The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

Hi guys. Sorry I had not much time recently. I am in the stage prior to marry my fiancee in America. So as you can imagine, a lot of stuff to do now and till the next year. Which has nothing to do with trading, lol.

I’m very glad tho that you are all still here. HoG, RC and probably all the others. Keep it running friends! :slight_smile:

I’ll be back when I have more spare time for it. Next year probably! Many pips to everybody! :slight_smile:

Well congratulations on the upcoming nuptials, I will rarely hear a better reason to be distracted and a little busy! Mrs Templar and I will have been married for 13 years this July and it’s still the best decision I ever made so many congratulations to you, Buckscoder.

I look forward to seeing you back around here post-honeymoon! In the meantime, enjoy this exciting time to the full.

Best wishes to both of you,


Hey ST, really great to see you here around! I hope you are not disappointed that I didn’t mention you in the prior post. I just know a bunch of really nice people here and will never forget them in my life. You are one of them and in the top of the list. Tho, I just mentioned those visible on the last postings page.

Thank you very much! Yes, I have a great time right now. On the other side to deal with a lot of government stuff. I don’t like fat governments and they probably don’t like me, lol. Whatever, I’m experienced enough I guess that after some decades I think this is a marriage with a very low divorce chance. But we’ll see. I guess I found my soul match. Which is in itself something new to me, lol. Like Yin and Yang in perfection. :slight_smile:

I’m really glad you are married for that long and congratulations as well, ST! Not many who make it for such a long time. Well, as I said. We are both experienced enough that I think it could really be the thing of my life. :slight_smile:

I wish you a great anniversary in July and big pips! :slight_smile:

Congrsts Bucks wish the best for you and your new better half.

Buckscoder, Damn glad to see you back you old romantic dark horse !! Funny I had just asked ST the other week what had happened to you. ST said he thought you were travelling, but we had no idea that it was a romantic, secret government business thing. Can’t wait for the film LOL !!

Congrats to you both from this end anyway.

On the subject of comebacks, should be back in the saddle myself now. All we need now is Elvis Pipsley and Frank Pipnatra to make a comeback and we’re bang in business boys !!

Thank you bobmaninc and HoG (and all others in advance)! Nice to see you around. :slight_smile:

Well HoG, without kidding I guess I could write some books already about my life. Because it’s definitely not mainstream. But then I would need a petition for 96 hours a day, lol. I just wish your account is still in good shape and all the best from my side, HoG!

Congrats BC… thought we’d lost you! Been short all day on EU & GU (24hrs) off 4h… your bots gonna let me know when I can go long? Not looking imminant. :smiley:

Lol no not at all - it’s like the Oscars, noone ever names everyone they know so no affront taken at all, just glad you looked in. And I have not been posting on BP as much, recently, myself; too many argumentative kids seem to have joined, so I tend to keep my head down a little more.

Absolutely great news that you have found your soul mate, they put all the rest of life’s stresses in context in my experience. And they’re certainly much better than fat governments lol!!


Hi Gang

Just thought I’d throw this post on here to say good-bye for a while (again). I’ve met so many great people on here I thought it would be a shame not to.

Without going into a whole load of unnecessary detail, my youngest daughter has been having a bit of a time of it over the last few months health wise. We had hoped things were on the up recently but it turns out that isn’t the case. So I have to give up trading for the foreseeable future, so I can concentrate on more important things. I have no doubt you all understand that.

I enjoy talking to you lot, and I hope when I eventually get back to trading, you lot are still around. It would be nice if this thread survived.

It was nice to hear from Buckscoder the other day, and I’m sure we’re all waiting patiently by our letter boxes for the invites to the wedding to drop through LOL !! We’ll all need to walk around the reception with our screen name badges on, except you Buckscoder, I think we’ll work out which one you are LOL (you’ll be the first guy in the room to say “I Do”)

So I’m sorry I’m leaving guys, but as I say, I’m sure you all understand. Anything changes on the trading front, ie if and when I get back to it, rest assured I’ll come looking for all of you.

