The troubled crypto firm BlockFi has filed for bankruptcy in the US, as the dramatic collapse of FTX continues to reverberate across the industry

I am not blind or deaf and there is a thing called due diligence. For the longest while I have been hearing horror stories as it relates to this business of crypto currencies. With no apologies I have no sympathy for anyone who goes down with that ship. Two words come readily to mind…naivety and greed. I have been hearing for over 50 years that cocaine is bad for me so why would I want to try it??? smh.

People are always looking for yield. That won’t change.

I think not understanding how a product or service works and it blowing up in your face is a justifiable outcome.

Not understanding how some of these companies are related, or how they lend each other money, or how much debt and the kind of debt they hold at any given moment, or what their balance sheet looks like, is a tough ask for even seasoned traders and investors.


Damn good point!