What a week… The beginning of the trade week saw a little loss for me while the midpoint gave me a huge Wednesday! Then today… A huge loss. I won’t quit though. I’m enjoying the ride and learning from mistakes too much to ever quit. It truly is a rush to trade currency, even though it’s only a practice account! Happy trading ladies and gentlemen.
Happy Trading it is, mine is on my real account. My practice accounts are doing OK!
Mine was just the other way around. I have been losing since the beginning of the week. Most if not all huge loss (double to what I usually lose). Today, I am on the roll with the winning, knock on wood and hope it keeps up until the market close for the week. This way I can make up some of my losses.
Everyone have experienced some ups and downs in trading, but those on a real account are more accurate and only from them you can learn something.
That is why I started with a small micro account. It helps me see the real action in trading vs. what ifs?