The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

For my sins I’m long EU on the 4h looking for a break confirmation of resistance (3060-3073) but the 15m support (3042) is dring me to distraction! LOL

Nice my short on the Aussie went for 100+ pips last night. Glad to see someone take the other side of my trade and we both profit nicely

Here was about when I got out I pushed it for about another 20 pips

some body is defending 1.3070 very hard… I am long eu @ 1.3046 with a small position SL already at B/E let’s see if we can get a move up in NY session…

if we manage to close above last week low (1.3095) then i will let my trade open during the weekend…

Short EU from 1.3113 :51:

3110 is 1.27 fib of daily… good luck!

Thanks… Currently at +13, see where it goes from here…

No liquidity in the market, such slow movement lol…

Banked 2/3 at +30 pips, free ride so will just let it run now…

nice pips Sanj!

a bit risky to me considering the time and the day you entered the trade…

as long as you follow your plan, then is a good trade… :slight_smile:

Thanks Yunny

I know, the only thing that made me not want to take the trade was the timing as i got in just after LC…
But was waiting for that setup for a while and it finally appeared, textbook VSA - and so far so good…

if you are using petefader’s VSA scalping method, I believe he recommends not to trade late on friday

Are you referring to the ‘Mad Scalper’ method, or the method he uses in his popular thread in this newbie forum? - I’m following the thread in the newbie forum 301 Moved Permanently

Still trying to catch up with it and the previous thread it continued on, but loving the idea of VSA…

:D:D forget what I said… for some weird reason I thought today was friday… :smiley: :smiley:


Coming to the end of my first week, with a proper set of rules in place for trades, and for the first time in 2/3 weeks, i think i’m going to end profitable… As of currently, im 2.9% up, but think will be 3% once i close this trade… Hoping this is the start of many consistently profitable weeks :smiley:

First TP @ 1.3149, second TP @ 1.3210

Morning everyone…

My EU closed last night late night with the remaining 1/3 hitting my TS at about +20… Was too tired to keep eyes on it anymore… Went long GU this morning before work at 1.5714…

Happy Trading!

And now an entry for predictable trade of the week. Gone long at 1.3051 after pullback to 61% retracement level. Only my third trade this week - work’s been killing my screen time.

I see gold in that chart. Nice entry and nice trade.

My GU just hit TP at 1.5800 - probably could have taken more, but at +87 pips, im happy…

What a great way to end the week… I see a couple of you would have scored on the long EU too…

Have a great weekend everyone :slight_smile:

Closed out for +80 - had my TP set for a few pips before the 1.27% level. Got hit a bit quicker than I would have expected but I’ll take that without any complaint