The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

Actually, the picture of the voluptuous lady featured above had me more excited yunny LOL !! :7:

[QUOTE=“The Home Of Golf;482220”]

Actually, the picture of the voluptuous lady featured above had me more excited yunny LOL !! :7:[/QUOTE]

It looks like she needs a 3rd brassiere for her stomach… Ewww

LOL, I’ve only been looking at the picture for an hour now mate, haven’t reached the stomach yet !!

I stand corrected Hog… I guess they figure with a male dominated [I][I]members[/I][/I] list, sorry couldn’t resist :stuck_out_tongue: we’d be interested? Bit rough though, don’t they realise I only date Super Models? :18:

A [B][I]BIT[/I][/B] rough ??

Hats off to the cowboy who hangs on there til the hooter goes !!

Having studied all the technicals… I believe the ‘stomach’ is in fact the top of her left leg. Still leaves me short rather than long though! :stuck_out_tongue:

[QUOTE=“R Carter;482228”]

Having studied all the technicals… I believe the ‘stomach’ is in fact the top of her left leg. Still leaves me short rather than long though! :p[/QUOTE]

No way… The sag is covering the top edge of the stocking… That’s stomach flab for sure! I believe her RSI status would be in the “oversold” territory…

Which just goes to prove that if you show two different traders the same chart, you’ll get two different answers as to where the support and resistance lies.

EDIT: Not that I think for a minute that resistance wouldn’t be easily broken in this case

[QUOTE=“The Home Of Golf;482230”]

Which just goes to prove that if you show two different traders the same chart, you’ll get two different answers as to where the support and resistance lies.

EDIT: Not that I think for a minute that resistance wouldn’t be easily broken in this case[/QUOTE]

You are right… I think this one would call for some unconventional stimulus from the central bank.

Some QE you mean ??

No QE has never worked.

Anyhow the lady friend of mine made me go to the hospital last night. Turns out I have a concussion, 2 broke ribs and a broken big toe. Not counting the road rash and 4" gash in my head. The bike actually is not as bad as I thought last night. Only the front fairing and plastics are broke. There is no frame damage or major parts broke on the bike. I have ordered a new one (got to love ebay). Bike should be back to normal soon. I also do have a helmet. I did not ware it this time as I was only going to the front of the neighborhood and back after some work I did to the bike. Big mistake there. I never see any cars on the road ever and this time sure enough he ran out and hit me then kept going. Its ok though the cops found him later on last night. Got him for DUI and hit and run.

I also said I was out for the week well I just shorted the bobmaninc (might be the drugs lol)

Man you’ve been so lucky, but I’m glad you’re ok, (apart from the injuries that is, which in the grand scheme of things could have been a helluva lot worse)

As for the charts, got to be honest, nothing much inspiring me right now. I may well be a wee bit scared off with the GBP move today, might just give it all a miss now until the start of next week to let things settle down. Is that the sign of a coward???

have to admit I still fancy the UJ higher. I know I know, I accept all the stuff about it being up at a strong resistance area, still fancy it to break through though.

BOJ in action while I’m asleep though, so that rules that out.

Wish you the best with the short bobmaninc

One thing about your long on U/J is yeah your at resistance but if it breaks price will move very very fast. So if you could keep risk down then it can pay very well. It is more of a gamble though. However like Yunny stated the more and area of S/R is tested the more likely it is to fail. No levels hold forever.

As far as my crash its like I told RC the other day about getting a pilots license. I have the skills to fly all the way to the scene of the crash and I proved that. The landing well it might have left some room for improvement but under the circumstances I feel I did quite well. The thing is in this area as long as you dont hit the road (which I accepted I was going down and bailed missing the road) the ground here is all sugar sand. It is very soft so if you are going to crash that is the best possible place to do so. No rocks all grass and soft sand.

All depends on the BOJ overnight with the UJ, well overnight for me anyway. It’s hard to see them opening their mouths at all without it having a bit of a leap in either direction right now. Too risky for me.

As for the crash landing, I suppose any one you can walk away from is a good one, just sounds all a bit scary for my liking mate.

Anyway, I can hear my bed calling me. Downloaded an MP3 from youtube last week of a thunderstorm that lasts 10 hours. It’s supposed to be relaxing and helps you get to sleep. I’ve listened to it for 2 nights now and slept like a bloody log both times. So I’m off upstairs to the thunderstorm, and no…that isn’t my pet name for Mrs HoG !! (I call her my little petrol bomb).

Good night all


I’m still in my USD/JPY Short from the beginning of the week, it’s currently having Round 2 with the Weekly Pivot - often takes a few runs to break the Weekly and Monthly Pivots, in my experience.

It has formed a nice Double Top on the Daily, so I’m sticking with it. It was sort of an aggressive Entry but with a conservative Stop, so it fits my strategy in the current market. Standard 1% risk.

Bob: I’m delighted to hear that both you and the bike are going to make a relatively straightforward 100% recovery, and that they got the b*astard.


Hi gang

Ok that’s me out and done for the week. I’m sitting here looking at charts trying to find a trade and that’s not the way to go about it. I’ve decided to take the money and run this week, after all it’s been a great week, it would be a shame to spoil it all with a stupid forced trade on a friday.

Account balance is sitting here:

$174.43, which is great when you consider the targets from the start of the week.

Started the week with $152.64 (underlined in blue) Targeted a 3% gain which would have been $157.22 (underlined in green) and finished as I said $174.43 (underlined in red)

This puts me way ahead of the exact 3% gain projections I started all of this with:

Should’ve started this week with $119.42 (underlined in blue) and closed the week with $123.01 if I had hit exactly 3% gain every week until now.

All looks very impressive but hand on heart some of this weeks trades were a wee bit seat of the pants and should’ve/could’ve bit my arse a wee bit.

Next week I will document EVERY trade I take and the reasons for it. Doesn’t really matter if I get them wrong, at least if I have a valid reason for taking them that will be a start and the road to continue on.

If I don’t talk to you all again before the close of trading today, have a great weekend one and all.


Congratulations, HoG, nice work - including on being honest about the slightly cowboy trades.

One small thing: isn’t that your account number again, on the first image…?

Have a great weekend yourself if you’re not around on here again today!


Cheers ST, will sort the account No thing when I get home, up in B&Q just now

Lol, I was there yesterday - about to spend an afternoon sanding new skirting board etc in Arthur’s bedroom, prior to a fun weekend of painting. Well, a weekend of painting, anyway.

Account Number sorted on image. Enjoy the painting this weekend Rembrandt. Have a good weekend to one and all