The old mans trades

No current pending orders now, and no open trades.

Pending orders:
usd/chf buy @ .9379 stop .9363 limit .9393
eur/usd sell @ 1.2891 stop 1.2913 limit 1.2871

Pending orders:
usd/chf buy @ .9379 stop .9363 limit .9393
eur/usd sell @ 1.2891 stop 1.2913 limit 1.2871
eur/yen sell @ 100.51 stop 100.72 limit 100.33

Pending orders:

Open trades:
eur/yen sell @ 100.51 stop 100.72 limit 100.33
usd/chf buy @ .9379 stop .9363 limit .9393
eur/usd sell @ 1.2891 stop 1.2913 limit 1.2871

Pending orders:

Open trades:

Total profit in pips:

-7 pips

Closed trades:

Sell usd/chf @9425 stop 9438 limit 9413 = -13
Buy eur/usd @2821 stop 2802 limit 2838 = +17
gbp/usd buy @ .6119 stop .6108 limit .6130 = +11
usd/chf sell @ .9424 stop .9440 limit .9410 = +14
eur/yen buy @ 100.03 stop .9977 limit 100.26 = +23
eur/usd sell @ 1.2891 stop 1.2913 limit 1.2871 = -22
usd/chf buy @ .9379 stop .9363 limit .9393 = -16
eur/yen sell @ 100.51 stop 100.72 limit 100.33 = -21

I had the limits incorrect on usdchf and eurusd, so they both could have taken profit. Made a big difference in results. Also missed a usdcad winner earlier today and another CAD short winner just now. I’ll get them right next time. But that is the point of doing this, so I can look back on mistakes.

Pending orders:

gbp/yen sell @ 125.86
aud/usd sell @ 1.0370
usd/cad buy @ .9826
nzd/usd sell @ .8301
eur/usd sell @ 1.2911

Pending orders:

Open trades:
eur/usd sell @ 1.2911 stop 1.2928 limit 1.2895
nzd/usd sell @ .8301 stop .8318 limit .8288
aud/usd sell @ 1.0370 stop 1.0386 limit 1.0357
gbp/yen sell @ 125.86 stop 126.05 limit 126.65
usd/cad buy @ .9826 stop .9812 limit .9836

Total profit in pips:

-90 pips

Closed trades:

Sell usd/chf @9425 stop 9438 limit 9413 = -13
Buy eur/usd @2821 stop 2802 limit 2838 = +17
gbp/usd buy @ .6119 stop .6108 limit .6130 = +11
usd/chf sell @ .9424 stop .9440 limit .9410 = +14
eur/yen buy @ 100.03 stop .9977 limit 100.26 = +23
eur/usd sell @ 1.2891 stop 1.2913 limit 1.2871 = -22
usd/chf buy @ .9379 stop .9363 limit .9393 = -16
eur/yen sell @ 100.51 stop 100.72 limit 100.33 = -21
eur/usd sell @ 1.2911 stop 1.2928 limit 1.2895 = -17
nzd/usd sell @ .8301 stop .8318 limit .8288 = -17
aud/usd sell @ 1.0370 stop 1.0386 limit 1.0357 = -16
gbp/yen sell @ 125.86 stop 126.05 limit 126.65 = -19
usd/cad buy @ .9826 stop .9812 limit .9836 = -14

Pending orders:
eur/usd sell @ 1.2898 stop 1.2941 limit 1.2858
eur/yen sell @ 100.53 stop 101.05 limit 100.03
gbp/usd sell @ 1.6134 stop 1.6177 limit 1.6095
gbp/yen sell @ 125.70 stop 126.35 limit 125.20
aud/usd sell @ 1.0368 stop 1.0405 limit 1.0338
nzd/usd sell @ .8298 stop .8325 limit .8278
usd/cad buy @ .9827 stop .9801 limit .9847
usd/chf buy @ .9376 stop .9350 limit .9396

Pending orders:

eur/yen sell @ 100.53 stop 101.05 limit 100.03
gbp/usd sell @ 1.6134 stop 1.6177 limit 1.6095
gbp/yen sell @ 125.70 stop 126.35 limit 125.20
aud/usd sell @ 1.0368 stop 1.0405 limit 1.0338
usd/cad buy @ .9810 stop .9798 limit .9820

Open trades:
nzd/usd sell @ .8298 stop .8325 limit .8278
usd/chf buy @ .9376 stop .9350 limit .9396
eur/usd sell @ 1.2898 stop 1.2941 limit 1.2858

