The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

And if the wife catches you, be rest assured the charts would be the only thing you shall be permitted to look at for the rest of your stay in Cuba. :smiley:

Have fun. I heard they have something coming straight off the coconut tree that is much more nicer than rum.

I’m in short from 1.2145. I was lucky to not get suckered into a short earlier. Thought I’d missed the boat this morning with price dipping down towards 1.2060 before it rocketed up at the LO after ECB comments.

Think you’re right about the Fed - most of them are itching to print but they need the economic data to give them the excuse. They took a lot of heat over QE2 and the price of oil, food, etc. Recent economic data suggests that they more or less have what they need. I think the ISM numbers next week could be the green light. Would have me looking for longs then.

Did any of you guys catch the move up in the fiber and the cable today? Any thoughts for the rest of the week?

Yes, after yesterday’s move up in the Fiber, I found a good entry and got a bit of luck today. It was textbook trade. Pure PA and S/R.

Very nice trade Yunny and I agree with it being a text book PA trade. If I may ask though why the stop at 1.2048 and not below the low at 1.2040. I know it is only a few pip difference but just wandering as we all know what it feels like to get stopped by a pip or 2 only to see price take off like a rocket.

No problem Bob :slight_smile: ,

We were in a down move, the focus is not the lowest point of the move but the lowest point where big sharks decided they had enough :smiley: that is 1.2052

For me there is no reason to stay in this trade if price breaks below an important support, that is why a place my SL at 1.2048

Interesting but I agree. If price broke your levels it is easily going to take out that low and gun stops so no reason to stay in. Huh I like your style. Never looked at it like that. You are right though price made the low then consolidated so they could position for the move up. So if your level was taken out you were clearly wrong. As always thanks for the insight. Out of most on here I respect you the most as a trader since we are very close to the same trading styles (we differ a lot but we seem to have to same conclusions). I am going to have to pick your brain one of these days as there is something that interests me as to how you trade.

I think I will be buying dips this week on my 1H chart :slight_smile:

Two positions opened long off 2224 on EU.

Ill buy you some more Cuban rum if you would kindly share your thoughts on going long at that level?


Picked this up off another thread… this IS gold dust! Real traders talking real trading! Pretty slow for the first half but gets down to REAL trading at the back end! Well worth a look. Even covers my favourite pet hate… analists… ahem… sorry, analysts. :smiley: Money Never Sleeps | London Real - YouTube

Min 50 to 1H of the video is very very true.

Thanks for the ups RC.

Long myself from 1.2232. Just closed out half now at 1.2282 and will leave the rest open for the ECB lottery. Have moved stop to B/E on the remainder as I haven’t a clue which way it could go.

And happy birthday RC - jetting off to Cuba for rum and cohibas is one way to celebrate in style. Must have been a good year so far given the amount of kids you have on the go :wink:

Or perhaps having that many kids makes one want to flee to Cuba from time to time whatever the cost? I have only a third as many myself and mine still run me ragged from time to time!

Seriously, happy birthday for yesterday RC, enjoy the rum and the rolling ladies!


Perhaps he went over there looking to get some tips on how to run an iron-fisted dictatorship from Castro :33:

Whew… glad I got out at +110 on that second position before Draghi folded after going all-in on 2,4 off-suit. That’s some whipsaw…

Yes, some of us weren’t so lucky! Thank goodness I had trailed my Stops. Just in USD/CAD long now. Nice work on the 110!

Glad to hear you got some anyway…

Just went in long again at 1.2183 with a small amount. Trying to catch a falling knife like a proper retail trader :stuck_out_tongue: Was a good support zone previously so thought there would be some bids lurking here to go along with profit taking.

AU hit my SL by 20 pips before falling like a ton of bricks!

On slow coach Euro GBP now.

Things are getting kinda dull around here without hog… anyone know were he is?

Cable and fiber sure were busy today weren’t they! Hope you guys caught a piece of the price action. I myself stayed clear. Not loosing is a winning right? lol