Pip Miner here I hope everyone had a great weekend. its Sunday after noon here in sunny Florida. I am a newbee to babypips but have been trading and studying for over a year.im 68 years young and love 4X .I just
think everyone in this business has been great . I have not met one person yet that was not willing to help others understand the art of 4X. As for Babypips I have found a home in forex
I have seen many different websites and this is one of the top 2 or 3 that I have found in over 2 years that I have been studying 4X. I will let everyone that i know in 4x what a find this. Always remember knowledge is more PIPS. seeeee yaaaaa.PIP MINER.
Welcome to baby pips. I’m 64 years young and I’m trying to talk my wife into moving to Florida for the winters.
Great user name “pip miner” Trading in the forex is a lot like mining a stream for gold. You stick your shovel into the bottom run the shovel proceeds through a strainer to separate the dirt, fools gold and keep the nuggets. Just like mining with every shovelful you have the opportunity to find some nuggets; but the same as in the forex nothing works all the time; sometimes you get them, some times you don’t. All you can do is keep shoveling. Anyhow good luck