I have been studying trading for around 2 years now. But I guess you can cut that in half due to the unfavourable environments or situations like family financial issues or my soul being drained from an unsatisfactory job.
Throughout my journey I’ve experienced all the typical challenges. Buying evaluations failing buy again. Over leveraging on small accounts because of lack of capital, over trading, addiction to charts. You name it.
But also a lot of experiences in flow and following my plan, making profits some weeks, being able to set and forget, last summer I finished in profit of 6-8% on 3 consecutive challenges until eventually not making enough to get free retry.
Alongside this I have always been committed to self development and ironing out all undesirable traits that I’ve picked up from my social connections e:g financial literacy, breaking the cycle, exercise, world views, education bla bla.
Anyway. As I type this I have relocated my life (from London to the coast of west Wales) so my wife can chase her dreams and go to university, in a small town with not many jobs.
I’m at a manual job that is really affecting my self worth. Alongside that I’m currently in a 50k evaluation 6 weeks in and -1% (reducing position size as I lose trades)
I have many worries and usually hold a high level of anxiety. Especially when entering trades or fear of losing because I’ve felt like a failure my whole life. Even though I am not. I’m looking to branch out into other more intellectual jobs but lack in experience and education. And trying to change my perspective and continue in this journey.
I guess I’m just looking for some words of advice, wisdom or possible even just words of motivation. Or even make new connections to fellow traders and keep each other accountable.
Thank you.