The Trading Sequence

75 % Effective when use in lower time Frame

What do you say this means?

Welcome TradeWithLawson, but what does it mean? :thinking: Canā€™t get any information from it.

:thinking::thinking:Well, Tell us more.

Its the first few steps in the mathematical FIbonacci sequence, a pattern found in many forms in nature. Some people believe that it also appears in price movements. To a certain extent it does, too. But whether this is entirely due to the self-fulfilling effect of many people looking for the same thing is open to debate!

I was hoping to hear more about this statement

Anything in particular? If you are interested in using Fibonacci sequences in trading you will find a lot of info on internet and Utube.
Basically, its concept is similar to support/resistance levels in that it identifies areas that the price may be expected to reach either in retracement or in extension of the move. The difference is that S/R is based on earlier high/lows or other significant level whereas Fib levels are based on natural ratios within and beyond a certain range. One could say that Fibs identify S/R levels that the eye cannot see!!

I do not know what @TradeWithLawson intends to say about this and, in particular, why it should work better on lower timeframes.

Incidently, Fib retios can also be applies to fans and even time intervals along the time axisā€¦there is no end to the creativity of enthusiasts in technical trading. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Exactly what I am curious about. I am aware of what the diagram he/she posted represent and how it works but that particular statement is what I am interested in

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man what is this?
why is trading so hard in babypips?
i love this forum and i want to be active here a lot but this is really hard and i hear thing i never heard in my life of trading
explain it please my friend

That is mathematical fibonacci sequence!
The Fibonacci sequence is the series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. For example,
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, ā€¦
I heard that some believe it can be useful in trading and predicting prices as well but I did not find any useful information here or on the netā€¦

Hi Vasil - Trading is difficult but at least it isnā€™t complicated, so some simple rules and some practice will make you successful.

Other things are like this - think of juggling. Can you throw a ball up and catch it in one hand? Yes, everyone can do that. Its not complicated. But is it difficult? Yes. Unless you start slowly and practice.

Get the simplest strategy you can find and demo trade it for a month. Youā€™ll get there.


Iā€™m almost certain itā€™s a coincidence and price doesnā€™t really follow the fibonacci sequence.

I wrote an EA that found support/resistance lines on a chart going back a long time and it basically plotted my whole screen full of lines. I then realised that if I just got my EA to plot lines randomly towards the middle of the current screen but not too close to each other that you could basically call any line a point of interest within a smallish margin.

Hereā€™s a plot from a random chart I had open. Yellow lines are fib sequence, white are lines Iā€™ve put that you could equally call relevant. Thereā€™s too many for anything to actually make sense. Some of the fib lines are not really near anything, but we ignore them and see the pattern we want to see.


I echo your thoughts and fully agree that it does not - at least in principle! :smiley: Afterall, price movements ultimately are driven by changes in supply and demand based on changes in the underlying fundamentals, not some natural pattern found in snail shells and sunflowers. I am sure that the Fed, ECB, and BoE and other central banks, governments and other policymakers do not base their interest rate policies and other monetary/fiscal decisions on pretty patterns.

And it is useful to remember that visual charts as we know them today did not exist prior to maybe some 30 yrs back. So if prices observed the Fibonacci series even back in the early times when money was first invented, then we have to endow money and commodities with a magical natural order of its own. I somehow doubt thatā€¦

However, nowadays there is the concept of self-fulfilment and I think there is a substance in this that is worth sometimes considering. The fact that information is so broadly available and retail traders are all basically looking at the same issues and the same price charts, we can conclude that if a concept is broadly watched and leaned on then there will be a self-fulfilling reaction to it whenever the concept is triggered.

But there is also some logic behind the core levels. For example, if a market moves off with a sudden spike creating a large candle then those who missed the opportunity to get in before the move will logically wait for price to pull back a bit before joining. But the question is how far to wait! If one believes in the new move continuing then one would not anticipate price retracing all the way back to the start. But you might look for maybe a third or even half of the original move, depending on how aggressive the trader is. Also some traders may fade their entries from around one third down to even two thirds before they are completely in the trade.

But in this scenario, if enough of these traders follow Fibs then inevitably their entries with ā€œtighten upā€ around the 382%, 50% and 618% levels (although 50% is not actually a genuine Fib number). Then when the market bounces off one of these number it serves to reinforce that it was the Fib sequence that caused it.

The same phenomenon occurs in lots of other areas in TA. For example, a 200SMA, whole numbers, head and shoulders, There are logical foundations that can be defined for these but the real value lies in their pyschological importance and the sheer number of traders who watch for them.

And the shorter the TF the greater the element of self-fulfilment.

But that is not to say these are entirely useless. For example, I also sometimes add a fib retracement to identify a suitable TP level, based purely on the fact that a lot of other traders may be watching that level and I donā€™t want to miss a potential target hit by a few pips!!

We are a strange and fascinating breed, we retail traders! :slight_smile: Never giving up on the hope of finding the Holy Grail of trading whether it be in mystical natural ratios, patterns, or even astrological imfluencesā€¦I wonder if anyone has checked out the Greek Gods? or there again, there is that sage T-shirt pondering what if the Hokey Cokey really is what it is all about - or is it really just 42 as is the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxyā€¦?

Well it is a quiet Sunday afternoonā€¦ :upside_down_face:

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This (long!) thread will more than repay the time and effort of anyone interested in the subject whoā€™s open-minded enough to be willing to read it carefully and thoughtfully

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is this just me that donā€™t understand?
or not???

Interesting thread! I havenā€™t finished it yet, but it really is interesting how we can ā€œseeā€ important points even from almost random levelsā€¦

Itā€™s a bit like when bad things happen on Fri 13th it is because it is Fri 13th and not just simply because a bad thing happened - thus reinforcing the beliefā€¦


thank you tommor good example, here we say: Š”Š° Š±Šø Š¼ŠøрŠ½Š¾ стŠ¾ŃŠ»Š¾, Š½Šµ Š±Šø чуŠ“Š¾ Š²ŠøŠ“яŠ»Š¾
google translated it like this : If it had stood peacefully, it would not have seen a miracle.
all people help me here and sure i will spend more time on babypips school to learn a lot and maybe change my first job to trade
thank you again my friend

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