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A student ?? An early night ?? Surely those things were never intended to be included in the same sentence, EVER !!

LOL, there not! However, im on a placement year, and therefore working full time! I only managed a few hours sleep last night and did the sodding old 8-4 today… Tomorrow i have to work late too…

Boy how i miss university… Bring on September when i get to go back for my final year!

Get some sleep then honey, september’s quite a while away yet. Goodnight !

By rations you mean Irn-Bru right?

And deep fried Mars Bars!

My Man !! Now we’re talking gold PB. God’s own cure for hangovers, perfect accompaniment for ANY meal (regardless of national origin) turns any textile irreversibly orange, and the very dash Mr Smirnoff had in mind when he was peeling potatoes up on the hill. That was the first thing on the Bernanke fall-out survival list.

Stop it you two, I think I may have to go look at beach volleyball bums to calm myself down if you don’t stop talking of such temptations

When I was up in bonnie Scotland 10 years ago for a week of adventurous training as part of initial officer training, the local chippy had deep fried pizza as well as deep fried mars bar… So a balanced diet!

Y’see, that part right there, to me, could mean two completely different things.

“Adventurous training” either means, you were up in the highlands learning survival skills, reading the terrain, foraging through the under-growth for nutrition, using the natural resources to get you through the night and coming out the other end a little worse for wear, but wiser for it.

OR, you were in a Glasgow nightclub, learning survival skills, reading the terrain, foraging through the under-growth for nutrition, using the n a tu…ra,…nah, second thoughts, it’s the same thing really innit??

Yes since they had to keep the officers healthy and fit for the training so the diet needs to be set accordingly. I have also done many training camps related to summer holidays when i was in the school and one thing that i still remember is the excitement and the welcome change they gave :slight_smile:

Does anybody know what happened to ICT’s London Open video?? Can’t find it, I can find the London close video, but not the open

I’m not convinced its going to be a breakout high. Infact I’m currently short off 6176 at least into London.

I love your entries. Always right at the top with minimal SL.

HoG, he’s in the process of revamping his videos as he got in trouble by the big boys for giving out trading advice when hes not licensed too…

However, i got a copy of all his videos saved onto my hard drive, if you pm an email address i can send you the LO video…

Ah, can’t say i agree… After the price failing to break that fractal low on the 23/04, and with the large wicks on the daily on the 23/04 and 25/04, looks like all that price was absorbed…

I’ll be looking to buy into the dips, today looking to buy at around 1.61-610…

As ever, time will tell… :57:

Thanks Sanj, would be much appreciated

Took a silly trade earlier which was stopped out…

GU didnt get down as low as i thought, i liked EU better, long off 1.3208… Although, if i threw my fib up correctly GU looks to have been the better one to take, taken off nicely…

I think theres a lot of power behind this push up… Think GU could be pushing for atleast the 1.63 soon…

EU got well supported after the initial decline on the Spain bond worries and then we see that it is already up and moving in the Bullish phase now :wink:

Yup! I took profit at 40 pips and have locked break even… Will let it ride till probably end of the week unless stopped out… Think we will remain bullish…

I had opened three small positions during the pullback earlier this afternoon back to the area between the 62% and 79% retracement. Closed out the first at 1.3150 and was hoping the rest would run on up to 1.33 but looks like BIS put paid to that for today so I closed all positions for today… probably the week too unless something pretty sits up and winks at me.