Pending orders:

gbp/yen sell @ 125.70 stop 126.35 limit 125.20

Open trades:

usd/chf buy @ .9376 stop .9350 limit .9396
eur/usd sell @ 1.2898 stop 1.2941 limit 1.2858
aud/usd sell @ 1.0368 stop 1.0405 limit 1.0338
gbp/usd sell @ 1.6134 stop 1.6177 limit 1.6095
eur/yen sell @ 100.53 stop 101.05 limit 100.03

Total profit in pips:

-60 pips

Closed trades:

Sell usd/chf @9425 stop 9438 limit 9413 = -13
Buy eur/usd @2821 stop 2802 limit 2838 = +17
gbp/usd buy @ .6119 stop .6108 limit .6130 = +11
usd/chf sell @ .9424 stop .9440 limit .9410 = +14
eur/yen buy @ 100.03 stop .9977 limit 100.26 = +23
eur/usd sell @ 1.2891 stop 1.2913 limit 1.2871 = -22
usd/chf buy @ .9379 stop .9363 limit .9393 = -16
eur/yen sell @ 100.51 stop 100.72 limit 100.33 = -21
eur/usd sell @ 1.2911 stop 1.2928 limit 1.2895 = -17
nzd/usd sell @ .8301 stop .8318 limit .8288 = -17
aud/usd sell @ 1.0370 stop 1.0386 limit 1.0357 = -16
gbp/yen sell @ 125.86 stop 126.05 limit 126.65 = -19
usd/cad buy @ .9826 stop .9812 limit .9836 = -14
usd/cad buy @ .9810 stop .9798 limit .9820 = +10
nzd/usd sell @ .8298 stop .8325 limit .8278 = +20

Quitting time for today. I’ll check leftover trades tomorrow and see how much I won or lost.

Pending orders:

gbp/yen sell @ 125.94 stop 126.35 limit 125.54

Open trades:

usd/chf buy @ .9376 stop .9350 limit .9396
eur/usd sell @ 1.2898 stop 1.2941 limit 1.2858
gbp/usd sell @ 1.6134 stop 1.6177 limit 1.6095
eur/yen sell @ 100.53 stop 101.05 limit 100.03

Total profit in pips:

-30 pips

Closed trades:

Sell usd/chf @9425 stop 9438 limit 9413 = -13
Buy eur/usd @2821 stop 2802 limit 2838 = +17
gbp/usd buy @ .6119 stop .6108 limit .6130 = +11
usd/chf sell @ .9424 stop .9440 limit .9410 = +14
eur/yen buy @ 100.03 stop .9977 limit 100.26 = +23
eur/usd sell @ 1.2891 stop 1.2913 limit 1.2871 = -22
usd/chf buy @ .9379 stop .9363 limit .9393 = -16
eur/yen sell @ 100.51 stop 100.72 limit 100.33 = -21
eur/usd sell @ 1.2911 stop 1.2928 limit 1.2895 = -17
nzd/usd sell @ .8301 stop .8318 limit .8288 = -17
aud/usd sell @ 1.0370 stop 1.0386 limit 1.0357 = -16
gbp/yen sell @ 125.86 stop 126.05 limit 126.65 = -19
usd/cad buy @ .9826 stop .9812 limit .9836 = -14
usd/cad buy @ .9810 stop .9798 limit .9820 = +10
nzd/usd sell @ .8298 stop .8325 limit .8278 = +20
aud/usd sell @ 1.0368 stop 1.0405 limit 1.0338 = +30

Pending orders:
gbp/yen sell @ 126.00
eur/yen sell @ 100.79
usd/cad sell @ .9810
aud/usd sell @ 1.0290

Open trades:

usd/chf buy @ .9376 stop .9350 limit .9396
eur/usd sell @ 1.2898 stop 1.2941 limit 1.2858
gbp/usd sell @ 1.6134 stop 1.6177 limit 1.6095

Total profit in pips:

-123 pips

Closed trades:

Sell usd/chf @9425 stop 9438 limit 9413 = -13
Buy eur/usd @2821 stop 2802 limit 2838 = +17
gbp/usd buy @ .6119 stop .6108 limit .6130 = +11
usd/chf sell @ .9424 stop .9440 limit .9410 = +14
eur/yen buy @ 100.03 stop .9977 limit 100.26 = +23
eur/usd sell @ 1.2891 stop 1.2913 limit 1.2871 = -22
usd/chf buy @ .9379 stop .9363 limit .9393 = -16
eur/yen sell @ 100.51 stop 100.72 limit 100.33 = -21
eur/usd sell @ 1.2911 stop 1.2928 limit 1.2895 = -17
nzd/usd sell @ .8301 stop .8318 limit .8288 = -17
aud/usd sell @ 1.0370 stop 1.0386 limit 1.0357 = -16
gbp/yen sell @ 125.86 stop 126.05 limit 126.65 = -19
usd/cad buy @ .9826 stop .9812 limit .9836 = -14
usd/cad buy @ .9810 stop .9798 limit .9820 = +10
nzd/usd sell @ .8298 stop .8325 limit .8278 = +20
aud/usd sell @ 1.0368 stop 1.0405 limit 1.0338 = +30
gbp/yen sell @ 125.94 stop 126.35 limit 125.54 = -41
eur/yen sell @ 100.53 stop 101.05 limit 100.03 = -52

