The Sniper:This will help you!

Hi fellow traders!

I’ve been trading for a few years, and thought I’d share the following article that a trader friend of mine has above his desk. The article here is an edited version of the one written by Nial Fuller entitled “Trade like a sniper, not a machine gunner”, and sets out in my opinion very accurately the qualities that are needed to make money consistently as a trader. If you want to access the whole article, you can do so at Trade Forex Like a Sniper…Not a Machine Gunner | Learn To Trade

[B][U]The Sniper[/U][/B]

The sniper will train for years to sharpen and perfect his shooting skills, and the sniper knows exactly what his target looks like and pulls the trigger without hesitation

The sniper must have unusual patience and be able to stay still for long hours.The sniper must know when to take the shot and when not to. He must be a keen observer, paying attention to details and being aware of his surroundings and everything that is going on around him.

The sniper must be meticulous in his preparation; planning routes for both insertion and evasion, and should be meticulous in record keeping. Sniping is a constant learning experience, and the sniper must be able to keep acquiring knowledge to enhance his skills and abilities.

The sniper in the military has an edge over his enemy; His edge is unwavering patience, mastery of his weapon, and the ability to remain consciously in control of his mind and body for long periods of time in high-stress situations.

( edited version of the original article by Nial Fuller entitled ’ trade like a sniper, not like a machine gunner’.)

( Apologies to you girls for the sole use of the masculine 3rd person )

Dun take me wrong…But i read the same thing in Nial fuller’s post “TRADE LIKE A SNIPER NOT LIKE A MACHINE GUNNER”…

To be honest I had no idea where it was from as I took it from a friend of mine who has it above his desk. I have now edited my post to credit the article to Nial Fuller. Thanks for the info.

but despite where the article came from, its really helpful, especially for newbies to get the main concept of being patient with nerves of steel :slight_smile: thanks for sharing :smiley: