The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

Personally I keep the following details for each trade:

Euro / Pip
Entry Price
Initial Stop
Risk Amount (Euro)
Risk % of A/C Balance
Exit Price
Date Closed
P&L Pips
P&L Euro
% Gain / Loss
A/C Balance
Length of Trade
Commentary - usually just one paragraph that takes about 2 mins to write

Nice to see your still knocking about Shr1k… so few left from the old threads. Don’t know about hiding… more a case of finding a thread with a bunch of decent guys and my style of humour. On the shorter tf’s charts… well err. nope not going there again! LOL!!! I guess each to their own and a personal journey.

EDIT: Like the look of GU at present. So I’m short off 6060.

Actually, to be honest PipBandit, another reason I stopped keeping a journal was at the time I was still jumping in and out of trades without any analysis done on my part, just guessing. It’s hard to keep a journal when you’re trading like that.

Mind you, in a way I suppose it’s a good time to keep a journal as a reminder of what happens when you DO trade that way.

In actual fact RC, regarding your GU short, recently I have been trying to do some kind of analysis into which pivot level price hits more frequently in a down day or in an up day. Having a bit of a struggle regarding the parameters I should use, but one thing I have noticed overall is that price very rarely likes to go too far past S2 or R2 on any given day. GU was sitting right around R2
(6058) before it dropped and is around 6028 as I write this.

So I hope things are going your way. I was thinking of closing my EU short if price gets into the 3060’s before NY open in case same thing happens as yesterday. NY opened, price went back above 1-31

… After the epic fail of a prediction from yesterday LOL… I actually went short both GU and EU and sitting on some good pips… Got caught on a bad entry EU this morning but have made up for it since…

After the stop raid this morning on both pairs, shorted GU @ 6063 and EU @ 3145
Took 3/4 off my trade at 70 pips on EU… Hoping GU will go a little further before i take off some more of my position, but got BE locked on both… Looks like it will be a good day!


My opinion Sanj is that drop in GU will get to 1-60, but not much lower for now. I am no stranger to the epic fail of prediction you mentioned either, so obviously could be wrong, only my opinion.

Yep same thoughts on EU… just a quick 17 pips for me on that one. GU still open.

I love that avatar, happy memories of Mrs Templar and I watching that show for the first time. Yes, I’m a sci-fi geek.

Not too intrusive at all, HoG, although it is nothing very radical or insightful. It’s an Excel spreadsheet, with a numbered list down the left-hand column (so all my trades have a number) and a number of columns across the top. The columns list: emotional state, currency pair, strategy used, timeframe for entry, date of entry, trade direction, size of account, percentage of account used (although as it is always 1% for me I don’t know why that is still there!), £ per pip, Entry price, Stop price, TP, R:R, pips risked, maximum loss (£), date triggered (many of my trades are orders), reason for closing the trade, Price closed, Profit/Loss (£), Profit/Loss (% of account). I review that data regularly, each weekend minimum, it really helps me track trends through both my wins and my losses. But as I say, it is all pretty much common sense, I don’t claim to have reinvented the wheel. As each trade gets its own line and I am not a high frequency trader it takes me only a few seconds as I place each trade to update the spreadsheet. I have learned - and reinforced - some fascinating (to me!) lessons from it.

I know what you mean - the remaining half of my AUD/CAD Long from 4th April is still live, has been hovering 5-15 pips above my (BE) Stop all week. I’m getting some carry interest from it, but frankly I’m almost hoping I get stopped out just so I don’t have to stare at it stalled on my screen any more. It has taken on an almost hypnotic quality for me.

Sounds as though that could grow into an interesting resource. Unfortunately, as with all these things, I fear you’ll just have to write the opening post, set the tone as it were, and then hope that others pile in behind you. This site seems pretty good at supporting things like that, so hopefully the idea will fly.

Frankly, a lump of marzipan and a fork is about all I need to go into sweet tooth heaven. Sorry, it seemed like a sharing moment…

Great stuff. That film’s a lot more serious than the trailers would have one believe, in a good way, imho

Apologies for the smorgasbord post - I’m just constantly behind, this week, and all four grandparents arrive tomorrow for the weekend (my youngest turns three on Sunday) which is doing nothing to help me catch up.


I was hoping we’d see a push down to around the 1.598 demand zone, but GU just looks to have lost all momentum and is failing to even get through asian low atm… Will hold out to see what happens as its a free trade anyhow, if no progress ill probably close at LC…

I don’t use ‘classic’ daily pivot Hog but will throw up the odd daily fibonacci retracement pivot just to get my bearings.

Betting on AU & AJ shorts today with a few pending orders 1.0320 & 84.20. I’m done trying to make any sense of those crazy “old world” EZ fools… yeah, that also includes you brits… :slight_smile:

Oops, pending orders just got triggered.

Jesus, things just get worse sometimes. The wonderful Mrs HoG has called me to say she’s phoned about going to see a puppy tonight. Shih Tzu. Hhhmmm. My thoughts exactly !!

I’m no hound expert, but is that one of the ones that certain fringe celebrities carry around in bags?

LOL! But oi - we might live near the Euro Zone, but were wise enough not to adopt the Euro, so don’t entirely lump us in with the craziness!! We just live near the craziness. Ringside seats, in fact.

Good luck with the Shorts - I entirely get your logic in steering clear of the Euro somewhat; AUD/CAD has been my only foray this week, for similar reasons.

Wee bit bigger than that. Difference being though, the celebs carry theirs around in their Hermes or Louis Vuitton bags, up here in glasgow ST we just pop it into our Asda bag for life and we’re good to go !!

Keeping it real!

Heckled by the country that gave us Hulk Hogan, David Hasselhoff and cars that can’t take a corner at more than 30 miles an hour. Now I’m getting a Shih Tzu. I give up !!

LOL, HoG, it could have been worse, observe what i like to call the ‘sh!t pile’ my girlfriend wants to get…

Ok, so just got home from work, all trades closed out… But opened up my charts to get a look at what price did today on my proper charts and this is what i found… Bare in mind i havent changed any of the lines drawn, just an updated photo…

As it turns out, the ‘epic fail’ wasnt such a fail, even though i was anticipating this move at LO, if i had waited for it during the day… Id currently be sitting on a healthy 50 pips…

OK, story to tell you on that front Sanj. ( when did you ever meet a taxi driver who didn’t have a story to tell ).

Dog in question is a Shar Pei, as I’m sure you already know. Cute as pie with all those wrinkles when they are young, but become ugly as sin when the grow into those wrinkles when they are older.

In a previous life, I was very friendly with a fellow of dubious pursuits. He bought one of those. just as well he did make a lot of money from his less than legal ventures, because these animals are very prone to skin conditions which cost a fortune to treat at the vet.

Talk her out of it for the sake of your pocket mate !!