Pending orders:
gbp/yen sell @ 126.00
eur/yen sell @ 100.79
usd/cad sell @ .9810
usd/cad buy @.9834
aud/usd sell @ 1.0290
nzdusd sell @ .8311

Pending orders:
gbp/yen sell @ 126.00 stop 126.49 limit 125.65
eur/yen sell @ 100.79 stop 101.10 limit 100.56
usd/cad sell @ .9810
usd/cad buy @.9834 stop .9810 limit .9850
aud/usd sell @ 1.0290 stop 1.0326 limit 1.0261
nzdusd sell @ .8311 stop .8340 limit .8290
gbp/yen buy @ 126.27
eur/yen buy @ 101.10
nzd/usd buy @ .8340
aud/usd buy @ 1.0326
usd/chf sell @ .9350
eur/usd buy @ 1.2941
gbp/usd buy @ 1.6177

Pending orders:
gbp/yen sell @ 125.90 stop 126.49 limit 125.65
eur/yen sell @ 100.79 stop 101.10 limit 100.56
usd/cad buy @.9834 stop .9810 limit .9850
aud/usd sell @ 1.0290 stop 1.0326 limit 1.0261
nzdusd sell @ .8311 stop .8340 limit .8290
gbp/yen buy @ 126.27 stop 125.90 limit 126.57
eur/yen buy @ 101.10 stop 100.79 limit 101.35
nzd/usd buy @ .8340 stop .8311 limit .8365
aud/usd buy @ 1.0326 stop 1.0290 limit 1.0356
gbp/usd buy @ 1.6177 stop 1.6130 limit 1.6217
usd/cad sell @ .9810 stop .9834 limit .9790

Open trades:
usd/chf sell @ .9350 stop .9395 limit .9310
eur/usd buy @ 1.2941 stop 1.2874 limit 1.3000
gbp/usd sell @ 1.6134 stop 1.6177 limit 1.6095

Total profit in pips:

-192 pips

Pending orders:

aud/usd sell @ 1.0290 stop 1.0326 limit 1.0261
aud/usd buy @ 1.0326 stop 1.0290 limit 1.0356

Open trades:
usd/chf sell @ .9350 stop .9395 limit .9310
eur/usd buy @ 1.2941 stop 1.2874 limit 1.3000
gbp/usd sell @ 1.6134 stop 1.6177 limit 1.6095
eur/yen buy @ 101.10 stop 100.79 limit 101.35
nzdusd sell @ .8311 stop .8340 limit .8290
usd/cad buy @.9834 stop .9810 limit .9850
gbp/yen sell @ 125.90 stop 126.49 limit 125.40

Pending orders:

aud/usd sell @ 1.0290 stop 1.0326 limit 1.0261
aud/usd buy @ 1.0326 stop 1.0290 limit 1.0356
gbp/usd buy @ 1.6156 stop 1.6120 limit 1.6186

Open trades:
usd/chf sell @ .9350 stop .9395 limit .9310
eur/usd buy @ 1.2941 stop 1.2874 limit 1.3000
gbp/usd sell @ 1.6134 stop 1.6156 limit 1.6095
eur/yen buy @ 101.10 stop 100.79 limit 101.35
nzdusd sell @ .8311 stop .8340 limit .8290
usd/cad buy @.9834 stop .9810 limit .9850
gbp/yen sell @ 125.90 stop 126.49 limit 125.40

Pending orders:

aud/usd sell @ 1.0290 stop 1.0326 limit 1.0261
aud/usd buy @ 1.0326 stop 1.0290 limit 1.0356
gbp/usd buy @ 1.6156 stop 1.6120 limit 1.6186
nzd/usd buy @ .8340
usd/cad sell @ .9810
gbp/yen buy @ 126.17

Open trades:
usd/chf sell @ .9350 stop .9395 limit .9310
eur/usd buy @ 1.2941 stop 1.2874 limit 1.3000
gbp/usd sell @ 1.6134 stop 1.6156 limit 1.6095
eur/yen buy @ 101.10 stop 100.79 limit 101.35
nzdusd sell @ .8311 stop .8340 limit .8290
usd/cad buy @.9834 stop .9810 limit .9850
gbp/yen sell @ 125.90 stop 126.17 limit 125.40