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I think at the end of the day, people will only talk in terms of their own strategy and what they can see in their charts - but in reality everyone has their own perspective on their charts… For there to be some winners, there have to be some losers…

Scalped a few pips off the EU late night/early morning, still got it open but don’t expect it to go too far, tightened up my stop to lock in what i’ve got and just seeing how much i can get out of it before the retrace…

I actually think the $ is looking strong today if i read some of the dailies correct on my way out to work this morning. Put a long on the USD/CHF and will probably ride out to London close and possibly through to NY, see how it goes…

Happy Trading today!


Hmm… I’d TP at 9048… looking like a possible reversal over the London/ New York. Just my 10 cents. :5:

Took a short Aussie USD @ 1-0761. 20 pip stop from there, target down at 1-0660

Hehe… I’m kind of trading with you… got a short @ 8358 on NU.

Hey R Carter…

If you dont mind me asking, what’s given you the indication of the reversal ?
I was looking at seeing the USD/CHF end with another bullish daily candle, possibly hitting the resistance at 9100?

Want to stick to my original analysis, purely because i want to be able to trust my own judgement, if it means hitting my SL and learning the hard way then so be it - so please dont take offence lol. Just wanted to help understand your thoughts on it…



None taken… 4h is in a range of around 9052 - 9026 and were currently on the high side. Given yesterdays up odds are its a break to the downside. Could of course be a double day long but if I were trading the pair I’d be doing it off the 4h until range is broken.

Yes, I really like Nikita’s thread, some of that is very close to how I trade. For me, the whole ‘clean chart’ thing sums up why I trade so many Pairs. I run a clean chart myself - even if I briefly use an indicator (I use some EMAs, Pivots and RSI for some trades) I run with them switched off, then pop them up on the chart briefly for confirmation of a setup then take them down again. I use eSignal, which allows one to have stuff on the chart with saved settings but masked from regular view. This approach lets me monitor lots of Pairs, as I am a technical trader, I am looking for technical setups, so I can pretty quickly check in on a Pair and decide whether it might be giving me a setup. Most don’t look great at any one moment, so I then focus in on the few that do, throw some levels on, and quickly boil down to the chart that is offering a setup that suits my strategy. On Monday it was EUR/GBP, CAD/CHF was also good on Monday, then I might not trade those again for a few weeks and be all over some different Pairs. For me, the cleaner the chart the more easily the setups leap out and the better I can manage monitoring lots of Pairs. So personally I am not trading EUR/USD at all this week as it is just sitting in no man’s land. With more cluttered chart, I might be in that Pair at the moment as it is such an eyecatching one, and my win rate would drop with a few false starts.

We’re all different - personally I like a clean chart, lots of Pairs, obvious setups that fit my criteria very neatly and a high win rate. It all flows from a clean chart for me.

Not knocking the approach of others, there are many ways to make money, the key thing is to identify one’s own favoured approach and then make sure that every aspect of one’s approach is in tune with that.


I know this is not trading related but the honest answer is that I have no other source of answers. So does anybody know, if a pdf document (ebook of 243 pages) is too big a file to use as an attachment on an email?

Sorry again for cluttering things up with non trading issues


closed, 10 pip loss. Will wait for a better entry.

Did you see this thread?

The so called “experts” work for banks, the same you trade against.

They know what they talk about, but need a counterparty to trade and make money

Thanks for giving your insight. As i said I’m planning to leave my trade on purely because i want to become accustomed to sticking to my plan - but will take into account your analysis tonight when i do my daily analysis on trades…

I definately like the idea of this clean approach (probably because at this stage of trading anything more is too difficult for me LOL). But it makes more sense to me, and i can definately see this as the route i’ll be going down as i learn more and more.

To throw in some more psychology - i’ve thought as this issue and compared it to a term called ‘cold reading’ - The idea is, and you’ll see it thrown out in most commonly in star signs and horoscopes reading and all that rubbish, that the person writing actually knows nothing about you or your life, they simply throw out vague statements, and when the reader reads the vague statements, they give them meaning themselves. They then go on to believe that the horoscope went on tell them about their life, when all it did is gave you a sentence to which you gave it your own meaning. Its a very clever concept, and can be very powerful if done correctly.

My reason for bringing this up in terms of trading - i believe there will be a certain number of traders who will just want to follow somebodies strategy, and not find one or manipulate one to make it work for them. They have the mindset of ‘if i use this, this and this indicator it will tell me where price is going’ - but in reality they are forcing the charts to fit with their indicators, and not actually see what is happening on the charts. So my comparison is simply the ‘vague sentence’ being the indicator, and giving that sentence meaning is related to the trader forcing the indicators and trendlines to match to the charts, when i dont think thats always the case…

Anyway, just my 2 cents and of course, just my opinion lol…

I dont think the number of pages will make too much of a difference, it’ll be based on the size of the file, and who is your email provider ie gmail, hotmail, yahoo etc. Most different companies have different limits on what size file you can send over email - atleast i think so anyway.

I can’t see a ebook being too much of a problem though…

It’s a question of the size of the file in terms of MB rather than the number of pages. But the simple answer is that it will be fine as long as neither your email account or that of the recipient has a firewall that limits the size of attachments. Some email servers (for instance some corporate ones where there are many users, or private ones with a paid MB limit pcm) limit attachment sizes. But the worst that can happen is that it bounces off the firewall, so I would just try it. Tough to split into smaller attachments, though, as it is an ebook, so fingers crossed.

Now go and stand in the corner for five minutes and think about whether you should be distracting this thread away from trading in future…!


Before I’m condemned to the corner Mr Templar, spare a few moments to listen to the case for the defence. The reason I asked that question is that it was/is my intention to send off a copy of a trading book I downloaded, called Bird Watching In Lion Country, to your good self and a Mr R Carter Esq, (and anyone else who wants a copy).

So in light of this recent revelation, I ask the court for leniency M’lud. LOL !!


So it was a trading question, really! The court has considered, and you may consider leniency granted. Justice is not blind, here, and your motivations were sound. You are hereby pardoned, and your record expunged of any reference to this incident.

At the worst case scenario, there are verious file sending website which let you send files up to 1gb (or more) to people via email. One i used to use often was called Free File Sharing - Easily Receive and Send Large Files | SendThisFile
It will upload your file to a secure server, and then you can email the link attachment to somebody, then they open on their end and download the file as a regular attachment… :slight_smile:

Anyway, heading into the hospital now gang, Aussie trade still on, talk later

Hope it all goes boringly smoothly.


Had a buy limit at 1.3375 but price is heading north without me… :frowning:

There is a cluster of support levels between 1.3370/30

there is also heavy resistance 1.3455/90

My guess is that we will range for a while.

Does anybody here trade with Oanda?
Im charting through MT4 but place my trades through Oanda…

I was wondering if anybody knew how to scale out of a trade - is there a way to do this on every platform or?
Im looking to close maybe half my position and secure some profits and then let the rest run after moving stop to BE. Read this on other threads and quite like the idea of it…

I trade with Oanda, you just need to place a opposite trade at the desired level but only half of the size, remember that Oanda USA is regulated by NFA and CFTC, so FIFO rules apply

Read here: Closing Trades with NFA FIFO | OANDA fxTrade