The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

Would it be too nosey Pippatron to ask your levels and thinking on entry dicision ?? Just like to hear other people’s thinking, but your business is your business and if you’d rather not say that is fine.

EDIT: Just trying to work out your entry from the charts, are you short around 1-5290 ?

OK… I’m out of GU long for 31.8 and now short @ 1.5277, SL 1.5313… in line with daily bias. If wrong, subtracting the counter trade puts me 5 pips to the downside plus spread. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ever just get that way sometimes when you just can’t see a thing? (without the aid of a pear cider I’m talking about RC LOL!!)

Not nosy at all HoG, I’ll post in detail once I get home from work tonight. I like to explain with charts rather than with lots of words.

Yes I’m short GBPUSD from 1.5295.

Yes I’ve got the pear cider in hand! LOL… thing is if you look to the weekly, current daily PA is a retrace of long. Look to the daily and 4h is a retrace of short. So… ahum… I’ll run with short off the daily, based on the 4h. Got that? Great! Now please explain it to me? LOL!! :60:

Was actually tempted with a swissy short from the daily, EJ inside day was also worth watching. But the only thing I’ll be looking at in 5 mins is the inside of my eyelids.

What happened to the stick man golfer hog? I rather liked that. The new Avatar I can’t figure out? A PC chip? A row of Coffins? :smiley:

Looks like a row of overflowing toilet bowls to me :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah got ya… no wonder then… that’ll be the premier schenic attraction in Glasgow! For those not aquanted with Glasgow… its Detriot on a bad day! :smiley: Well thats me banned from Hogs thread then! LOL!!!

Want to see clear break of 1.5200 before going short…

Yay my stop finally got moved to BE. Only took all day of watching sideways movement. At least I was on the right side of the swap.

There ya go, a couple of pear ciders and he’s getting rowdy again :slight_smile:

Actually I’m currently going through my pretentious philosophical transitional period. The taxi sign I used for motivation cos I hate the bloody job so much. But I decided to take it off as I’m sick of staring at it.

May get Mrs HoG to stick that sign on my coffin as a final joke.

What you are currently looking at, and they won’t be there long as I’m actively on the search for a new avatar, are stepping stones. To remind me to take this one step at a time. But it will change again shortly I think.

Like I said, that whole notion is a wee bit pretentious for my liking.

And don’t worry about getting banned from the thread RC, if you knew Mrs HoG you’d know that much worse things have been said to me.

don’t let it slip away bob, first sign of a turn mate take yer money and enjoy the weekend. Well done though. I removed my entry last night and would have been taken into the trade about 5 mins ago. I’ll let it be though.

How about a picture of an actual hog? A wild boar, perhaps.

Do you think that would be more fitting with the quality of my jokes?

EDIT: Was going to use a picture of Simon Le Bon, but someone’s already thought of that

I left that open to interpretation. Your response tells us a lot!

You may well be opening the door to babypips first ever joke telling competition ST. That is if we discount the whole Lord Voldermort adulation saga !!

Well that went well I thought. Typical Thursday night run into Friday analysis, stopped out and early lunch! :20: Still on the bright side, the weekend weather forcast looks good… I’ll take an umbrella! :smiley:

No one could take you, HoG.

It’s somehow nice to have no open positions on a Friday. Hope you’re right about the weather - we’re planning our first 2013 BBQ for Arthur’s fourth birthday - anything to dilute the impact of all four grandparents staying for the whole weekend, we desperately need to be able to use the garden!

We had the mother in law for a few weeks recently. Times that by 4 and you have my sympathy me old son !!