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Thanks for that Yunny, that’s quite important for me to know… :slight_smile:
Also, you mentioned to scale out, you simply place a trade at the opposite level, is this only with Oanda or with all platforms? I’m still demo-ing and may switch to a UK based broker - just want to try a few out before committing to one with a live account…

Still hanging in my USD/CHF trade since the morning, hasn’t done much tbh, been ranging all day. Currently sitting +20 pips, but havent locked anything in yet - still feel we’ll see a breakout and push to the 9100 resistance. Might hold to NY close and then see what the PA looks like. Don’t know if i feel comfortable holding a trade overnight yet, havent done that yet!


I use the FxTrade platform and set the default order size for half of the number of units I want to trade. Then I place two orders both with my default take profit. As the trade progresses I have the option to change the profit targets on either half the position.

I also use the one-click feature, if you’re in a long trade and want to close it quick, just hit the one-click sell and you’re out. I like Oanda’s FxTrade platform, it’s quick, simple and easy to use when I’m half-asleep!

Ah, i never thought of this… Could work well… Thanks for the heads up, will definitely give it a go…

Oh and will also add this one click feature, sounds like would be a good help for night time trades in the future lol

Appreciate the help :slight_smile:

Happy Trading!

Thank you for all this useful advice. I will also give it a go.

If you open your account with Oanda Europe you can avoid the FIFO rule. Also avoids the CFTC leverage rule. Only open to European residents so should be ok for you Sanj.

Didn’t even know Oanda had a Europe version - thanks for letting me know…

I do quite like the fxtrade platform, not so much for charting but for placing trades. Will probably still demo other UK brokers just to have a feel, but otherwise Oanda Europe it’ll be when i go live…

Thanks PipBandit :slight_smile:

Most email accounts these days are equipped to accept or send attachments up to, or even over 10 megs. That’s due to the popularity of sending picture files, vids and other things.

Easiest thing to do is just write up the mail, attach your pdf, and hit the send button. If it attaches without a warning, your email can handle it. If it fails in sending, the other party’s email can’t handle it. Try zipping it first though. It may help sneak it through regardless.


I’m short EUR/GBP today, also going short EUR/USD, got a limit set at 1.3330…

See what happens!

Good luck to everyone trading


Thought that would trigger on a retrace, but by the looks of it was wrong… Short from 3260 - TP 3200… Entry could have been a lot better - but hoping I’ll bag some pops anyway…

Demand zone 3235 - 3244. I’m long off 3247.

I wanted to enter long but yesterday’s action really put me off. Equities up, EZ bond yields down and still E/U couldn’t rise. Think I’m going to sit things out until Monday.

Should get a correction to around 33’ish today is my best guess with shorts getting out for the weekend. :33:

Yep you’re right that’s what’s been slowing the decline down this morning. Guys who sold up top booking their profit. BIS buying too. I am tempted but going to leave it. Probably better I don’t jinx it for you anyway! Ending this week with just a minor profit after a few entries went awry.

Im still in my short from 3260, banked +20 away, managed to leave work early n getting a proper look at my charts… To me the $ still looks quite strong, but i see the demand area your talking about so being cautious…

My initial thoughts were that the EU daily would still end down - maybe retracing to around 3270-ish
I think longer term it looks to me like further drops possibly to around the 3100 area… But hell I’ve only been into trading the last 2 months - let’s just see what happens lol

Very well played Sanj… I’ll be taking tips! LOL Just keep an eye on the weekly uptrend and were around the low end of a bar. Not a bad entry off a daily signal for a long. :33:

I am waiting at 1.3187 with buy order.

Seems like the eur carry trade has resumed

good trade sanj!

Oh Mr Carter, i assure you taking tips from me will only end badly… I had the chance to get in my short at around 3305 today but messed that up, that would have been enough for me today - was kicking myself when i checked my charts by the time i got to work. Been a messy week for me, only yesterday and today have banked some pips - but learning something about the charts, and i think more importantly about myself everyday…

Thanks Yunny, moved stop in close now, secured +40 as i think might be about to retrace. I personally didnt see it breaking the 3200.

  • And my buy just got triggered at 3205. Lets hope this goes well!

Good luck!

Gave into temptation and I’ve entered in a small long at 1.3217 in case it doesn’t get down that far. I’ll add to it at 1.3190 and then leave it to see how it plays out next week. We’ve hit the average range for today so we’ll see what happens this afternoon. Risk looks to be off so wouldn’t be too surprised if there was another dip.

Ah… well thats a confirm then… I’m looking to place another long at 3205. When and if PA retests it.