The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

AU is a good Bet any time of the day if you are able to understand the Price action levels and also make sure that the Entry time is right :slight_smile:

My ex-wife was a vet, she called “sh!t pile’s” “[B]mortgage payments[/B]”. :smiley: You’re right, they usually need lots of very very expensive floppy skin surgery around the eye

Wowza, i had no idea… But then my girlfriend is the one more into pets than me tbh… I’ll be sure to let her know - if she doesn’t already…

Thanks for the heads up !

She won’t let it bother her - she’s dating a trader, these things are immaterial!


Well i wish her luck, because until i go live this summer, i don’t see my demo money getting her very far :smiley:

DON’T, please do not ever buy Shar-Pei!!!

an ex-girlfriend had one, although they are really cute, the skin care was a nightmare… they drool all the time …i mean all the time

… Sounds to me like buying this dog is the end to all relationships, no? LOL

This is very true but if I can throw something out there. Watch Asia open. This is typically where the move for the day happens. Not every time but most of the time. Just to bad I have not been able to look at charts at all this week. However judging from the comment on babypips I have not missed much. Hopefully the cable guy shows up tonight and gets everything going in my new place so I can be operational once again. I now remember why I hate moving. But a bigger place for less money and out of the line of fire (untill I get settled that is).

Wasn’t the dog that ended my relationship with the guy I spoke of Sanj, it was a sawn off shotgun and a rather shallow grave in the moors just outside Glasgow. Couldn’t tell you what happened to the dog. It’s probably still attending the local dermatology clinic at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary !!

Just like children really ! ex-girlfriends AND drooling animals I mean :18:

Asian doing its typical retesting of the high… still think my GU short will come good. Double top (02/04 daily) and at least by my reckoning way over bought? As always… we’ll see. :20:

I enter a short GU position @ 1.6066, I have 3 more sell orders waiting up until 1.6160.

tomorrow I think there will be some kind of stop hunting and then a move down… maybe next week… patience :slight_smile:

Mines at 6059. Dunno Yunny… I’d be suprised to see PA break the present high (6077) before we see a downmove? But as they say, ‘anything can and will happen’. :smiley:

Today my trading platform’s analysts are reporting that a US Dollar rebound is “IMMINENT”. (that’s pretty soon just in case anyone is in any doubt). Yesterday’s prediction was that “Not too far away” and Wednesdays was “it was on the cards”.

Can’t wait for Mondays prediction. “Dollar Rebound so close, conventional technology isn’t enough to measure it!”

Then Tuesdays. “NASA called in to help measure just how close the Dollar Rebound is.”

I have to think, if I sit in the middle of the Sahara desert long enough, and predict rain long enough, eventually I’m going to be right. And then I’m going to stick two fingers up at all of my critics and say, “Told you it was going to Rain !! Right then, where’s my space hopper, I’m outta here !”

Short E/U at 1.3150. Had a slightly weird divergence yesterday with equities weak closing near their lows and E/U up closing near its highs so wagering something has to give. Hopefully the giving won’t be done by my account balance!

Don’t look at it as being wrong PB, just philanthropy !! LOL. I’m still in the epic saga that is my EU short. I’ve noted it in my new journal as the “Ben Hur” strategy.

ok, the Ben Hur strategy just got stopped out on that little spike, so officially in the huff for the rest of the day.

Better go to work now, talk later guys

Haha yeah… some 0.25% philanthropy of my account balance just went on a little earlier this morning. I’m the gift that keeps on giving. I’ll be up there with Bill Gates before long. Could have hung around in the trade but was thinking we might see a test of the 1.3212 highs based off PA so far and decided discretion might be the better of valour for today. Still, had a good week all in all so mustn’t grumble :slight_smile:

Left a short order up at 1-3205. Don’t know what’s keeping the Euro up, but then do we ever?

Missed this mornings LO due to a 2 hour conference call at work… Was worth it to see some country head managers get there a$$ handed to them! LOL

I got in short GU at 1.6108 shortly after the stop raid this morning… Looks like aggresive PA today both GU and EU, but hoping this drop will happen soon-ish now that NYO is lurking closer…
