The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business


Hey, as long as it doesn’t happen in front of the kids, it’s all good in my house LOL !!:smiley:

Can’t wait to find Mr Carter later. The headline on the news section of my trading platform is “Australian Dollar Top Performer of the day”. I hope last night’s AU short, and the 3 litres of cider, where not too cruel to him.

On the subject of later, better get my washing done for tonight, home alone just now as the rest of the HoG family are all in Spain, so better tidy round a bit so I can sit and watch rubbish on youtube later, I mean, study the charts to improve my trading, yeah… that was it !!

I had also got short on the AU last night. When this thing decides to drop it better drop hard just so I can break even lol. I think I might have survived the high today. Still have an hour at work till I find out.

Just found this, may be a bit long, you may have seen it before,

Why Dogs Are Better Than Women

-Dogs don’t cry.
-Dogs love it when your friends come over.
-Dogs don’t care if you use their shampoo.
-Dogs think you sing great.
-A dog’s time in the bathroom is confined to a quick drink.
-Dogs don’t expect you to call when you are running late.
-The later you are, the more excited dogs are to see you
-Dogs will forgive you for playing with other dogs.
-Dogs don’t notice if you call them by another dog’s name.
-Dogs are excited by rough play.
-Dogs don’t mind if you give their offspring away.
-Dogs understand that farts are funny.
-Dogs love red meat.
-Dogs can appreciate excessive body hair.
-Anyone can get a good-looking dog.
-If a dog is gorgeous, other dogs don’t hate it.
-Dogs don’t shop.
-Dogs like it when you leave lots of things on the floor.
-A dog’s disposition stays the same all month long.
-Dogs never need to examine the relationship.
-A dog’s parents never visit.
-Dogs love long car trips.
-Dogs understand that instincts are better than asking for directions.
-Dogs understand that all animals smaller than dogs were made to be hunted.
-When a dog gets old and starts to snap at you incessantly, you can shoot -it.
-Dogs like beer.
-Dogs don’t hate their bodies.
-No dog ever bought a Kenny G or Hootie & the Blowfish album.
-No dog ever put on 100 pounds after reaching adulthood.
-Dogs never criticize.
-Dogs agree that you have to raise your voice to get your point across
-Dogs never expect gifts.
-It’s legal to keep a dog chained up at your house.
-Dogs don’t worry about germs.
-Dogs don’t want to know about every other dog you ever had.
-Dogs like to do their snooping outside as opposed to in your wallet, desk, and the back of your sock drawer.
-Dogs don’t let magazine articles guide their lives.
-Dogs would rather have you buy them a hamburger dinner than a lobster -one.
-You never have to wait for a dog. They’re ready to go 24 hours a day…
-Dogs have no use for flowers, cards, or jewelry.
-Dogs don’t borrow your shirts.
-Dogs never want foot-rubs.
-Dogs enjoy heavy petting in public.
-Dogs find you amusing when you’re drunk.
-Dogs can’t talk.
-Dogs aren’t catty.
-Dogs seldom outlive you.


-Both look stupid in hats.
-Both can eat 5 pounds of chocolate in one sitting.
-Both tend to have “hip” problems.
-Neither understand football.
-Both look good in a fur coat.
-Both are good at pretending that they’re listening to every word you say.
-Neither believe that silence is golden.
-Both constantly want back rubs.
-Neither can balance a checkbook.
-You can never tell what either of them is thinking.
-Both put too much value on kissing. -


-It is socially acceptable to have sexual relations with a woman.
-Women look good in sweaters.
-Women leave the room to fart.

So true my friend

hey RC I decided to pull the old high low template out of mothballs. Take a look at USD/CHF weekly and monthly. That should be a good short don’t you think?

Hi Mike nice to see your still posting here on BP… my, we go back a way and then some! LOL!!!

USD/CHF channel on the daily is very tight looking at 2 LWMA high/low. 2 DNC looks better though (high 9713 and low 9579 and median 9647). I’d say looking to weekly, she had a final push still left in her, not much but some. Then I think your right, got to correct off that high.

My AU off weekly has been in distribution on the 4h but looks like its running out of steam and sooner rather than later that floors got to give way… currently at 16 pips.

No bad thing pulling the ‘old’ system out of mothballs… I’ve had 16 straight wins in a row off daily and weekly entries this past two weeks. On balance having tried just about every ‘system’ I figure I’ll keep with the old one. :60:

Well Hog, all this dog talk I thought was irrelevant to me… havn’t had a dog in decades. Seems the wife and eldest daughter have been hatching a plan for months. Picked the wife up from work only to be confronted with a ****zu puppy… I kid you not! Its a conspiracy theory right here on BP? :smiley: ‘Mogwith’ the resident cat was less than impressed, as was I.

Entered long @ 5462 on GU… don’t see this being violated in the next few days. Probable longer upmove by my reckoning?

Just means the wives are reading. Mrs Bobmaninc I am not pissed you got a 40 freaking pound boxer/pitt. Will make good target practice umm I mean addition to the family :21:. Lol enjoy my dog has no personality at all. Loves everyone but will not let me in my own house. I am starting to think she had intentions here that I was not aware of.

Actually I’m glad for the company of the dog right now. Mrs HoG and the HoGettes still in Spain and I have to admit I’ve missed the noise and general cafuffle that goes along with a family. I guess you just get “programmed” into it without even realising it.

Cabin fever has set in a little. Had an argument with the microwave last night. Bloody thing is way too temperamental. Still not talking to the Hoover after it blew instead of sucked ( no jokes please, there may be children reading) on Sunday.

And don’t even get me started on the iron, just wait til Mrs HoG discovers the iron has burnt a pair of her pyjama bottoms, boy is it in trouble.

As for trading, tempted for a long EU today, but it’s hard to convince myself to do it in the middle of such a down move of late. Actually spending a lot of time reading recently ( now there’s a thing I never thought I’d hear myself say. Downloaded a few books and ying to work my way through them, but boy it’s hard. Why don’t people who write books use more pop ups instead of so many words???

I understand why my husband lives with a pair of jeans, four pairs of jocks and three Tshirts through out the time I am gone. The man can live in a pair of jeans for months on end!
Not to mention eat out of the same bowl every night. Just that one bowl and one spoon by the kitchen sink. I always thought it was him regressing to his childhood days where he always had dogs around the farm.

Guess I really should be thanking him on sparing the hoover, the Iron and not to mention the microwave!.

Never know what you will learn here at Babypips! :smiley:

I just think men are more primal than women Niki. Left to our own devices, we invariably revert to “survival” mode. One knife ( not essential ), one fork ( not essential ), one bowl ( not essential but recommended ), one pair of jeans ( highly recommended ), TV ( a must ) Beer ( a bonus ) and the local take-away shop phone number ( absolutely essential ). The need to know if our bums look big in our one and only pair of jeans ( not even a consideration )

HoG at home on his own:

That dog looks waaaaaaaaay too organised to be me PB LOL!!

Hog… that long EU you mentioned… entered tonight @ 2250.

What are you thinking for GU tonight/tomorrow RC?

Already in the trade Scooby… entered long off 5464. :5:

Ya, that’s what I figured, especially with the long on EU. That’s a pretty good entry though! I have been shorting the resistance but was thinking a break to the upside possible soon. Tonight will decide if I’m going long or short though.

I have a buy limit in the E/U at 1.2214 let’s see if price goes to that level, we are approaching strong daily support :54:

You think it will hit 2214 Yunny? As they say,‘anything can and will happen’ but I have twin confirmation to go long off 2233.