The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

ST can grab some beers and I’ll pick up a large pizza on the way over mate !!

Come on door are always open. Especially if you got beer I will hold it open for you. I have also been debating on buying a small fridge. But that might make me a little to lazy

Looking forward to a pic of the new screens once they’re up and running!

Done! Although I’m an awkward pizza buddy - I’m allergic to mushrooms, and everyone else seems to love mushrooms on a pizza.

Sounds as though there’s a 2nd Floor Road Trip in the offing once we have all made our trading millions.

And for what is is worth, I don’t think the world should begrudge a man his own small fridge, I say go for it.

So what I will bring? Let me bring two blonde and two brunette :smiley: Lets enjoy together… lol


Well that would be me sorted, but what would you guys do???

Hi Guys.

New trading day just opened and having had a quick look through the charts I’d say the star of tonight’s show is the kiwi.

Thursday’s action on the daily showed price get to within 10 pips of previous high at 0.8469 ish and reject to form a shooting star (inverted hammer).

From that I’d be looking for price to fall to around 0.8355 ish (previous resistance now hoping to be support)

Entry would be pretty much at current level (0.8430 ish) stop would need to go above previous high at 0.8475 and target as I mentioned around 83 and a half. Only thing that worries me is the 45 pip stop to be fair.

Only other thing that interests me is the USD/CHF, which ST mentioned earlier ain’t too far off previous support and may well be worth a look at for a long

he he he. What an Innocent man you are HoG :smiley:

Good luck mate on this trade. I hope it work for you.

happy pipping.

Posted this in salimvp’s thread but thought it would be wise to share it here as well. GU Daily short opportunity. My limit order got triggered a short while ago

Nice pin bar rejection off resistance at 1.6300. I think its a decent setup as other pairs are correlating.

Entry 1.6274 (fib retrace of pin bar)
Stop 1.6320
Target 1.6175

Look at the daily on EU. Would be nice to see it close bearish which would be a good indication that we’re in for a decent trip down at least.

Update on my GU trade. Hit target for a nice 2:1 reward. Happy holidays gang.

I’ve been thinking. That FIFO rule doesn’t help at all. I’m in a position trade and now if I want to day trade a little I can’t. At least not on the same account. How is FIFO supposed to protect us?

IyaJenkei, excuse my ignorance but what is the FIFO rule?

First in first out. If you have 2 trades placed you have to close the first before the second. Only in the United States I think.

Apologies Aesthetic, I haven’t been in here for a day or two and I’ve only just noticed your trade. Well done on the profit.

Did want to ask though what made you pick 1-6320 as your stop level? Was it a case of 10 pips above a recent high, a percentage of your account or what?

Sorry for being nosey, just …nosey I guess LOL!

Yeah I wanted to keep a tight stop on this one Hog. 1.6230 would have been more conservative to give it room for a fake break etc. As for percentage of account, I always risk the same regardless of how many pips the stop is.

Ok, This post is being made for NOBODIES benefit but my own. This is PURELY meant as a constant reminder to myself to stop Fu****g around and get serious with the learning.

Went to work last night, 21st December 2012, the last Friday before Xmas day and what is, traditionally, one of the busiest night’s, if not THE busiest night of the year for taxi drivers.

4 hours into the shift, I’m taking a passenger home when I hear a thump. I look in the back of the taxi to find the passenger has fallen off the back seat, blind arsed drunk, and is now lying on the floor, moaning slighty. I’m thinking, “What a fu****g embarrassment.”

We get to the passenger’s house and I have to get out to help them off the floor and out of the cab. It’s only then that I discover that the passenger has been sick over the floor of my taxi. I get paid and watch the passenger stagger aimlessly up their garden path.

I now have to go home, get the bucket and disinfectant out and clean up some-one’s sick before I can go back to work to try and make my wages. This particularly “pleasant” task takes me just over an hour.

Eventually I’m cleaned up and back in town and have just picked up my next nightmare, I mean passenger. 5 minutes into that journey, I hear a very familiar THUMP. I look round and guess where this one is? Got it in one people, lying on the floor, whimpering like a hurt dog.

We get to where this shambles lives, out I get and have a guess what’s on the floor next to the life and soul of the office party???

How did you know? Another pile of sick !! Only this one has decided to out-do the last failure of humanity. This one’s decided to pee themselves as well !! I wish it was legal to take a picture of someone in those circumstances, I’d have it all over the internet by now.

Anyway, that finally brought the curtain down on my “busiest night of the year”. And the best part is…

BOTH of the customers were, and I use the term loosely, LADIES !!

So…if after the New Year, anyone finds me messing around a bit too much and not cracking on with the education, please feel free to remind me of post #659 on the Trader’s Arms 2nd Floor thread, not that I’m likely to forget it anytime soon.

Happy Holidays H.O.G,


You too mate, have a good one !!

I will help reminding you…:wink: