The Sky Is Falling, Really

I was reading yet another ridiculous article on Oanda’s Marketpulse website today. I’m not really sure why I’m compelled to actually click these things and get sucked in. Maybe it’s the cute little avatars. Maybe it’s easy to click the headline. Or maybe it’s the compelling headlines themselves. Whatever the reason, I always seem to catch my sweet gullible self only after the fact.

This last one really got my attention. I thought to myself, “this headline actually sounds intelligent this time.” But after reading the article I realized I had been duped again. The S&P 500 was down because of trade wars. Oil was down because the S&P 500 was down. Every currency on the planet was in the toilet because of protests in Hong Kong…really? The sky was truly falling and the writer pretended-- like most financial market journalists-- to know exactly why this was all happening, as if to know why the EUR/NZD has been in a trading range for the last day-and-a-half.

If these guys would pay more attention to their spelling and less time trying to pretend they know fundamental analysis, they may one day write an intelligent article.The by line for this writer should have read:
Billy-Bob NoBody
Senior Currency Analyst and Drama Queen


They might actually get more readers if they keep that title.

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