the words [B]read only[/B] been used in FXCM Client Trading Agreement?

Please show me.

Many brokers are set up to provide a password to an account holder that they can give to a third party that grants such access to use for services like myfxbook and others.

Please post the names of those brokers.

Thank you.

Thanks for the reply. But this means you are trying to be in constant sync with the market, doesn’t it?

Please show me HOW to get access incl. [B]read only[/B] access to an account WITHOUT a password?

Since when is [B]read only[/B] access not granting third parties access to their trading facilities?

Thank you.

If you specify explicitly in your account application to give third parties access, whether they are a person or corporate or both, permission to access your account then yes, the broker will take that into account during their application processing.

It reqires a different ID checking process.

If you know of any broker who grants third party access permission AFTER the account opening process I would really like to know their names.

Sorry to butt in but isn’t the broker talk a little off topic of mmtt?

You say that like its a bad thing… :stuck_out_tongue:

Well if two different things work, why not do both?

The only thing you can ever know with 100% certainty is that you can never know anything with 100% certainty

That’s why you have to go with the probabilities.

MMTT seems to have a high probability of success. And my other idea seems to although I don’t have a long track record to back that up… yet.

Speaking of probability. If you throw six dice and they all land on 6. What are the odds? Well it wins you the game of farkle and I saw it happen once.
approximately 1.07 in 50,000 if I calculated it right.

This is off topic but its the week end :smiley:
on the topic of third party access to your account history
It seem to me the information sites like myfxbook and currensee are using is generated client side so it would be no different than me sticking a paper copy of my bank statement in an envelope mailing it off to someone and asking them to draw a graph of the data. Common sense says that should not be a problem other than the personal information (name and account number)you might be sharing.

I am no lawyer and I don’t think used is a lawyer. I do think he raises a legit concern. so I think the best thing to do is ask your broker about this situation. I am taking my own advise and have sent out 2 emails. If the replies shed any new info about this I will start a thread.

so now back to MMTT talk :cool:

I have a couple of questions for Rui and Shr1k, both of whom have often referred to certain days as “good” or “bad” to trade MMTT. From looking at the Daily charts, what specific characteristics of the MAs/candles/Bollinger Bands/whatever would you describe as being especially good or bad for trading this way?

Bonus cookie for any chart examples. :smiley:

Its all about the trend

Ranging is better look at the green oval and the MMTT trades you could have. Some of the candles in the red oval are mostly outside the MAs that means many opportunities to get stopped out.

Any counter trend trade should be approached with caution. If the trend on the daily chart looks strong I might not put a lot of faith in using the 5 min chart to try and confirm the daily trend is turning. That does not mean I wont take the trade but I wont be surprised if the 5 min trend I entered on decides to turn around after a few pips and continue on with the overall direction. In a range MMTT is much more like a bol bounce and I think a higher pip gain is more likely.

Probabilities are for gambling not trading.

I’m currently trying phil’s method with the mmtt and another scalp method by pete fader on a demo. Because I enjoy trading, I’m not bothered how much time it cost me to trade them all. I intend to find out the best combination of a long term, medium term and short term trade strategy.

Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind while trading

Which one do you trade with real cash?

very well put. i was going to make the same comment and post a similar chart but then i saw your post. if the market is showing a strong daily trend, you might be able to gain a few pips using mmtt, but like sh1rk said, dont be surprised if it continues in the direction of the trend. the best way to avoid being stopped out in this situation is #1, take whatever pips you can get and don’t expect the trade to go a long way in your direction. #2 move your SL to break even as soon as possible. i usually try to avoid entering trades where i would be trading against a strong trend.

Standard trend stuff. Nothing fancy.

looks like the treath have being very busy during weekend… tomorrow i´ll try to aswer merchantprince question… it is a very short question but it will be a very long aswer…

the performance of a system is tested during bad market conditions… avoid them or minimize the losses are the best way to keep your balance graph pointing to your webcam (if you have a laptop:p)

I got a response back from Oanda they said it was fine but they caution me to be aware of the policies of the various sites that share your resaults.

I have prepared a 2nd edition of the PDF with several changes and updates taken from the forum discussion here as well our daily chats in the MMTT chat room. I was hoping to bounce it off the guys beforehand, but it’s pretty quiet trading today coming off the bank holiday.

So I’ll share the latest version of the PDF today to get your feedback; let me know if you like the new updated content and if anything seems glaringly wrong.

By the way, this PDF also has bookmark links, so find them in the left hand column of your PDF reader for easy navigation.


MMTT Manual - 2nd Edition.pdf (212 KB)

Nice work on the PDF
Some of us have been sharing or results with this method. I am noticing a real difference in success rates of the traders that operate during the first 1/2 of the London session and those that dont. Time of day is looking like an important factor in the success of this strat.
Some differences in charts and brokers have come up. some times one trader will have an hourly chart that shows a setup and others will not. I am not sure how this is affecting the out come of individual trades but it should be looked at. The PA is the same across the board but the MAs are painting differently. The fact that PA is the same leads me to think its not that big of a deal and you should just go with whatever your chart shows. Any thoughts on that?