There is no such thing as a "Free Witdrawal"?!

Hey, newbie here, and a quick question.

Is there any broker out there that allows for free withdrawals???

At the face value plenty of them! Most brokers offer deposits and withdrawals to a debit/credit card, which is most often charge free. They do say, that the withdrawals have to be made to the same card from which the account has been funded in the first place, which seems fair and sensible.:slight_smile:

However, if one reads the small print, one will find that the maximum amount that can be withdrawn to a card, is the amount which was debited in the first place. So if one makes profits (I know brokers don’t actually expect amateurs to do that, but you know, just in case…) one will have to use other “non-free” methods, to see that money in ones bank account.:13: Even something as simple as a new card being issued for the same bank account, screws everything up. If let’s say, one deposits 5000 from a card, then the card gets changed and 1000 more is being deposited, one can get back, on that new card 1000, but nothing else.:mad:

So the question is: does anyone know of a broker that really allows free withdrawals, and does not engage in the above described “practices”?
