They say approx 95% of all retail traders fail to back a profit

Indeed. But people who start with that amount of money they end up jumping out off the window.

Yes haha, there aren’t many newbies starting with $30K in their first Forex account. :stuck_out_tongue:

There still are some rare cases; I guess that’s why the “profitable” large accounts still are a minority (47%). Maybe if there were statistics on 100K+ account sizes we could see profitability higher than 50%.

So what is the real statistic here? 25% or 5%? Is the 5% stat used to just scare people away? haha

Well, it is a fact tha all blow up an account in some point. So It would be better if someone makes a more in depth study and take statistcs of retail traders, the one who left, the one who are struggling and so one. There is not one sinlge study about it that I know, maybe the babypips staff should be a pioneer and make the study.

100% traders have blown account whether they are successful now. All of us blow account in our trading start. This 5% figure would have increased now because many young and smart people are in trading now.

I have never blown an account, and I don’t think that being ‘young’ (which in any case is a subjective description) has any relevance to whether one will make a success of trading.

Presenting opinion as fact does nothing to help this forum. Particularly such boldly incorrect opinion.

Me neither. By ‘blow an account’, I presume people mean lose all one’s money? Drive it down to £0? In which case, I’d go so far as to say that anyone who ‘blows an account’ must be blinkin’ stupid. Whether they knew nothing about trading or had been doing it for twenty years makes no difference. Still stupid. Seriously. I wouldn’t trust anyone who is daft enough to let that happen play on a 10p slot machine, let alone take real money into this minefield. I’m seeing so many posters who seem to take some sort of pride in saying how they’ve blown accounts in the past. Honestly, I don’t get it. They walking around with their T-shirts over their heads claiming to be The Great Cornholio? (Beavis & Butthead reference.)

I’ve posted my long reply here: 301 Moved Permanently I’ll cut and paste it but I assume people do not like double posting

IMHO blowing in account is somewhere between losing 37.5%-50% because of how much % gain needed on the remaining capital to get back to even. Given those parameters I have blown an account. But to 0, no. Hobbled to the point where you need excessive returns. yes.

I don’t think that that would be the majority definition of blowing an account, although perhaps I have just been misunderstanding all these years! But in any case, even under that definition I have not blown an account and stand by my criticism of the post.

the reason i use that 37.5% bench mark is cause thats when you become under review at a prop firm, and most probably fired.

edit: to be honest they would start squeezing you much before then though. cutting your size, risk limits, you would be in a vice.

How many times are you going to post a link to that post?

Interesting, I never knew that! Thanks for the insight.

First time I have linked to that post.

Please now have one of those pantomime, to-and-fro debates that make BP so entertaining these days! It’s a rainy Friday afternoon, after all.

Haha - oh no he didn’t…

Oh yes he did!

If you survive the “newbie” stage by building your account without blowing up, looks like you have an-almost 50% of becoming profitable. A lot better than 5%.

It depends if you treat forex trading like a casino or like a profession. Most new traders come in, try to make big returns, and then give up. There are very professions out there where you can be successful without hard work. Think of the losses in your first few years of forex trading as the cost of tuition.

These statistics are definitely intimidating but they aren’t going to scare me away haha. Hopefully if i stick with this for a few years I can become profitable and maybe look at this as a career option.