The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

You are right… first level to go long is 1.2233 , which is the top of the range of 07/01/2010 before the up move. But the actual start of that move is 1.2214

The 1.2233 level already has been visited in this week pre-trading (Oanda), so my next level to go long is 1.2214

Hey guys, for what it is worth, I’m long 1-2270, stop is at 1-2233. Only thing I’m thinking is there looks to be a strong enough resistance around the 1-2321 area even though yesterday poked it’s head above at 1-2335. Targeting 1-2330 anyway.

No major disasters with household appliances yesterday, wouldn’t be brave enough to say I’m getting the hang of this but any day without loss is a good one LOL !!!

Long at 1.2214 has been filled :33:

Very good call on the 2214 yunny. I tip my hat to you sir !!

I got stopped out at 2233 but again, no major dilemma as I’m still only trading demo. I know I am still out of sync with life just now while the rest of the gang are away so I haven’t been trading live this week. Funny how some things affect us eh???

Seems to me lately that the NY session has been determined to push price down while London can’t make up it’s mind what it wants to do.

Anyway, well done again, hope it runs for you my friend :):slight_smile:

Thanks HoG, now I have to wait for this trade to develop, a push down to 1.2166 still likely. My first target is 1.2380 and TP2 around 1.2500.

Took a long on AU at the 1.02 figure. As price dropped crazy after the jobs report came out way way way under expectations. Reasons for a long is price dropped over 40 pips in 60 seconds. It is against market momentum. This set up a perfect OTE at a support level. A few other things suck as ICT’s trader trinity was in the buy zone which worked out quite well for me in the past. Took a low risk trade with a pretty wide stop due to going against a pretty major news event. So I realize the risk involved and I will probably get my head chopped off but judging how fast this move was I think we are about to see a stop raid. We might raid stops resting under the low of the week and if thats the case we will see if a get stopped but I think I am safe. Shooting the high of the week. Another thing I notice is the 1 hr chart if you look moves down its pretty uniform telling me there is something up someones sleeve here.

I have been silently looking at how you take positions and religiously devouring any charts that you post here highlighting the same for the last 2 months.

Its a very safe thing to say that you need to start a thread of your own! Share some of the nuggets of wisdom Yunny.

I had a sell on NU last night at 0.7995. It hit the entry order, went up by about 4 pips and I banked in 60 when I woke up in the morning. All thanks to what you been sharing here.

So I guess the others will support me when I say that its time you started a thread.

+1 to that! I would defiantly be interested in seeing the magic behind your trading :slight_smile:

Apologies been a little MIA, had a busy couple of weeks. Been keeping up with my trading, had a little rough start to the month, had 4 consecutive losing trades, but recovered most of my losses in a short GU i took yesterday… Got in at 1.5570 and closed today at 1.5450 for 120 pips…

Can bump my risk per trade up from 0.5% back to 1% again now…

Hope your all keeping well and raking in the pips - as normal :slight_smile:


Thanks for the kind words. Lately I have dedicated myself to study as much as I can about supply and demand (support/resistance). I wish I had a crystal ball to enter trades… some times I get very good levels others not so much. a good MM in place is essential…

About a thread I say no for now, English is not my first language it takes me a lot of time to write posts here… I do it as a way to practice my English :slight_smile: But I tell you there is no secret in my trading … 95% support/resistance, High/lows, pivots and some fibos. that’s it.

I trade small positions, that way it takes away the stress of trading and you can see much better the bigger picture, my goal is to make around 5% per month consistently

Ok, here is an update of yesterday trade…

I got a move in my direction… not much… then went down to 1.2165 but I was expecting that, so I placed a new trade, these are small position with wide stops and initially I am looking for 300 pips profit. if the trade goes against me I will look to exit at break even or for a small loss

The entry and the stoploss are the easy part… I always have struggled taking profits :smiley:

From a personal point of view, which as you all know is exactly the most experienced in the world, but considering the last couple of days I’d be surprised if NY DIDN’T push down through 1-2165:

Trouble is though, the daily S2 Pivot Point is sitting right on 1-2164. A few weeks ago I started to do some analysis about the percentage of times price reaches each Support point on a down move and each Resistance on an up move over the last 2 and a half years.

Didn’t get it completed because family events took over, however purely from a visual perspective it was easy to see that price rarely likes to go beyond S2 or R2, may go as far as the midway between S2 and S3 (or R2 and R3 ) but very rarely reaches S3 or R3.

Midway between S2 and S3 today sits at 1-2124, since price opened around 1-2243 today, that would take in the vast majority of my daily pip range, which is currently running just a hair under 150 pips.

IF price does move back up however from the 1-2165/66 area, then you really do have to tip your hat to yunny for that call over a day before it happened.

To Yunny,

just as a quick question, do you still rate the sam Seiden videos for supply and demand or have you found another source of info for it?


Just as another quick little useless add on, I know that TV “analysts” are treated with the contempt they more than probably deserve here on Babypips, but I did see one guy on Tuesday say he’s looking for AU to go to parity, probably below (98 ish) and EU to continue it’s march down towards that 1-1850 ish figure.

I think AU might be an interesting short should it pop back around 1-02, but regardless I think parity isn’t a bad call.

I think I agree with you on the AU but I am staying out. Its been kicking me in the teeth lately and dentists are not getting any cheaper. My long idea didnt go so well. I knew it was a long shot but damn. I never go long and that is the reason why. Last to weeks 4 trades 3 losses and 1 for a huge gain of 4 pips. I think I need to take a break for a bit. Which brings me to a good point. Why is alcohol not sold as a commodity? If it was now would be a good time to buy as I think I am going to consume enough to make the world go in short supply. Cheers

Sam Seidem videos are good, but i do not trade like him… the 5 minute chart is to noisy for me …only trade above the 1 hour chart and even some times 1H is not good for me :slight_smile:

What I like is to determine market flow and then look for important levels of support/resistance… just classical S/R, swing highs/swing lows

Trouble with alcohol bobmaninc is that it can sometimes be even more difficult to work out the stop loss on that commodity. But I think you DO raise a good point about taking a break. It would be interesting to hear people’s opinion on taking a break, or the ability to take a break if you go on a bad run.

Is that 300 pips between all of your positions in EU or are you expecting a move up to 1-2465 (+300 up from 1-2165)? I’m guessing you’re meaning a combination of positions as I can’t see a reason to aim at, or take profit, at 1-2465.

Edit: just as a matter of interest yunny, what is your first language?

:smiley: Spanish is my first language…

IF the trade goes my way then this is my plan:

Well then, Buena suerte mi amigo. (apologies if I got that wrong ) :smiley:

Just noticed I have made 1002 posts and became an Honorary member. Amazing what can happen if you make 1000 posts about nonsense and 2 posts about trading LOL !!!

Your probably right. I am thinking my decision making lately is scoring pretty high on the list of stupid moves of 2012 lol

Yunny, I’ve just gone long on EU @ 2181 if that helps? LOL

Hog, personally if I see the entry I’ll take it. I don’t see the point of ‘taking a break’, if your strat works more than it doesn’t and you enter only when its states you should, then its purely a case of percentages. I can see psycologically why if one is on short tf’s and takes 3,4,5 hits in a day? It might bring you down. But as I trade 4h up… well hell, I can sometimes wait four days to get stopped out! :smiley:

Where was the other one about trading? I think I missed that one.

(C’mon, you have to see that I could not resist that one!! Seriously welcome to the club. You will find that life in it is… just the same as life before.)