The Z Pattern

You are correct, I did enter knowing that R/R was less than 1:1. I thought a lot about it at the time and finally decided to take the trade. I liked the 59 pip profit potential. Also, the little backtest on the 6 Hour charts that I posted, found several winners with R/R at barely 1:1 or slightly less R/R, but had good pip results.

I am still developing and fine tuning my Z-pattern trading plan. If the results of 68% by 599GTO are representative, then one can trade with a slightly lower R/R and still be profitable. I don’t want to take many trades at less than 1:1, but if the levels look good and the potential profit is good, I would consider taking the trade.



I’m back. Still jet lagging but getting there…

Thanks to all for keeping the thread alive, that means a lot to me.


Hi Roni,

Hope you’re doing well.

Hmmm, I really don’t know what else to say/write.

From what I observe your psychological approcach to trading is stopping you from making money! My tip to you;
Trade without expectations. Trade with a plan. And since you are unhappy and unconfident with recent results, do a lot of backtesting to boost morale.

Some folks need to be totally wrecked by the market before they take on a good advice. Hope you’re not one of them. And here is a good phrase that will stay with you all the way.

‘‘It’s funny how many nights it takes to be an overnight success’’;).


Love the post. 1000like this one.


Better safe than sorry Jasper.


Very interesting. Thanks for your efforts Hector. Please keep sharing these.


As GTO said you prob. have to add them manually once you fired up your trading soft.
However you don’t get the extra timeframes on the mobile version.


All I’m reading is you are expecting something. That’s a trading killer, been there done that.
What happens is that trading with that mindset will stop you from making significant gains. But it wont stop you from making losses. In other words you wont benefit from trading with an expected income. Some month you’ll have a good return and some month you don’t have anything. [B]That’s how self employment works!


Hi Sparatacus,

Would like to hear about your experience, trading these indexes.


Hope you folks catched something juicy out of this move. Just fired up my charts and liking how price kissed the V.Z.

I opened a trade on the 15m eur/jpy on the 29th sep. But my trailing stop cut me off for a fraction of this monster move. Check the chart


great to have u back kasravi !

seems u had a long break ! bet u are fulyl recharged now :slight_smile: … i guess u chose oct for a long break because u knew oct will be a bad month hahaha … not many z pattern can be found … :stuck_out_tongue: wise choice mate :slight_smile:


Good to have you back!

My trading technique is s follows (as advised by members in this group).

  1. Look for Z pattern with R:R of atleast 1:1
  2. Trade it- Even if it is against the trend.
  3. As a secondary analysis check the next VZ zone.

Kapeesh? :smiley:


Thanks Kasravi,

This is all I’ll follow from now.


Also I came to know that many people are trading outside the UK trading hours time period as you stated many times on
your website, Would you trade Z patterns outside the desired hours of trading personally?


Also guys,

When we say risk 1-2% of our account on a trade it varies depending on the spread of the currency right? So we may be trading different percentages for different currencies. For example, the EURUSD, 1% of a $1000 account would be $10 trade. How would we work it out for the rest of the currencies or is it just a estimate in terms of stop loss…

How perfect does the Z pattern completion need to be? In the attached chart, the perfect completion needed to be at 1.4445. The actual completion was at 1.4447. In your experience, is it critical for the pattern completion to be exactly on the channel, or do you allow a small margin of difference?

Thanks for your input.

I sleep at night, or try atleast. That’s why there is little chance for me trading outside those hours.


Position Size Calculator

A must have tool…


In scenarios like these I let my anticipation take lead. It’s a nifty looking ZP afterall, apart from the last point. On my charts it looks even closer. However,the bigger picture is key here.


im in eurcad trade … my entry is at the top … super good R:R brilliant stuff :slight_smile: