The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

[B]LOL! My SL at 1.0560[/B] TP target below 1.0000. I might add another short before today’s close. Very small positions it’s a long-term play/strat I’m messing with. And so far it’s not working so well that’s why I’m hoping for next week. Only in the hole around a 10th of 1 percent of my account so I’m still sleeping like a baby.

You seeing what I’m seeing? Are we at the top of an up swing retrace of the major longer term down trend? It’s a high-risk trade but with the correct mm could be a fun bet. AUD/JYP & NZD/USD also on my radar.

Ah, fair enough… Well im taking a quick glance at GU and EU, right now i think ill be bearish for the week… But, ill have a clearer picture on Sunday after a more thorough top down analysis… :slight_smile:

Sooooo, scooby snacks all around right?

Closed out all my longs (10) for a combined total of 2497 pips. Unfortunately I moved my TP last night down from 6270 to 6245, but I’m still happy. Now probably going to be shorting next week.

Not really just for some reason I only trade 1 pair and in 1 direction. But again the monthly chart screams short me. However the pair just keeps going up. I dont mind though as I have hit some killer swing trades on this pair and the higher it climbs the larger my swings could be.

I’m saving this post!

To Sanj

Hi mate, wondered if you could do me another favour. In the first lot of ICT videos, there was one about Top Down Analysis. I did have it saved on to a pen drive, but it would seem my oldest daughter thought it more important to have a “make your own home face pack” video series than some old currency thingy nonsense.

If you do have that video stored on your hard drive, I wondered if you could send it to me, same way as before. Thanks .

In return, I am more than happy to send you a recipe for cucumber and aloe vera face cream, should you ever feel your looking a bit run down !!


Being sent as we speak, should be in your inbox shortly :slight_smile:
Oh, and just to warn you, its another silent one!

LOL, um, i think i’ll pass on this occasion, but i’ll be sure to keep it in mind for future reference…

Cheers mate, and the offer will always be there for the beauty cream , not that I’m suggesting for a second that you need it mate. Mind you, once you start wandering up to the mid forties like myself, the old wrinkles start to show, before you know it you have the house to yourself one night and it crosses your mind " I wonder…"

Well, at 21, my biggest problem is the bags around my eyes from the late night boozers with Uni friends! So any home made remedies for that are welcomed!
I still remember turning up to a 9am lecture in my first year, straight from a pub crawl and i still had ‘Made To Be Laid’ written across my forehead… My lecturer surprisingly didn’t look too impressed LOL
Oh what I’d give to be a fresher again!

Lecturers were never famed for their sense of humour Sanj. Actually, may change your name, again, to Harry potter since I saw the pic of you doing the magic trick on the mug shots thread.

So if you could just conjour up a couple of hundred pips for me as well I’d be delighted LOL !!

Anyway, off to the shower now, good luck to you, and all the gang, for the week ahead. I may well be missing in action this week, but I’ll pop my head in if at all possible.

I have 21 of the original ICT videos in MP4 format, that could burn to disc if needed HoG.


Lol, ah its a hobby / part time job… Pays mighty good doing the odd job here and there - especially for a student! You’d be surprised at how much party entertainers can rip people off LOL!

I think a few of the gang in here should post some mug shots!

And to you HoG, and the everybody else! :57:

That would be great GG. Like I told sanj, I did have just over half of them saved to a pen, but now all I have is wrinkle therapy and exfoliating (just took me 4 goes to spell that) methods. I’m trying to get all the originals, i’m going back through 3 different pc’s to see what I have and have not. So I may well be scrounging from yourself and Sanj again pretty shortly.

Not sure how much babypips time I’ll have this week or two, but I have an iPad and an archos which I could at least load the videos on to and take them with me to watch. Also, I know I won’t be doing any trading for about two weeks, and I always feel like a bit of a fraud throwing in my opinion when I’m not actually doing anything (does that make me a qualified “Guru” ?)

Just thought this would be an opportune time to go through the videos the way I should have in the first place.

I think you may mean “Charge the happy customers” LOL!

Well if GG dont come through I have the torrent file that was going around with all the indicators pictorials and not to forget the videos. I have not had good luck sending it on emails but I can try to send it to you. I that dont work I can always upload it to a flash drive and mail it to you.

LOL, woopsy! Doesnt look like ill be getting much business from here then :rolleyes:

Easiest thing to do, is to create a .zip file out of the videos and send the via a website called ‘we transfer’ (i wont link it as dont want to advertise - but google it itll come up)
They have like a 2GB file limit…

Ok, will look into it tomorrow, otherwise I have just burnt to disc to send via snail mail.


Morning everyone!

Another Monday, fresh week…

Trying to tackle my over trading / revenge trading problem so aiming for maximum of around 4 trade this week, things looked good so took my first this morning…

Short EU @ 1.3258… Closed off 1/4 at +20 and locked BE… Been choppy since, finding some strong resistance around the Asian lows…

Got my TP set at a maybe optimistic 1.3185…

Goodluck to everybody else :57:

Got a solid short today SanJ off 1h GU… entry 6286… close 6235. Nice start to the week. :wink: