The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

Ok guys, not part of the team today, golf outing to Turnberry. You lot be safe, talk to you all tomorrow

Shorted fiber and cable. 24747 and 6815. I don’t want to throw myself in front of the train if its wrong so my risk is cut in half… I guess what has me worried is this very well could be just another strong up day.

Hi all,

Not that it of any concern to me yet as i’m still firmly in demo mode, but come the day that we all dream of (some are already there), and we are making Forex our primary income for just a handful of hours a week. What will you tell the kids what you do for a living (from home), as the implications of them thinking that normal education is a waste of time, when they could learn everything they need from mum or dad is a bit scary.

Mini me is only 4, so I have alot of time between now and then, but the question will surely arise?

Worthy of discussion?


Not that i can speak with a great deal of experience as im still a Uni student - and no father by any means! But ive known for a long term, personally anyway that i think generally the whole idea of ‘get good grades to get a safe secure job, so you can work your way up and have great job security which will ultimately give you a great pension’ is a dated idea - IMO anyway…

Im not saying or trying to imply i dont think education is important, otherwise i wouldnt have spent the years i have working my way through college and University. But for me, its a fall back plan or a means to make money while other trading and business related ideas come into play…

I know for me personally, for the lifestyle i want to live and enjoy, and just my personality, i couldnt spend the rest of my life working for someone else.

The point i was trying to get across i think kids nowadays are growing up faster and faster. I was looking and scheming of business ideas from early teens (boy i wish i discovered trading then). But yeah i think generally kids are a lot smarter and can take more things on board if explained in the right way…

I will never tell them that as long as they are still living in my house. I will never tell my kids there is a way to stay home and make a living. Instead they will go to school and get JOBs so I can enjoy some peace and quite throughout the day.

Ok enjoy your game of mini golf. Remember the windmill is hard and if you dont make it on the first try do not throw your golf clubs at everyone standing around laughing at you. Here in the USA there are laws against that. Trust me I know :smiley:

You know I herd on the radio the other day a rich guy saying you have to go for what you want and have no plan to fall back on. The reason is if you have a plan to fall back on you generally fall back on it. Sounds pretty honest if you want my opinion. Not saying I agree but I cant say I disagree either

Its a fair point, not going to argue with that. But believe me, if i had my way, i wouldnt still be studying. But yano - while i live under my parents house, i live by their rules lol!

Took half profit at 5796 and 2450. The rest of the position was stopped at break even. Tricky day. Today should form a nice reversal candle on the daily… I might look for another short tomorrow…

If I ever have kids I hope to be involved in other business ventures as well as forex… My fathers dream for his children was to pass down a family run business… So far he hasn’t had huge monetary success but the whole experience (all his kids have worked towards expanding it) has given all of us a very independent mind set. I think trading could be made into a business that the whole family could participate in and profit from (not just money wise).

Tell them to always trade in the direction of the obvious trend/bias. :wink:

Always play for meaningful stakes. :wink:

Tell them about controlling risk. :wink:

And maybe the most important would be to show them the power of slowly compounding small gains. :wink:

Take a look at Tess’ bio and see what her folks told her.

Funny thing about that bobmaninc is that there IS a lighthouse on the Turnberry course. Just finished walking in the footsteps of legends. Wish the score equalled theirs but maybe you can’t have everything after all.

I’ve missed the majority of the conversation regarding kids and education, but my oldest daughter went to see a motivational speaker with her school and 4 other schools at the start of this year. First thing the guy does is stand up and tell 300 15yr olds that their generation will have to be the most entreprenurial generation in history as there will be nothing in the way of jobs globally for at least the next 10 years.

Just thought i’d add that.

Which reminds me, forgot to mention i tried playing golf for my first time actually on holiday in Singapore. My uncle is very big on it and was trying to show me the ropes… See in my head i pictured myself a natural Tiger Woods, in reality i was struggling to even hit the ball lol! A lot harder than i initially thought, but im sure its good fun once you got the technique down…

Oh and also reminds me of a good joke - which im sure you must have heard…
A lion would never cheat on his wife, but a tiger wood :smiley:

One thing I have learned playing golf is the more frustrated you get the worse your game will be. Thats why its one of the only sports where drinking is reccomened while playing.

I just really struggled to find this thread with the new look Newbie Island. I’m basically now permanently lost. I scrambled into this thread like a drowning man spotting a bit of drift wood.

lol I just thought the same simon. I clicked on the newb section and thought to myself what did I do now? I kind of like it more places for me to run a muck :slight_smile:

Interesting idea to throw similarly-themed threads into a subsection. While they’re at it though, how about:

Self-Aggrandisement Threads:
I’m making millions and here’s the faked results to prove it. I don’t care if no-one’s interested just look at how great I am. Look at me. Pleeeease look at me and tell me how great I am.

Myfxbook (or similar) Threads:
I’ve made 250% in the last 20 minutes go take a look and learn from the maste… oh hang on what’s going on with all that red stuff. Hey. Oops. Anyone know what ‘margin call’ means?

I Know so Listen to Me:
My brother’s wife’s cousin used to sweep the trading floor at UBS until he got sacked after that incident with the sheep and an industrial size can of baby oil. He told me exactly how they trade so listen to me. I said listen to me cos I know. So there.

The G Word:
Garter? Geriatric? Gall-bladder? Begins with G and rhymes with bambling.

What? You can get sacked for the sheep and the baby oil thing? Seriously??

Sheeessshhhh!! Thank god I’m self employed.

Gamboling? One of HoG’s favourite pastimes around the glens and lochs.

It’s not a sport for the faint of heart pb.