The Twenties (Travel)

Hello! I’m new and here to learn. One thing I don’t want to do is have an average 9-5 and work over half my life. Im young I want to travel and actually live.

That’s the spirit! :blush: I wish I also had that mindset when I was younger. :sweat_smile: But anyway, welcome to bp. :smiley: How long have you been learning forex? :smiley: Or are you into cryptos too? :slight_smile:

Good ambition. Be patient - aim to use a strategy which will double your account in 3 years. When you have achieved this, it means you will double your income every 3 years. Then let your wage-earning friends know your job doubles your pay every 3 years…

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I think forex is your best choice.

You can travel and trade in forex at the same time.