Thanks again gang. Take care:)


Fully understand, and I am sure that plenty of folk here will look after the bar in your absence! Safe return! It has been a breath of fresh air to have a thread inspired by honesty and determination. Will let you know what the holy grail is when you get back.

A toast… To priorities.


Sorry to see you leave Hog… we’ll keep the ‘Hob Nobs’ and tea bags under the bar just on the off chance you call in. Have you thought of trading off higher tf’s? 4h and up and a quick look see for ten minutes a day. If the live account can’t take the SL needed, perhaps demo just to keep your hand in?

Hey HoG…

Sinceraly sorry to hear about the news… I hope everything works out ok in the longer term…

I look forward to when you return and continue on your forex quest… Threads been a little quiet since you went MIA few weeks ago…

Check in here when you can, im sure most of us will be around…


take care HOG.

See u around soon.

I’d echo all of that, HoG - don’t hurry back, as the domestic stuff is more important and we aren’t going anywhere!

I would particularly echo RCarter’s point as one idea - a chunk of my trading is off the Daily chart, my even scan takes 20-30 minutes and the trades require no management in the meantime, so it is a very low-impact trading style. One to ponder as things start to improve. Trend, range, S&R etc all exists on any timeframe so your style wouldn’t need too much tweaking, and it would enable you to keep your eye in for a few months.

Anyway, just a thought.

Hope things continue to improve at home and speak to you soon buddy.


No kidding I said a few weeks ago when eurusd was a little above 130 that if it dips below that figure it will go further down. The fundamental situation shows to the south now imho. It’s all driven by interest rates and I can’t see a rise compared to the usd in the near future. The price to watch is imho 125 and 118. Just my fundamental prospective, tho. Then Greece is really a barrel without bottom. I assumed a lot, but I didn’t assume it was really that bad.

Sorry to hear that you leave also for a while HoG, but you and I will come back! I’m sure. :wink:

ST, that’s probably how it goes with every forum in the net. This is not my first and not my last. I think tho that there are still a bunch of nice and experienced people like you and all others particular in this thread and some others who are worth to stay. In my case and I guess even in the case of HoG it’s really just that some things are more important than trading in life. Trading is business, but we all have a private life?!

Anyways, take care traders and I welcomed and am thankful for all the great wishes and warm words!

I’ll be back. Just a matter of time. :slight_smile:

Hope things get better HOG. Take care of your self

Seems to have gone quite in here lately? You’ve all moved somewhere else and not told me right? :smiley: Well, I’m long off 2515 on EU from Friday off 4h.

I saw a full time stock trader on TV talking about how he makes an average of 250,000.00 a year in the stock market by day trading. No it isn’t Forex he is trading, but he said he spends 6 hours a day (The regular open and closing bell time) of the day for stocks, in front of his computer and is then done for the day. Well, if you can do that 6 hours a day and make 250,000 dollars a year on average, that isn’t bad time put in for a days work. Of course he didn’t mention the amount he has in his account, it’s probably pretty good amount to take the brunt of losses. But I believe that in order to make money you got to put in some time doing it, not like selling a product that the customers want over and over and are willing to pay for it no matter what and having a consistent supply of money. Even fad products lose there appeal after a while, that is why retailers constantly move there products on the shelves.

I have been countertrend trading the aussie and kiwi, some losses and some wins, nothing to be proud of :smiley:

Currently i am long AUD/USD from 0.9710 targeting 0.9910 and stop already at breakeven this trade was taken off the daily time frame, due to the current events i am only trading daily and weekly TF

Nice Yunny… don’t see a block yet even on the 1h. Wouldn’t have even looked at it pre 9745. :smiley: Looks like I bailed early on EU, ah well pips in the bag for a Sunday at least. See what Monday brings.