The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

I’ll add another to the list…

I Am Too Lazy to Google it Thread:

What is spread?! What brokers are good?! What is margin?! What is leverage?! … Lol :wink:

maybe we can make it a search engine that will google it for them.

That would be too hard for them to argue and contradict when they don’t like the answers it gives them though…

na you know how many of my computers have bit the dust for not getting the answer I was looking for in google.

Depending on what you were searching for to begin with… That may be why your computers get so many viruses and die.

I love having an excuse to get a new computer though… Been waiting for two years for mine to bite the dust.

Mmmmm… New computer smell

Yer I’ve heard about him. Gambolling and frollicking with the lambs. 'e loves a good frolic. Then again, don’t we all?

You should’ve been in Cuba mate, thighs are still sore !!!

Yeah I got that in Greece. I think it was the goats.

It must be something in the water Carter seems the whole forum has gone mad recently. I used to think this was a forex forum. I guess the melting pot has finally melted and is spilling over making a mess out of everything.

Thats a nice little swing trade you’ve got panning out there! But with you on that one, got in much later though. Jumped on the GU yesterday - long @ 577… Next TP is laying at a retest of previous weeks high at the 1.59 figure and then planning to hold a small position for a possible 1.6 :33:

wow those are some big numbers sanj. I got to say I like your style man

Cheers bob! The swing trading idea has really grown on me… Takes a lot more patience waiting for the setups (im sure i dont have to tell you that), but i like the rewards. Still got a while before i get them as good as RC though it seems lol…

My target profit areas usually dont plan out how i think, but as long as im taking profit along the way and not making a loss, im happy! Guess my final target prices are something which will need more work over time…

I hear ya between RC and Yunny those are about the best swing traders I can think of on these pages. I know my Profit targets dont pan out very often but cover the back end and you will be fine. I am still working on setting targets but when they do hit it is a very nice day. Especially when you accurately predict the top and bottom of a swing days or even weeks in advance. It make you feel so smart

You’re probably right RC in that we have somewhat strayed from the point recently. In honesty I’m probably the biggest culprit of posting nonsense as I haven’t been doing a whole lot of trading recently, no sinister reason, just time constraints and demands.

Hopefully though there is a small chink of light heading my way and I fully expect to be back in the saddle (the trading one that is) by next weekend. Til then my friend I may well be largely missing, except from the odd piece of nonsense posted via my phone during work, but at least we’ll always have Cuba, oh that’s right, we DIDN’T have Cuba.

On a more serious note I did post recently that I saw the euro going 1-26 (2623 being first resis’ area if we get through 2588)
Don’t see any reason to change that outlook.

PS, I think most of us DID guess at the name being GAMBLE, but where would the fun have been in saying it?? :smiley:

I’m sure normal service will be resumed shortly bobmaninc, it’s just that it is holiday season here in the uk, tends to make some of us a little…less focused

Got the email Sanj, haven’t watched it yet but I will when I get time. Thanks again mate.

EDIT: Has anybody heard how the proud new father (yunny) is getting on? I know I haven’t been around much but I haven’t noticed him posting much recently. Surely he can’t be too busy, I mean, how much work can baby possibly be LOL !!:17:

HoG, I am exhausted but extremely happy, this definitely is the best experience a man can go thru…

Now about trading…I just have tightened my SL in my Aussie and Kiwi trades.

Tomorrow uncle Ben Bernanke will be speaking and I am sensing he will disappoint the markets… :56:

I’m not sure whether this will work - I have not posted a link before! - but I thought that some of you might find this of interest. It’s a few years old, so apologies if you have all seen it before!!

10 Golden Trading Rules - YouTube

Congrats on breaking the link-posting-ginity! Lol!

Great video though, simple and to the point…

Its funny though, when i first thought about learning to start trading, i always pictured professional full time traders to look something different to how they actually look. Now it seems i start to see more and more and they look, well, normal! lol

Lol thank you. I do feel somehow more complete as a poster! It’s like buying my first beer or driving my first car.

Glad that you liked the video, I think it is good stuff. It’s all pretty basic and obvious, but at the same time I find it helpful to have it all grouped in a no-nonsense style. If more traders really listened to that sub-five minute video they could save themselves a lot of money, imho.

And I hear what you are saying, but I’m sure that he had brylcremed hair and red braces back in the day. I sit here assuming that you all look a lot like Gordon Gekko. Apart from the enormous mobile 'phones.