The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

LOl a chart, youre kidding. Nice to see, I am still hard at studying…

Not as plain as I thought it would be… hmm wheres the zigzag and fractals. Its about to get all fraggle rock up in here isnt it.

Just one of three’ish templates Fury… no not really… Asian looks rangebound tonight?.. seems content on testing the lower end. Not that I’m keen on scalping the odd 5-10 pips? :33:

I was just as surprised to see a chart! lol
Nice trade though, i saw it unfolding same time as EU but went with the EU instead, obviously the GU looked to have been the better option now - pip range wise lol… Still bagged 35 pips so no complaints from me…

Stepping out of topic for a minute, anyone seen Buckscoder around?

I had a nagging feeling one of the usual suspects was missing, but it took me sometime to realise who it was.

Any updates would be kindly appreciated.

Evening Nikita (or at least, evening here lol),

I’m not the expert, but I recall that several weeks ago Buckscoder warned us that he would be off BP for a while - I think from memory that he is travelling but I could have that part wrong. He assured us that he would be back! He has to spend some of those EA profits some time, I guess. Either way, it’s a scheduled absence.


Ah, that explains it. I hope has a good time.


:smiley: It was a good week to be short aussie! Doesn’t get much better does it.

I was away from the screens a lot and wasn’t able to trade as aggressively as I would have liked but still ended having one of my best weeks in a while.

Next week I’ll cautiously still be interested in selling any AU & AJ rallies. But we might run into a awfully lot of support as the price closes on 1.0000. We’ll see?

You sir are correct. It has been a great week. I had a short this morning with a BE stop. I normally dont trade Friday let alone NFP Friday. But I figured why not there is no risk lets see what NFP brings to the table. Boy am I glad I decided to break some rules today. Now I also dont leave trades open over the weekend but I am going to see whats going on closer to ny close. Since price just broke through support on the daily and took out the 1.02 figure if she can hold I will leave the trade to run to pairty.

Morning Gang.

Still not back in the trading saddle due to other things going on, but I wanted to write this post today for a particular reason.

As of today, May 7th 2012, I have been trading LIVE for exactly one year. Looking back at my first year I take the following things from it :


Overall my account balance is well down. I have made some very stupid mistakes and I have struggled with a lot of things. Truth be told there are still a lot of things I’m struggling with.


Main positive is that I am still here. My account did survive for a year. Took some big hits along the way, but I’m still trading. Lost the arrogance I started out with, ( didn’t really lose it, the market just ripped it from me ) and now realise this ISN’T easy, so have now firmly comitted to learning the way I should’ve from the out-set.

I have learned things, now it’s time to build on those things.

But on the subject of struggling with things, I have come up with an idea for a new thread. Later on today, or maybe tomorrow, I’m going to start another thread. I WON’T be getting involved in a discussion on that thread, in fact, at most, I’m only going to do 2 posts on it.

The first post will be to describe the purpose of the thread, which is simply for traders to write 1 post detailing the thing they struggled MOST with in trading. The post should detail that one thing, WHY traders think they struggled with that 1 thing in particular and what they did to over-come that thing.

I’ll add it in on this thread later when I’ve started it and added my first post. I would appreciate any contributions added.

Reasonable start to the week… left a long on EU & GU Friday… EU plus 39 and GU plus 36. Will close out both now as don’t want an all nighter. Will look see what London open brings us trading day proper i.e. no bank holiday. :19:

Sounds good HoG, ill be looking out for it and will be sure to contribute :slight_smile:

Ah, nice pips, but must have been quite the ride Sunday night? lol… Quite the weekend gap…

Got caught with a bad entry today trying to go long on the GU… Managed to get out at BE and hasn’t done much since… Im bullish this week on the pair so looking to buy into the dips. Today looked like big accumulation, im hoping tomorrow will give some sort of fake out to the downside, take out some swings and ill look to get in long… Hopefully theyll be more action than today!

I just started to buy some Kiwi… looking for a swing trade, let’s see how it develops…

I’m still short E/U - sticking with the trend for now. In at 1.2995 this morning and stop to B/E. EZ equities have gone pretty deeply into the red and US futures are looking pretty bad too. Proving to be a bit of a slog right now. Looks like there’s a lot of wood to chop around the 1.2950 area.

That explains it. The Aussies must have caught wind to a bunch of Yunny bucks flooding into the Kiwi and seen good times ahead. No wander my short finally got stopped out last night @ +152 pips. Was looking for fair value but close enough. I just dont see price breaking that level on the first try. Guess I will wait for the bounce to get back short. Good luck

Aussie was already under a Heavy selling pressure since the start of the Early Asian trading session today and it has continued to slide down now to the critical Support levels.

I was short EU at 1.2985 for three hours this morning, got bored with it and cashed out with 10 pips. But I think you’re right and eventually the shorts will win today.

PS read there might be options being defended at 1.2950 & 1.2925

Ive taken a bit off a different approach it looks and im actually long on the GU… Entry could have been a lot better but im hoping to see today being a bulls day… Thinking EU will naturally follow suit… Anyway, time will tell…


Edit: Scratch that… Im out… done for the day…

Finally gave way. 1.2950 is toast now. I closed 60% of my short there. Letting the rest run in case we get another leg down.

After a break for coffee I reentered at 1.2966. :19: