Do You think Most College Dropouts Succeed At Trading?
business leaders got their starts without the benefit of degrees, including Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak of Apple, Larry Ellison of Oracle, Bill Gates and Paul Allen of Microsoft, Mark Zuckerberg and Dustin Moskovitz of Facebook, Michael Dell of Dell Computers, Brian Dunn of Best Buy, Anna Wintour of Vogue, Barry Diller of IAC, John Mackey of Whole Foods, David Geffen, Ralph Lauren, Ted Turner, Richard Branson and SO on.
Successful college dropouts are people who think outside of the box, risk takers, but also people who have unrelenting drive and determination. Many people don’t have these qualities. Most people just go with status quo, almost sheepishly doing what everyone else in society does just because it’s the “normal” thing to do; these are the people who struggle at trading because they are just part of the mass of people who are afraid to change how they think.not to say that college is pointless, certainly having an education is a very valuable tool, I’m just saying that it might not be for everyone and that people should research more before they dive head-first into loans and long-term commitments
SO sayying all this to say i would like to get your opinion on do you need Collage education/ Degree to be a good trader or do people that graduate have a better chance at being Successful in forex ?
It’s hard to generalize the potential of college dropouts and graduates. It’s even harder to predict their success rate in forex trading because a huge part of being successful depends on their individual trading psychology.
Personally I don’t think a trader needs a college degree in order to be a consistently profitable. But they do need to be focused, process-oriented, and most importantly, disciplined. These are some of the traits that college graduates probably have more practice with.
Forex can be as stressful has starting company in a way forex can be more stressful fx takes a lot of time and practice as well as long nights early mornings forex can be alot of work ,
At the retail level, it doesn’t matter, anyone- (not everyone) can succeed. However at the institutional level a couple of college degrees is a basic requirement.
Very well written Huck. People who think about attending college need to know what it is that they want. When it comes to finance colleges and universities create good employees, but not leaders and innovators. Know what it is that you want and then do what you need to get there.