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Congrats SanJ… nice thread. Very quiet around here lately :slight_smile:

Ok, let’s spice things up a little… EUR/GBP long at 0.7796 :slight_smile:

Have always wondered about your SL.

No problem :slight_smile:

entry 0.7796 TP 0.7940 SL 0.7678

SL below monthly low…

The weather is pretty bad here to be playing ball anyway. There is also a foul smell in the air and I didnt do it. Hear it has something to do with President Obama stopping in my great city of Jacksonville. Or what used to be a great city. I think this will be one day I am glad to be at work lol.

Lol! Was looking to scale in another position on the drop off after news but not enough lined up to go in for me…

Took off another 50% of my position at 115 pips, the last 25% is holding for just under the 5750…

So what’re people up to this week? Looking at E/U on the weekly I think it looks like we’re headed for a test of the 2010 low at 1.1876. It’s just nothing but bad news out of the EU and while QE3 is probably coming it needs for things to get worse first. I’ll be keeping to look for rallies to short for the time being I reckon. Put in a small-ish size short just now at 1.2126 in case it wants to take a tumble overnight but if we get up to close the gap I’ll start adding to bring it up to a fuller position.

Hmm… PB… EU Monthly looks pretty stretched right now? Think I’ll be looking for a long on h1 and h4 into Monday London. Don’t see a dip past 2100 in the near term.

Got stopped out in my E/U and U/C trades for a small profit… I tried to be patient but didn’t work out this time

I am still in the EUR/GBP… not liking it right now… I will wait a bit more, if no move upwards I will try to bail out at BE.

Shorted GBP/USD backend of last week. It’s begun the week in the same vain as it ended the last week by gaining me pips, 116 and counting. Hoping to TP at prior recent support. Anyone else in the trade?

Ready to try another counter trend long with the Fiber… entry circa 1.1995 SL 1.1860 TP 1.2300

Yeah ATR(12) on the monthly is 650 pips of thereabouts and we’ve travelled 600 pips already so getting stretched. Other than that the ingredients are in place for a drop down through 1.21 I think… or I hope anyway! :slight_smile: EZ equities are taking a bit of a hammering, US futures are well off, EZ bond yields are spiking up across the board. Might have to wait for the Americans to show up to give it another kick down through the barrier protection at 1.2050. Or maybe they’ll spike it up if it’s all getting too crowded. Guess we’ll see if this is going to be a winner or not fairly soon.

Edit: Added in a couple of positions to bring it up to a more decent size during the pop up towards 1.2130. Closed half now at +50 and leaving the rest to run to see if we can get close to the 1.20 level later today.

I am out from the EUR/GBP trade… 10 pips profit… I got out after seeing two moves against my position… better not to push my luck :slight_smile:

I still want to enter a long around 0.7770/40

Short or long Yunny? Had to wait on the 4h EU long today… went a tad below 2100. :stuck_out_tongue: But caught the long off 2083. Think I’ll leave this one to run off the monthly for a longer trade. Is there a ‘trade of the month thread’? :stuck_out_tongue:

I am looking to build a long position starting from 1.2008

E/G just formed an outside daily candle off major monthly support area… I will enter a long again at any retracement intraday.

04 through 11, 2008. :20: Good hunting Yunny.

Caught some of that E/U short to clear the 1.2150 barrier earlier after the NY open. Looking to get in with another short sometime tonight / tomorrow morning - maybe around the 1.2080 level. Now that that barrier is out of the way after a decent go at defending it think we’re set for a run down to 1.20. Probably going to be a lot of big option plays around there that the market like feel like triggering. If we do get down there I’d be surprised if they wouldn’t want a crack on at the 1.1880 level to see what stops / bids are there. Unless we get some serious retracement due to a change in the fundamental factors going on right now I don’t think I’ll be doing anything but shorting rallies until those levels.

PipBandit, definitely looks like 1.2000 is going to be tested. I think that area will be defended fiercely. I am with you about the bias. My areas to go short are 1.2150, 1.2320, 1.2390.

This week I’ve already read two articles about how a strong dollar is hurting US companies. So the Fed is starting to feel the pressure.

Fed Sees Action if Growth Doesn’t Pick Up Soon -

All well thought out guys but I could give a fig… just touched down in Cuba and already contemplating a ‘sultry maiden’ rolling me a Havana cigar on her inner thigh? :smiley: Ahem… easy boy! Well anyway, I’m officially off duty and I hear the rum is pretty good. So forgive me if I’m absent for a few days! LOL!!!

EDIT: EU looks good off the daily for a bounce? Just a quick glance when the wife was not looking… :eek:

From a guy that lived less than a hundred miles away and still not far I will say all is good. Have fun buddy. I have been there a few times great place but differently different than here in the USA.